AlphaGo官方解读让三子 对人类高手没这种优势
5月24日,围棋峰会人工智能论坛上,阿尔法围棋团队大卫席尔瓦透露,与柯洁比赛的alphago master版本远胜去年赢李世石的版本,机器间对弈可让三子。不少网友还对让三子有些误解,以为最新版本的AlphaGo已经可以让人类顶尖棋手三子,其实并不然,只是新版本的AlphaGo可以让旧的版本三个子,并不能够直接衡量AlphaGo与人类之间的具体差距。对此职业棋手樊麾微博上发表了AlphaGo首席研究员关于让三子的官方申明:
新版本的AlphaGo, 已经过几百万次的自我训练,并在检测旧版本弱点方面表现出色。也因此,新版本的AlphaGo可以让旧的版本三个子。但当AlphaGo与从未对弈过的人类棋手对局时,这样的优势就不复存在了,尤其是柯洁这样的围棋大师,他可能帮助我们发现Alphago未曾展露的新弱点。这样的衡量标准是无法比较的。对于本周的第二轮和第三轮对局,我们拭目以待。
The new version of AlphaGo has trained against itself millions of times, and has learned to become very good at exploiting the weaknesses in previous versions。 That‘s why it’s about three stones stronger in head-to-head games against its older self。 But that doesn‘t mean anything when it comes up against a human player with whom AlphaGo has never trained - particularly a great master like Ke Jie, who can uncover new weaknesses we don’t know about。 The scales just aren‘t comparable。 We are excited for the second and third games this week!
- David Silver, lead researcher for AlphaGo