

http://sports.sina.com.cn  2011年12月10日17:02  新浪体育微博

  新浪体育讯 北京时间12月10日消息,在浙江输给北京这场比赛后,JR史密斯(微博)在微博里赞扬了马布里(微博),而在今天他又发了一条微博,表示对于球迷质疑他出手过多不满。

  昨晚结束后,JR史密斯发了一条比较大度的微博:“Great game! Hate losing but it's still a long season I take my hat off to @StephonMarbury great game! Great leadership!(比赛很不错!我很厌恶输球,但是赛季还很长,我向马布里致敬,伟大的领袖。)”

  而马布里也回应了JR史密斯,他在微博里说:“My brother keep doing your thing. Your playing hard and the fans in China appreciate you more then you know. They love you here and it's hard to gain the love of real fans in the Chinese fans. It was a great game and you played amazing as you've been doing so all year。(兄弟继续做好你的事情,你打的很努力,中国球迷很感激你,他们爱你,要得到真正球迷的爱是非常难得。比赛打的不错,你打的也不错哦!)”

  上午的时候,JR史密斯一觉醒来,又发了一条微博:“Sorry to all of my teammates and fans about the game last night! If you feel I shot to much I'll make it up to y'all I won't shoot a single shot tomorrow! Just rebound play D an pass。(昨晚的比赛输了,对不起队友们和球迷们。如果你觉得我投篮太多了,我明天一个也不投了,我只抢篮板和传球。)”



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