Any thoughts about the last two weeks of competitions?

  For the past 2 weeks, the in-form players have done well. As a player, of course you want to win every week. I just have to play better.

  Are there any future Chinese golf stars in he making?

  There are many good young Chinese players out there and I think they will only improve. Besides the efforts of the Chinese Golf Association, it’s also important for the parents to support their kids. It’s only with the support of the parents who understand the sport, that young kids can have the level of support needed and a future in this sport. A golf career has many ups and downs, you just got to take it one step at a time.

  Do you feel more pressure playing in Beijing?

  Of course there is pressure, but there’s pressure which ever tournament you play. When you are playing in your home country, there’s always a lot of fans. As a professional you need to be able to control your emotions and deal with the pressure.

  Who do you regard as your biggest opponent?

  I’ve got over 140 opponents here. But honestly, the biggest opponent I reckon is myself

  Are you feeling tired after a few continuous weeks of competition?

  I experienced playing over 10 consecutive weeks before and I feel good right now. I’ve played against John Daly before and I hope to be in the same group as him. The Pine Valley course has its own unique character and it’s in great shape. I can’t wait to play

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