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http://sports.sina.com.cn 2006年10月20日16:06 新浪体育

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  The relationship between the Golf Club Management and Turf Management

  本赫,成功的公司管理者,英国著名的高尔夫草坪和机械专家。其拥有的, Bernhard and Company Limited 是一家可以追溯到1880s的割草机公司,通过亲身实践,本赫公司的产品广受欢迎,当运用Express Dual and Anglemaster grinding program 技术的时候,其最大的特点就是可以把对草坪的损害减到最低,帮助改善草坪的健康和病虫害的防治。

  Berhard,a successful manager, whose company, Whom is very famous as the golf turf and equipment expert in England. Bernhard and Company Limited origins date back to the 1880s. Through hands-on experience, whose product is very popular ,and the most character is by running an Express Dual and Anglemaster grinding program , you can benefit from a cleaner cut which minimizes the damage to turf and helps improve health and disease resistance.

  本赫曾经与主要的割草机制造商并肩工作多年。 共同分享着成果,并本着一个共同的目标 - 为最经济投资,创造尽可能最好的草皮。

  Bernhard's has worked alongside major mower manufacturers for many years. Knowledge has been shared and a common goal identified - to produce the best possible turf conditions for the most economic investment.


  Bernhard and Company has learned a great deal about improving the economy and efficiency of reel mowers and the way in which they perform.

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