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http://sports.sina.com.cn 2006年02月24日14:29 新浪体育

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  新浪体育讯 Name:LIANG Wen Chong

  Date of Birth:2 Aug 1978

  Country: China

  Residence:Zhongsan, China

  Turn Pro:1991

  Player Profile

  Liang, one of China’s brightest stars, was the 1999 China PGA Tour Order of Merit winner and won the Shenzhen, Beijin, Dalian and Kunming Classics in 1999. Liang finished 3rd in the Asian Tour sanctioned Sanya Open in 2004, also held at Yalong Bay Golf Club, hence adding optimism to his performance in the TCL Classic 2006.

  Liang scored an impressive 100 percent (not missing a single cut) record in 2003 on the Asian Tour, and his consistent performance since, all through to the 2005 season, earned him a precious captain’s pick to play for the winning Team Asia at the 2005 Dynasty Cup.

  Notably, Liang scored a hole-in-one in the 2002 TCL Classic and eventually finished third behind Thongchai Jaidee and champion Colin Montgomerie.


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