几招教你迅速练好一字马,一字马的练习和完成需要拉伸腿部前侧后侧髋部, 如何迅速的让你开髋拉伸,燕子老师带你入门。[详情]
脊柱,是人体的支架。有句话说得好,“脊柱有多灵活,人就有多年轻”。区分老年人和年轻人的一个重要标志就是看“脊柱”的弹性。 清晨跟着燕子老师进行十分钟瑜伽脊柱唤醒序列,开启美好的一天。[详情]
MS, PhD(c), CSCS, NSCA-CPT, RCPT*E; ACSM–EP, CPT, EIM2; NASM-CES, PES, WMS; ACE-CPT, CHC这些一大串耀眼的名号还不会念就已经亮瞎了眼。 没错,这就是IDEA中国峰会今年新任导师之一,Alexis Batrakoulis身上闪闪发光的标签。 Alexis,自1995年以来就扎身健身行业,可以说是在这个行业里有超过25年的行业经验了!目前,他是培训师、运动专家和运动生理学家,工作地点遍布全球,从欧洲、中东、亚洲到美国。在他的祖国希腊,他也为网球、跆拳道、足球担任体能导师。 从1996年第一次参加在奥兰多举办的IDEA全球峰会时,Alexis就被顶级讲师的魅力、狂热的学习氛围、良好的峰会组织所折服。没想到很多年后,那个仰望的男孩,成为了如今站在讲台上星光熠熠的导师。甚至,在2018年还二度收获了健身行业的“奥斯卡”,获得了IDEA年度最佳私人教练。 IDEA Fitness Award在2018年颁出了IDEA年度健身领袖、IDEA年度最佳私教、IDEA年度最佳团操教练,以及IDEA Jack LaLanne奖,这几个超重量奖项。在九位来自世界各地的候选人中,每一位都带着健身界“多样、包容、专业、优秀”的特质,他们不仅是行业先锋、领导者,也是推动行业向前的力量。在9位候选人中,Alexis脱颖而出,摘得最佳私教。这个奖项,代表着全球健身行业最权威的风向。 顶着“ACE国际大师级培训师、ACSM运动医学认证和专业教育委员会成员、欧洲专业标准委员会成员”这些名号,Alexis此番来到IDEA中国峰会,针对大家普遍关注的问题带来了他的专业课程。 例如,减重的功能性间歇训练。在近来的研究中显示,间歇性神经肌肉训练是改善超重人群健康状况、运动表现等安全、有效的方式。如果你想突破已有的自重练习、功能性训练、团课等相关减重方式,寻找一些更科学、先进的减重方法,成为国内行业先驱。那么通过这个课程,Alexis能帮助你架起理论与应用的桥梁,你可以GET到如何制定一个间歇训练计划。 他在台湾开设的对抗肥胖课程 如果你有任何肥胖方面的疑问,他绝对是最好的导师了,因为他正在从事运动和肥胖方面的博士研究呢~ 2019IDEA中国峰会,Alexis Batrakoulis将首度亮相!相信他的经历、他的课程一定会给你更多启发!如果你想知道他的奋斗故事,如果你也有一个仰望者的梦想,来峰会听他讲。 先提前认识一下吧~ Q:之前有来过中国吗? Alexis:自2017年以来,我先后6次受邀来到北京、上海、西安、成都、广州、香港、澳门、台北等城市,我发现大家对专业知识求知若渴。中国的健身产业正在崛起,我相信在不久后,中国的健身教练可以得到更多机会。 Q:推荐三本您觉得很这个行业从业者必看的书吧! Alexis:我的背景和专业知识主要集中在运动和健康方面,重点关注患有肥胖症或其他可控的、由生活方式引起的疾病(如2型糖尿病、血脂异常、代谢综合征等)。因此,我强烈推荐以下书籍,它们向健身专业人士提供了针对临床人群的健康指导指南。 1) 《ACSM运动测试和处方指南》第十版(ACSM‘s Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription, 10th ed) 2)《NSCA特殊人群训练概论》(NSCA‘s Essentials of Training Special Populations) 3) 《ACE医疗健身专家手册》(ACE‘s Medical Exercise Specialist Manual) Q:今年的IDEA中国峰会还推出了一个概念,叫做拥抱数字时代。数字化将会引领全球健身产业的潮流,您怎么看? Alexis:我坚信科技是健身行业重要推动力。通过互联网,我们可以提供更好的服务,了解更安全有效的器械,更方便学习行业前沿,还可以更方便地考证,哈哈哈。一些APP真的造福我们的客户、我们自己以及行业,数字化、科技化对我们行业发展实在太重要了。 更多导师信息持续放送中 你期待的大咖正在路上 千万不要错过哦 峰会日程 参加一个培训,少则几千,多则上万,都是很稀松平常的事。在一个培训里,或许你只能学习一种体系的课程,但在IDEA中国峰会,130+节课程,包括了30+个不同的顶级培训课程体系! 一个培训或许只能接触两三位顶级导师,但IDEA有50+创始人级别的精英导师!把全球的大咖认个遍! 一个培训或许只有一家机构的继续教育学分,而IDEA则有ACE®、NASM®、AASFP®、PTAG®等,国际顶级培训机构的互认学分!一节课顶好几节! 这么多的优势,IDEA中国峰会3日通票仅售1699元,提前购买还享受早鸟价优惠! 2019IDEA中国峰会3日通票售价 早鸟阶段(11-06.11) 早鸟价:1699元 会员早鸟价:1699元额外赠送价值500元神秘礼包 优惠阶段(12-08.11) 优惠价:1999元 会员优惠价:1699元 峰会阶段(12-08.24) 峰会价:2299元 会员峰会价:1999元[详情]
一个问题,IDEA中国峰会是什么? 是37年品质的坚持 被誉为健身行业的超级碗 只呈现全球最好的培训体系 只邀请体系中最权威的专家导师 只专注于为专业教练提供专业内容 所以IDEA中国峰会就是适合你! IDEA全球峰会 IDEA全球峰会有37年历史,被誉为健身行业的超级碗。峰会的导师人数及课程数量更是世界之最。课程内容紧跟行业趋势,更与20+家专业认证机构合作,可获得的继续教育学分总数为同类大会之最。 2018年,带着全球范围内已服务27万教练的深厚积累 IDEA中国峰会首次落地上海! 2018峰会回顾 2018,IDEA中国峰会为中国的健身爱好者带来了: 28位创始人级别的国际顶级导师 87节国际顶级健身精品课程 最高6分的ACE®、NASM®、AASFP®、PTAG®四家国际机构互认继续教育学分 因为坚持为健身爱好者带来最高质量的专业内容 IDEA中国峰会也得到了中国健身爱好者们的热烈支持! 80%的参会学员,三天峰会期间风雨无阻,天天来上课! 预计容纳100人的教室,被想要上课的热情学员挤满,最多的一节课容纳了375人! 即使没有选课的制约,高质量的课程学员们必定是不会中途离场的!94%的学员会留在教室里上完一整节课! 而在去年第一届IDEA中国峰会之后,那些最顶尖的国际导师对IDEA学员的评价是:“求知欲旺盛”、“对知识渴求”、“对专业热爱”、“是我见过的最棒的学生!” 那么,今年,就等你了! 一起来展现你的热爱!点燃你的激情!开始全新的健身之旅 继续看下去!让我们来告诉你,IDEA中国峰会如何走在国际前沿,如何坚持品质与专业,而我们的学员则必定会成为“更棒的自己”! 2019门票开售 导师拼魅力大赛卷土袭来 50+国际机构创始人级别的精英导师,带着他们走过的“坑”倾情而来!每位导师都在国际上享有极高声誉,并经过IDEA评审委员会的审查评定! 去年,学员们全程站着也想要听的热门讲座,今年准备更充分!关键是,干货满满!最前沿的科学实践分享、最专业的客户指导……不用完一本笔记本可别回去啊~ 去年最受学员喜爱的大神今年也会再次驾到!一个个响当当的名字给不少学员留下深刻印象!当然,导师们的亲切,课下一起照相、课堂一起讨论,也是出了名的赞! 今年,还有更多大神也将和你面对面分享!随便介绍一个导师,都是在行业里有超过10年经验的人。比如Alexis Batrakoulis博士,他可是去年又第二次荣获了IDEA年度健身教练大奖!与导师们建立起顶尖关系链,还怕以后行走江湖没有什么个金字招牌吗? 导师信息持续更新中!还有更多大咖将陆续来临,千万不要错过哦! 130+国际精品课程威力持久 还记得去年Lecture场场爆满,Workshop也不遑多让的场景吗?今年峰会的课程内容,足够你一年消化巩固! 导师们精心准备的讲解PPT包含动图、视频等等形式,帮助学员理解动作要领,同时指出容易出错的地方。 上课会枯燥吗?NoNoNo!IDEA的课堂氛围是提问和互动占主导,如果没有按时下课绝对是因为积极性太高! 今年我们的课程内容将涵盖私教训练技能、训练科学、小团体课程、职业技能提升、运动营养与行为改变、团操课程、专业设备课程、身心训练。每一个课程内容经过IDEA评审委员会、继续教育学分机构双重审查评定。导师会严格遵循课程大纲,确保课程品质。同时课程内容还结合中国市场需求进行了优化,国际化与实用性兼具是不是~ 顾及每一位学员,纠正细节亲身示范,好评爆表,也正因为导师的专业、认真、负责,学员不管多难也要来听呢! 继续教育学分囊括其中 峰会上的课程,算不算学分?当然算咯! Workshop & Lecture的所有课程,都包含继续教育学分,最多可获得30+CECs,这将是行业之最呀! 峰会之后你还将获得IDEA颁发的证书,凭证书你可以向学分互认的机构申请继续教育学分,一站式获得多个机构的CECs。机构包括:ACE®、NASM®、AASFP®、PTAG®等国际顶级培训机构。提醒一下,这样一箭N雕的买卖不好找了哦! 顶级配套服务,享受VIP待遇 英语不好,听不懂大大们在讲什么!没关系!峰会所有Lecture、论坛配备同声传译!确保导师内容准确无误传达给每一位学员Wrokshop、Workout课程还有助教及翻译。你认识的优秀国内健身讲师,可能就是我们邀请的助教或翻译哦!比如去年张启凌老师就担任了Scott Piri的翻译,要知道张老师自己本身就是健身圈大咖! 如果你还想在峰会之后再来看看,有没有错过什么精彩画面,峰会的课程、导师采访等等,我们都会全程直播!来吧一同分享IDEA的精彩! 再透露一个小彩蛋,IDEA中国峰会今年将拥抱数字时代!全新的智慧场馆将带来智能化互动新体验。 除了在IDEA中国峰会上追求知识,课外活动我们也是花尽心思! 来上课也来结交各路好友 IDEA全球颁奖盛典 作为全球健身行业的风向标,我们每年都会为那些真正推动行业发展的专业人士,送上有国内外权威机构共同认证的奖杯,这代表了整个行业的认可!今年谁将捧得健身行业中最具含金量的奖杯呢?是你一直仰望的导师还是身边的低调大神?IDEA中国特别认证的年度新秀、年度贡献奖将花落哪位大咖?不管如何,全球健身行业规格最高的荣誉由你一起见证啦! 女士的礼服,男士的西装,几杯酒,上海的夜,黄浦江畔的历史与时尚一定会留下一个难忘的夜晚。我们准备好舞台了,那么你呢? 不要错过任何一个补货的机会,看看最近世界上在流行什么黑科技。2019IDEA中国峰会首次引入健身消费展,12个不同类别的消费项目定会让你大开眼界。补货进行时,你一定会淘到宝的! 仅为赞助商及合作伙伴VIP开放的专属体验课程,课程体系针对不同运动项目定制,包括高尔夫、网球、跑步、自行车等各类不同运动。国际顶级导师亲身指导,一眼看问题一言解惑。 这是属于行业培训龙头的聚会。平时见不到的俱乐部操盘者,各大连锁俱乐部董事长将会出席交流论坛。国内外运营思维,头部玩家深入对话,3F将携手IDEA为推动全行业发展提供新思路。 当你去年还在暗搓搓地思索要不要来面基,IDEA中国峰会就已经红到不行!而今年,不用说,一定会有更多眼花缭乱的新大招!👇👇👇 峰会日程 日期 时间 日程安排 08月21日 9:00 - 18:00 独立收费课程* 13:00 - 17:30 连锁俱乐部私董会 19:00 - 21:00 嘉宾欢迎晚宴 08月22日 8:00 - 18:00 核心课程 10:00 - 11:30 IDEA全球颁奖盛典 13:00 - 17:30 连锁俱乐部私董会 13:30 - 14:30 VIP专属私教课 15:00 - 16:00 16:30 - 17:30 08月23日 8:00 - 18:00 核心课程 08月24日 8:00 - 18:00 核心课程 08月25日 9:00 - 18:00 独立收费课程* (*:单独收费) 平心而论,参加一个培训,少则几千,多则上万,都是很稀松平常的事。 在一个培训里,或许你只能学习一种体系的课程,但在IDEA中国峰会,130+节课程,包括了30+个不同的顶级培训课程体系! 一个培训或许只能接触两三位顶级导师,但IDEA有50+创始人级别的精英导师!把全球的大咖认个遍! 一个培训或许只有一家机构的继续教育学分,而IDEA则有ACE®、NASM®、AASFP®、PTAG®等国际顶级培训机构的互认学分!一节课顶好几节! 这么多的优势,IDEA中国峰会3日通票仅售1699元,提前购买还享受早鸟价优惠!前200名购买者中,更将抽取50名,获得2020IDEA中国峰会门票! 超高的性价比,享受顶级的健身培训体验,先买到就是先赚到! 2019IDEA中国峰会3日通票售价 早鸟阶段(11-06.11) 早鸟价:1699元 会员早鸟价:1699元,额外赠送价值500元神秘礼包 优惠阶段(12-08.11) 优惠价:1999元 会员优惠价:1699元 峰会阶段(12-08.24) 峰会价:2299元 会员峰会价:1999元 当你还在观望,其他人已经在行动了!快来补补课,再不补就赶不上今年的时髦末班车咯! 马上报名,了解更多导师课程介绍! 来IDEA中国峰会 点燃你的激情 IGNITE YOUR PASSION[详情]
如果回想2018IDEA中国峰会的名场景,Pete McCall的动态解剖学一课难求的场面一定是其中之一!他突破传统,将解剖学教课书上没有准确描述肌肉的方式动态化,带领学员们重新理解肌肉在直立运动中的功能,帮助教练更好的制定训练计划。整个峰会下来,学员反馈中对他的课程点!赞!多!到!爆! 如果你经常看外刊,Pete McCall这个名字你一定会注意到,并且他名字后通常都被冠以Expert(专家)这个称呼。就连华盛顿邮报、华尔街时报、圣地牙哥联合论坛报、《时代周刊》、《男士健康》、《SELF》、《Glamour》、《美国新闻与世界报道》等世界级新闻媒体都这么称呼他。 除了私人客户、执教团队课程外,Pete已经有超过10年的经验在私人教练培训领域。他是一个典型的斜杠青年,既是Motion Institute的科学官员,也是与认证机构、服装生产商和医疗保险公司合作的自由顾问,同时还持有ACE、NASM认证证书。(敲黑板,大家的ACE私人教练认证Pete也有参与编写!快抱大腿吧) 运动科学硕士毕业后,Pete便从事这项工作,他给美国海军、白宫、世界银行、国际消防战士协会等等世界级机构做过演讲培训。不仅是个健康产业的布道者,Pete也自己玩比赛,各州最高级别的橄榄球比赛他都打过,还帮助过俱乐部赢得了全国冠军,也成为了美国男子国家队(老鹰队)的训练教练员。 作为中国常客,Pete对这里一点也不陌生。相反,他非常看好中国的健身事业。你也许在2018年的中国体育大会见到过他,也有可能在锐步大使的教育研讨会上与他擦肩而过,不过这都不重要。因为2019IDEA中国峰会,他将出现!同样,他今年的课程一定不会让你失望! 为此我们还提前迅速地“解剖”了他! Q:进入这个行业这么多年了,在哪个阶段遇到了自己的瓶颈期呢?有没有突破? Pete:最大的挑战就是深入地了解客户。认识和了解,是两回事,能否深入地了解又是另一回事。大多时候,我都会通过问问题的方式对客户进行了解,了解他们的需求和恐惧,想办法让他们感到舒适,这样我们的训练计划才能解决问题。这是一个很长的过程。 Q:推荐三本您觉得这个行业的从业者必看的书吧! Pete:Thomas Myers写的《Anatomy Trains》(解剖列车)。这本书能帮你更深刻地了解人体运动机制,让你知道筋膜网以及弹性纤维组织是如何产生运动的。 《Essentials of Strength and Conditioning, 4th edition》(体能训练概论第4版)这是NSCA-CSCS认证的教科书,听名字感觉有点无聊是不是,但它阐述了力量训练的生理机制以及身体对不同类型练习的适应,值得一读! 《聪明的训练》(Smarter Workouts)这是我写的书哈哈哈哈,这本书是基于我20年的培训和教育实战经验,我希望这本书能让大家了解自己身体的运作机制,告诉你如何运用最简单的器械,就能练到灵活性、能量代谢系统以及力量等多种运动素质。 欢迎大家峰会时带我推荐的书和我一起探讨! Q:健身这个行业其实在中国发展时间并不长,还没有成为普遍趋势,不过普及度是越来越高了。在西方,大多数人很小就被灌输健身意识,对于如何让中国健身专家们帮助客户培养健身习惯,您有什么推荐的法门吗? Pete:首先,运动会带来健康,这是大家都知道的。我会跟他们描绘一下健康长寿的生活,吃嘛嘛香这很重要不是?特别是到了一定年龄,锻炼绝对必不可许。中国现在不是很流行走路吗?你看大家的锻炼意识是有了的,只是缺乏怎么做。 其次呢,锻炼关乎于幸福和健康,我希望当代人更多追求的不是增肌减脂塑形这种层面的锻炼。我的个人锻炼理念是,当你想做啥时就能做啥就是最好的。 Q:今年的IDEA中国峰会还推出了一个概念,叫做“拥抱数字时代”。数字化将会引领全球健身产业的潮流,您怎么看? Pete:视频流媒体当然也确实是让健身变得更容易了。我也有我自己音频课程,不过是英文的哈哈哈哈。 但正是因为这种方便,也出现了一些我认为的问题。比如很多网红健身,他们有好看的身体、超高的颜值,吸引了一大波人跟着他们训练。可是,他们发布的内容有些可能是不正确的,说不定在你训练中就会造成很大的身体伤害。所以,建议大家尽量向受过正规运动科学教育的专家学习,那些肌肉小鲜肉、翘臀美女看起来专业,但事实并非如此。 作为一个教练,只有经过系统的学习才能掌握制定训练计划的技能,这背后的是知识储备和教育积淀,并不是从这里从那里随处学点就可以了的。 人狠话不多!导师信息持续更新中!还有更多大咖将陆续来临,千万不要错过哦! 峰会日程 参加一个培训,少则几千,多则上万,都是很稀松平常的事。在一个培训里,或许你只能学习一种体系的课程,但在IDEA中国峰会,130+节课程,包括了30+个不同的顶级培训课程体系! 一个培训或许只能接触两三位顶级导师,但IDEA有50+创始人级别的精英导师!把全球的大咖认个遍! 一个培训或许只有一家机构的继续教育学分,而IDEA则有ACE®、NASM®、AASFP®、PTAG®等,国际顶级培训机构的互认学分!一节课顶好几节! 这么多的优势,IDEA中国峰会3日通票仅售1699元,提前购买还享受早鸟价优惠! 2019IDEA中国峰会3日通票售价 早鸟阶段(11-06.11) 早鸟价:1699元 会员早鸟价:1699元额外赠送价值500元神秘礼包 优惠阶段(12-08.11) 优惠价:1999元 会员优惠价:1699元 峰会阶段(12-08.24) 峰会价:2299元 会员峰会价:1999元 了解更多导师课程介绍! 来IDEA中国峰会 点燃你的激情 IGNITE YOUR PASSION[详情]
近些年,健身意外事故时有发生。树立急救意识对俱乐部来说至关重要,这不仅仅是为了防范风险、降低损失,更是为了给会员提供一个安全的健身环境。 在未来,会员对健身急救服务的需求会越来越高,配备完善的急救装置和健全的应急预案,也将成为俱乐部发展的必然趋势。 因此,IDEA联合OSMART专业急救保障团队,致力于推广中国健身行业的健身急救服务。 作为试点俱乐部,IDEA上海中心在接受了OSMART团队的全面风险评估。 场馆整体风险评估,一个危险点都不放过! 为了能够量身定制合适的急救应急预案,OSMART团队对IDEA上海中心的场馆进行了整体的观察了解,评估了现场可能出现的意外事故致伤机制,以及应急处置的响应能力。 每一间教室,每一个器械区域,可能出现的各种风险类型,他们综合考量了种种因素,为IDEA上海中心制定了最合适的生命通道。 在评估之后,OSMART团队给出了一份完善的风险评估报告,对场馆内可能发生的伤害事故进行分类整理,并作出相关的处理意见。了解了这些,IDEA上海中心将会逐步完善相关的急救应急服务。 联手OSMART,专业的急救团体保障安全 OSMART急救由Dr。 曹深诚先生创立,致力于面向社会各群体提供国际化科学且高质量的院外各领域急救技能知识培训。同时,他们也致力于为社会各环境人群建立高质“急救应急响应机制”解决方案,力求提升中国社会基础救护环境。 团队成员持有美国心脏协会(AHA)、国际野外医学会(WMAI)、国际搜救教练联盟(IRIA)等专业急救资质证书,曾多次参与国内各类大型专业赛事的急救保障工作。 OSMART成为IDEA上海中心的急救保障团队,主要负责现场处置、转运、指挥。他们的加入将会大大提升IDEA上海中心的急救处置能力! 未来,IDEA的工作人员还将会陆续接受OSMART的专业培训,作为现场的第一响应人,确保最快速应急反应。 风险评估流程分解,建立完备的应急预案 OSMART在健身场所的急救方面有非常完备的专业知识,他们可以为健身房提供国际标准的健身急救服务。 首先他们将会实地查看健身房的健身环境,通过和相关工作人员的现场交流沟通,再结合以往案例,评估健身房内可能会出现的致伤隐患、现场人员的急救处置能力、健身房应急处置的响应能力。 然后他们将会对健身房人员做归类整理,明确风险类型、意识盲区、常见损失、伤害风险等,并指出需要学习的急救技能有哪些。 之后他们则可以为健身房量身定制一套应急预案,包括各类应急标识的配置、急救设备(如急救箱、AED等)的配置、急救响应流程的制定、急救响应级别的分类、划分生命通道。 OSMART为IDEA上海中心配置的这台ZOLL AED Plus自动体外除颤仪,操作快速,简单易用,自开机起22.6秒内可完成第一次除颤电击,可快速提供有效除颤。ZOLL拥有专利智能CPR反馈技术,目前唯一可以提供CPR深度和频率实时反馈的AED,符合最新国际急救指南推荐,显著提高CPR完成质量,提高患者救治率。 近年来各类健身事故频频发生,这些悲剧的产生有多方面原因,但其中一个共同的因素则是健身房没有配备合适的AED设备,导致未能及时施救。如果当时有AED的话,或许能够增加被救的成功率。 完成风险评估、应急预案制定、急救设施配备的流程之后,根据健身房不同的需求,他们还可以提供急救技能的培训、在线急救求助的指导,等等各类配套服务,确保健身急救能够高效进行。 在美国,健身房被要求必须要有符合国际标准的急救配套设施及服务,健身房内工作人员也必须要懂得相关急救知识,并通过考核持有急救证书。 目前国内的相关法律并没有要求健身房需要配备急救设备,或要求从业人员持有急救证书。但随着健身人群的日渐增多,相信这将成为健身房未来的发展方向。 IDEA上海中心,作为IDEA与OSMART联合推动健身急救服务的首个试点,希望借此增进大家对健身行业急救保障的安全意识! 健身千万次,安全最重要。急救不到位,亲人两行泪![详情]
健身教练证哪个最权威?[史上最完整干货] 都说健身教练工资高、工作机会多,想入行除了练好体型、掌握好技能以外,拿到一些有含金量的证书才是求职应聘的加分项。 问题来了,健身教练认证有哪些?哪个证书最权威?哪个证书最适合自己? 一、欧洲和美国健身教练认证的模式 健身私人教练的认证最早起源于欧美,比如欧洲健康与健身行业协会EuropeActive,美国国家认证机构委员会NCAA认可的美国国家运动医学会NASM、美国运动医学会ACSM、美国运动委员会ACE、美国体能运动协会NSCA等。当时的培训周期多为7至15天,且仅面向体育科班生报名。这种短期专业培训,并不适合中国零基础学生。 二、中国效仿欧美健身教练认证模式的阶段 逐渐国内市场上也出现效仿欧美的短期认证培训机构,不过发展过程中遇到很多难题:初期,健身教练大多来自体育院校,有理论知识、缺乏实操经验,为会员指导时经验不足;此外,我国零基础学生数量占比很大,短期培训机构不接收零基础学生,导致健身教练整体水平没有太大提升。这些因素制约行业发展,健身行业也未形成大规模经济效益。 三、赛普开创零基础全能私人教练教育体系的先河 北京申奥成功后健身火热起来,一兆韦德、英派斯、浩沙等大型俱乐部遍地开花,市场对专业健身教练的需求暴增。2009年我国第一家零基础健身教练培训机构——赛普健身应运而生,并相继研发零基础培训、中高阶培训,业务半径从北京扩展到深圳、上海。 四、自主研发+引进国际先进技术,逐渐完善全能私人教练教育体系,奠定了赛普的行业地位 (1)聘请美国南加州大学教授陈月定制“21种疼痛课程”、引入运动康复课程 (2)携手北京体育大学共同出版《赛普健身私人教练》教材 (3)和国家开放大学达成学历教育合作+学分互认联盟 (4)率先推进高含金量和高认可度的NASM、ACSM等国际认证。除赛普外,其他零基础培训机构暂无这两项认证培训。NASM课程已开放限额报名,详情可参见官网www.saipujianshen.com (5)赛普健身联姻欧洲健康与健身行业协会EuropeActive,简称EA,前身是欧盟体育与健身分会、欧洲健身行业规则和分级的制定者,赛普CPT认证学生可直接联合登记欧洲四级私人教练 (6)赛普健身为CBBA中国健美协会指定私人教练培训基地 (7)与IFBB国际健身健美联合会共创国际私人教练认证课 (8)赛普学生可在校申考国家体育总局国家健身教练职业资格证 适合自己的健身教练证才能为职业发展加码,备考期间不懂就问,全面了解,有的放矢。申请策略、培训费用、证书适用范围等考证相关问题都可以通过关注赛普健身教练基地(微信号bjspjsxy)公众号联系咨询。 五、成立IDEA中国、引进MJP课程,赛普致力于构筑可持续发展的教育⽣态体系 (迈克尔·约翰逊到赛普健身教练培训基地访问交流) 私教工作室、互联网+智能健身房的涌现,私教非常需要高标准发展。赛普健身开始探索继续教育领域,开设中体未来青少儿体能教练培训学院、比戈体能学院SP+,引进迈克尔·约翰逊开办的MJP运动表现中心的课程体系完善教育生态。 (赛普健身教练培训基地林怀慎院长出席IDEA中国启动仪式) 2018年赛普健身与美国IDEA成立IDEA中国,引入IDEA先进课程,共建有品质的继续教育平台,深度布局继续教育领域。美国IDEA是全球最具影响力的健身教练线上终生继续教育平台,已有全球超27万专业教练在该平台学习。 十年磨一剑,这个十年赛普健身数据亮眼,全球认证学生近8万名、合作健身俱乐部超3万家遍布600多个城市、获得荣誉达20余项。 无论是NASM、ACSM、EA还是国职,在认证过程中都有一套标准化评估体系,国际认证更大的优势是加强自身国际前沿实力,另外,通常情况下健身教练机构培训教育体系越完整,学习效果和体验更佳。 适合自己的才是最好的。[详情]
针对久坐年轻女性的训练指南 Training Guidance for Sedentary Young Women 一项2017年的研究表明,将力量训练与心肺训练结合,对初入职场的女性的健康有着诸多益处。 A 2017 study shows the health benefits of combining cardiovascular and strength training for women early in 研究综述:Kyröläinen, H., et al. 2017.力量与耐力的混合训练对健康年轻女性的身体机能和生理指标的影响。The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 32 (6), 1554–61. Study reviewed: Kyröläinen, H., et al. 2017. Effects of combined strength and endurance training on physical performance and biomarkers of healthy young women. The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 32 (6), 1554–61. 大学生经常会参加运动健身的相关研究,因此研究人员对如何提高他们的肌肉力量与心血管机能有着足够的了解。但科学家们对25-30岁的久坐女性了解的并不多,这些女性大部分都刚刚从校园步入职场。Kyröläinen等人(2017)开始着手于缩小对两种群体认知的差距。 Researchers know a lot about improving muscular strength and cardiovascular endurance in college-age students, since they often participate in fitness studies. But scientists don’t know so much about sedentary women aged 25–30, most of whom are transitioning from college to work. Kyröläinen et al. (2017) set out to narrow this knowledge gap. 研究人员指出,25-30岁年龄段的许多职业女性很难找到时间来完成世界卫生组织(World Health Organization)和美国疾病控制与预防中心(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)等组织提出的锻炼建议。此外,关于此类女性的最佳训练量和训练进展的相关研究也少有发表。 The researchers noted that many working women in the 25–30 age group struggle to find time to meet exercise recommendations from groups like the World Health Organization and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Moreover, there is little published research on optimal training volumes and exercise progressions for these women. Kyröläinen的项目有助于阐明一些事实。该项目团队发现存在一种针对心血管机能与力量的混合训练计划,该计划能够提高久坐女性的健康参数指标。该研究仅关注于锻炼的作用,除了监测参与者的饮食之外,并不给予任何营养的控制与建议。 Kyröläinen’s project helps clarify things. The team’s research found that a combined cardiovascular endurance and muscular strength program improved several parameters of health and well-being in sedentary young women. The study focused solely on the impact of exercise—there was no nutritional component beyond monitoring the volunteers’ diets. 受试者 Participants 17名办公室久坐女性自愿参与了该项研究。这些女性(年龄25-30岁;65%的人超重或肥胖;29%体重正常;6%体重偏轻)被告知不要在研究期间的9周内参与任何形式的其他体育运动。Kyröläinen团队没有给予受试者饮食干预,鼓励受试者维持她们原有的饮食结构,但需要她们每周记录3天(包括一天周末)的饮食日记。 Seventeen sedentary women who worked primarily in office jobs volunteered for the study. The women (aged 25–30; 65% with overweight or obesity; 29% with normal weight; 6% who were underweight) were instructed not to begin any other sports activities or exercise programs during the 9 weeks of the study. Kyröläinen’s team provided no dietary intervention, but participants were encouraged to maintain their current diets and asked to complete 3-day food diaries (with one weekend day) for every week of the study. 测试与跟踪记录 Testing and Tracking 研究小组收集了训练前、中、后的各种测试方法。 The research team gathered various measurements before, during and after the training period. 有氧能力。该测试使用功率自行车作为测试工具,每位受试者初始负载为75W,每2分钟增加25W进行递增强度运动,直到受试者力竭。 Aerobic capacity. Using a cycle ergometer, each participant began with a 75-watt load, which increased by 25 watts every 2 minutes until she reached exhaustion. 最大力量。最大力量可以使用腿举机和卧推架来测试,在腿举和卧推动作轨迹的中点可以测得受试者上下肢伸肌的最大等长收缩力量。同时,该团队也对受试者进行1RM极限重量与10RM全关节范围的伸膝测试。 使用测力计测量受试者固定直立姿态下腹肌与背肌的力量,受试者进行背伸测试(保持3秒)与卷腹测试来测量腰腹的最大等长力量。 Maximal strength. The subjects’ maximal isometric leg extension and arm extension forces were measured at the midpoint of movement on a leg press and bench press. They also did a 1-repetition maximum and a 10-RM set of full-range-of-motion leg extension. A strain gauge measured force in the abdominal and back muscles in a fixed vertical position. Participants completed maximal isometric extension for the back (3-second hold) and flexion for the abdominals. 实验室测试。血样可以记录受试者的总胆固醇、高密度脂蛋白胆固醇、低密度脂蛋白胆固醇、葡萄糖、甘油三酯(血脂)、睾酮、皮质醇和雌二醇的水平。 Lab tests. Blood samples documented participants’ levels of total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, glucose, triglycerides (blood fats), testosterone, cortisol and estradiol. 身体成分:生物电仪器可以分析电流通过人体组织时的电阻。这项测试估量了人体的总含水量,从而预测了人体脂肪和肌肉的比例。 Body composition. Bio-electrical impedance analysis determined electrical opposition to the flow of an electric current through body tissues. The test estimates total body water, which predicts the percentages of fat and muscle in the body. 训练计划 Training Program 受试女性每周训练3次,共持续9周。前7周,每位受试者每周进行2次力量训练(根据个性化的训练大纲每周更新训练内容)和1次心肺训练。 The women trained three times a week for 9 weeks. For each of the first 7 weeks, they did two strength training workouts (updated each week with individualized training guidelines) and one cardiovascular training session. 在最后2周里,每位受试者进行1次力量训练和2 次心肺训练。 In the last 2 weeks, they did two cardiovascular endurance workouts and one strength training session per week. 前期的心血管机能的训练时间为30分钟,受试者通过研究人员的引导进行室内自行车训练。在持续9周训练的最后阶段,训练时间逐渐增加到55分钟。 The cardio workouts started with 30 minutes of researcher-led indoor cycling, progressing to 55 minutes by the end of the 9-week study. The women trained at 85%–91% of maximal oxygen uptake, which is a hard-to-very-hard exercise intensity. 表格1显示了第1周和第8周的抗阻训练计划的要素,包括训练动作、训练组数、每组重复次数、平均负荷等。在训练计划的前期阶段,组间歇的恢复时间为45-60秒。随着训练强度的增加,组间恢复时间提高到120-150秒。另外还需注意表格中两周训练在组数、次数、强度与负荷上的变化。 For the resistance training program, Table 1 shows the exercises, sets, repetitions and average loads in week 1 and week 8. The recovery interval between sets was 45–60 seconds at the start of the training. As intensity increased over the course of the study, recovery progressed to 120–150 seconds. Notice the progression in sets, repetitions, intensity and load shown in the table. Results and Discussion 研究人员对受试者在训练计划前期、训练计划中期(4周后)与9周的训练结束后(表2)都进行了测试。训练计划中期(4周后)的测试为观察受试者身体适应的节奏提供了一个颇有趣味的视角。比如,在第9周时受试者的最大摄氧量平均提高了8.5%,但其实最大摄氧量在第四周时就已经提高了6.9%。这是一个激动人心的结果,因为受试者在前四周只进行了每周一次的有氧训练。Kyröläinen 等人表明在早先的一项针对久坐人群的12-14周的研究中,训练使受试者的最大摄氧量提高了13-20%。当然,初始健康水平、训练强度、周训练频率和周训练时间都是影响有氧能力改善程度的因素。 The researchers tested participants at the start of the study, at the midpoint (after 4 weeks) and after the 9-week program (see Table 2). Midpoint testing provided intriguing insight into the timing of their physical adaptations. For instance, while maximal aerobic capacity increased by an average of 8.5% by week 9, it had already risen 6.9% by week 4. This is a fascinating result because participants completed only one cardio workout a week in those first 4 weeks. Kyröläinen et al. said previous 12- to 14-week studies with similar sedentary populations produced approximately 13%–20% increases in maximal aerobic capacity. Naturally, initial fitness level, exercise training intensity, weekly frequency and weekly duration all factor into the varying degrees of aerobic improvement. 最大等长伸膝力量在第9周时增加了28.9%,在第4周时增加了11.2%。相比而言,最大等长卧推力量增加了7.8%,但这是在训练中期(第4周)以后才出现的变化。因此,第四周的测试显示,久坐女性的上下肢的训练适应性变化发生在训练周期内的不同时期。 Maximal isometric leg extensor strength increased 28.9% in the 9 weeks, with an 11.2% improvement occurring by week 4. In contrast, the study noted an average maximal isometric bench press increase of 7.8%, but that change occurred after midpoint testing. Thus, the 4-week measurements show that upper- and lower-body adaptations happened at different times in this sedentary group of women. 全幅度腿举力量的1RM提高了32%,10 RM提高了46%。等长卷腹力量在第9周时增加了27.2%。但在第4周时就已经达到了25%的增幅。与之相似,等长背伸的力量在第4周增加了16.1%,但之后便没有增加。同上文所说,训练计划中期(4周后)的测试为观察受试者身体适应的节奏与量级提供了一些颇有趣味的数据。 Full-range-of-motion leg extension increased 32% in the 1-RM and 46% in the 10-RM. Isometric abdominal-curl force bumped up 27.2% by week 9, but by week 4 the increase was already 25%. Similarly, maximal back-curl force increased 16.1% by the midpoint, with no additional improvement during the next 5 weeks of the study. Once again, this midpoint measurement provides interesting data on the timing and magnitude of adaptation in the early weeks of training. 对血液参数的研究揭示了重大的健康意义。研究发现,训练到第9周时,受试者的有益胆固醇(高密度脂蛋白胆固醇,HDL-C)会增加8.8%,这是一个相当可期的结果。研究人员还指出,受试者总胆固醇含量下降了7.6%,睾酮、葡萄糖和雌二醇水平没有变化。研究还表明,根据受试者每周的饮食日记显示,在研究期间的9周内,受试者总的食物摄入量和每日脂肪、碳水化合物和蛋白质的摄入比例都没有变化。 The blood parameter research in this study reveals significant health implications. The study found an 8.8% increase in good cholesterol (high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, or HDL-C) by week 9, a promising outcome. Researchers also noted a 7.6% decrease in total cholesterol. Testosterone, glucose and estradiol levels did not change. Note that the weekly food diaries showed no changes in total food intake or in daily percentages of fat, carbohydrate and protein over the 9 weeks of the study. 另一个有趣的发现是,9周后受试者的皮质醇水平上升了22.7%。研究人员推测,这种上升可能是因为训练提高了脂肪代谢水平,因为皮质醇是调节脂肪分解的关键激素。 Another interesting finding was a 22.7% increase in cortisol after 9 weeks. The researchers hypothesized that this increase may have been a benefit of improved fat metabolism from the training, since cortisol is a key hormone for regulating fat breakdown. 关于身体成分,该研究发现肌肉含量百分比(训练前:26.4%;训练后:26.6%)和体脂百分(训练前:32.8%;训练后:32.0%)比并没有显著变化。Kyrolainen等人注意到,先前的研究表明,当摄入的热量和营养物质随着锻炼计划发生变化时,身体成分才会有更加显著的改善。而该项研究有着不同的实验目的:观察心肺训练和抗阻训练对所测量参数的综合影响。 As for body composition, the project found no meaningful change in percent muscle mass (pretest: 26.4%; posttest: 26.6%) or percent body fat (pretest: 32.8%; posttest: 32.0%). Kyröläinen et al. note that previous studies showed more noteworthy improvements in body composition when calorie and macronutrient changes accompanied the exercise program. This investigation had a different goal: observing the combined effects of cardiovascular exercise and resistance training on all the parameters measured. 良好的研究结果 Promising Results 尽管该项研究缺乏对照组,但Kyrolainen等人通过两个间隔1周的前期测试建立了所有变量的基准线,从而将这一局限最小化。从健康的角度来看,该研究结果支持了‘进行身体活动对于健康是存在益处的’这一已知观点,包括降低心血管疾病、高血压、2型糖尿病、中风和其他慢性疾病的风险(McKinney et al. 2016)。也许最令人瞩目的研究发现是受试者第4周的测试结果,该结果表明久坐女性通过训练能够快速提高身体健康:这着实是一条是非常激动人心的消息。 Though the study lacked a control group, Kyröläinen et al. minimized this limitation by completing two pretest periods 1 week apart to establish stable baseline measurements of all variables. From a health perspective, the study results support known benefits of physical activity, including reduced risk for cardiovascular disease, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, stroke and other chronic health conditions (McKinney et al. 2016). And perhaps some of the most compelling findings were the midpoint measurements—revealing how quickly this population of sedentary women showed health improvements. That is really encouraging news. 参考文献 References McKinney, J., et al. 2016. The health benefits of physical activity and cardiorespiratory fitness. British Columbia Medical Journal, 58 (3), 131–37. 作者:Len Kravitz, PhD 翻译:王宇晨[详情]
热瑜伽可以帮助运动员提高热应激调节能力 Hot Yoga May Provide Heat Stress 热瑜伽带来的好处,能带到其他活动中吗? Do benefits transfer to other activities? 如果你正在为你的运动客户寻找一种好的交叉训练方法,可以建议他们练习热瑜伽,它可以提高有氧运动能力,同时减少运动压力。 If you’re looking for a good cross-training technique for your more athletic clients, suggest they practice hot yoga, which may boost aerobic performance while minimizing exercise stress. 温哥华英属哥伦比亚大学的研究人员招募了10名优秀的女子曲棍球运动员进行观察。所有运动员连续6天参加60分钟的热瑜伽课程(30摄氏度/86华氏度),在此期间不进行任何其他锻炼。在干预之后,运动员们在一个国家队的训练基地比赛。 University of British Columbia, Vancouver, researchers recruited 10 elite female field hockey players for observation. All athletes participated in 60-minute hot-yoga classes (30 degrees Celsius/86 degrees Fahrenheit) over 6 consecutive days, during which they did not engage in any other exercise. Following the intervention, the athletes played in a national-team camp. 研究人员收集了与心血管功能,体内温度和血浆容量变化有关的数据。数据分析表明,热瑜伽练习时的热负荷和心血管压力最小,同时促进运动员最大的心血管能力。 Researchers collected data related to cardiovascular performance, internal temperature and changes in blood plasma volume. Data analysis showed that hot-yoga practice involved minimal thermal load and nominal cardiovascular strain, while promoting maximal cardiovascular performance for the athletes. 来自哥伦比亚大学医学院的首席研究员,Andrew S. Perrotta说,“基于我的研究结果来看——提高有氧跑速,无氧阈,高强度跑下的能量利用能力——我个人认为热瑜伽可以为冷或热的环境下进行的铁人三项比赛或跑步比赛带来益处。” Lead investigator Andrew S. Perrotta, PhD, of the UBC faculty of medicine, said, “Based on the results of my study—improved running speed at aerobic and anaerobic threshold and improved fuel utilization at high-intensity running—I think hot yoga may provide an advantage prior to entering a triathlon or running event in cool or hot environments.” “你练瑜伽的环境(有多热)可能决定你能获得多少益处。我们利用一个温和的环境,通过远红外加热提供舒适和愉快的体验。更激进的热瑜伽形式会产生更大的热应激,这是因为它们是在40摄氏度(104华氏度)的环境下进行的。那些要在极端环境中比赛的人可能想要寻找这种瑜伽工作室进行训练。” “How hot the environment [is where] you’re performing yoga may determine the degree of benefits you receive. We used a mild environment, as provided through far-infrared heating, to give a comfortable and enjoyable experience. More aggressive forms of hot yoga implement greater heat stress, as they’re performed in an ambient environment of 40 C [104 F]. Those wishing to compete in extreme environments may want to look for those yoga studios.” 该项研究可以在The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research刊物上获得。(2018; doi:10.1519/JSC.00000000000 02705) The study appeared in The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research (2018; doi:10.1519/JSC.00000000000 02705). 作者:Shirley Archer, JD, MA 翻译:王溪宣[详情]
短时间有氧训练对运动技能学习的影响 Can a Short Bout of Cardio Affect Motor Skill Learning? 据《NeuroImage》报道,在学习一种新的运动技能后,人们应该立即进行15分钟左右的有氧练习,这种方式将有助于增强肌肉的长期记忆。作为这项研究的发起者,蒙特利尔大学的助理教授Fabien Dal Maso说:“这种有氧练习方式对于机体恢复和大脑神经系统都有许多益处。”通过这项研究,人们尝试探索大脑中有关技能学习的具体机制,并发现有氧训练能够能够影响技能学习的巩固阶段。 Fifteen minutes of aerobic exercise done immediately after practicing a new motor skill improves long-term retention of that skill, according to findings reported in NeuroImage(2018; doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2018.03.029). Lead study author Fabien Dal Maso, assistant professor at the University of Montreal, said, “This shows that exercise is not only good for the body; it is good for the brain.” Researchers conducted the study to explore brain mechanisms underlying motor learning and the impact of cardiovascular exercise on motor memory consolidation. 在研究中,受试者先进行不同力量的握力练习。之后受试者被分成两组,一组安静休息,另一组进行15分钟的有氧训练。在握力练习后的8小时和24小时,分别对受试者进行一系列评估测试,包括技能保留测试。24小时后,研究人员在测试结果中发现,进行有氧训练的一组受试者的技能得到了更好的保留,他们在重复动作时,大脑活跃程度较低。这意味着,相较于那组安静休息的受试者,进行有氧训练使得人们能够更有效地激活大脑的不同区域。 Subjects were asked to practice a grip exercise requiring varying degrees of force. Afterward, some participants rested, while others did 15 minutes of aerobic exercise. Subjects underwent a variety of assessments, including skill retention tests, 8 and 24 hours after motor practice. Investigators found that those who had done the aerobic exercise had better motor skill retention 24 hours later. They had less brain activity when they repeated the motor skill task, indicating that they were connecting different areas of the brain more efficiently than those who had rested. 研究人员在测试后得出结论,在技能训练之后立即进行有氧训练是有助于动作记忆的。Dal Maso发现:有趣的是,有氧训练的益处并不体现在动作学习和训练的当天,而是在训练的第二天,经过一晚的睡眠后,大脑和身体会受益很多。 Study authors concluded that cardiovascular exercise, when performed in close proximity to motor practice, strengthens motor memories. “More intriguing is that the benefit of exercise was not seen the same day of the learning and the exercise, but the day after, following a night of sleep,” said Dal Maso. Dal Maso说道:“目前来说,测试的动作技能类型仅限于有限几种关节的运动。事实上,有氧训练对于全身的动作技能学习的积极作用仅仅是一种假设,现在并没有任何文献支持。现阶段这只是一项针对脑中风患者恢复训练的研究,在研究中,患者在进行步态再学习。” “For now, the only type of motor skill tested [has pertained to] tasks involving a limited number of articulations,” said Dal Maso, “There are hypotheses that [aerobic exercise] can also have a positive effect on motor skill involving the full body, but to my knowledge, nothing has been published yet. Actually, this is a work in progress in stroke survivors [who are trying] to relearn gait, for instance.” 作者:Shirley Archer, JD, MA 翻译:周李明非 [详情]
搏击操基础知识大回顾 Back to Basics: Kickboxing Safety 技能&训练:在开始教学之前,复习一下课程的形式和技巧。 Skills & Drills: Revisit form and technique before you teach 搏击操课程可能不像上世纪90年代末那么受欢迎,但人们仍然喜欢通过这种交叉训练来打磨自己的技能。不管你有多少年搏击操的教学经验,我们都应该回顾一下构成搏击操的一些基本概念。 Kickboxing classes may not be as popular today as they were in the late 1990s, but people still love to hone their skills with this effective cross-training option. Whether you’ve been teaching for several years or you’re just getting started, it’s always a good idea to review the foundational concepts that make up this total-body workout. 搏击操的形式有很多种,例如32节拍的传统的有氧训练或高强度间歇训练。虽然形式有多样,但基本的动作和技巧是一样的。另外,需要正确地进行布场,准确地进行提示,增强训练的安全性。当你能正确地示范动作,你的客户才能学到如何做好每次出拳、踢腿以及组合动作。此外还要适时进阶,从基本技术进阶到高级技术。 Kickboxing classes can be structured in a variety of ways, from traditional cardio that incorporates 32-count combinations to high-intensity interval training. Regardless of the structure, the base techniques and movements are the same. Given the technical nature of kickboxing, it’s vital for participant (and instructor) safety that you set up properly and cue body mechanics precisely. When you demonstrate techniques correctly, you “gift” attendees with the knowledge they need to execute each punch, kick or combination successfully. Another plus to emphasizing the fundamentals: You progress participants gradually from basic techniques to more advanced ones. 基本的身体力学机制 The ABC’s of Body Mechanics 所有的技术都建立在下肢力学机制的基础上,以准备姿势或搏击姿势开始:双脚一前一后或双脚平行,站距与肩等宽或略宽。下一个需要注意的是脚步:做拳击滑步时脚步要轻盈,出拳时脚跟“放松”,以获得更强的爆发力并保护关节。髋是发力的源泉,当你出拳时,髋先发力,后拳追随。肩也随着髋动,协调动作,获得更强的发力。头部始终处于中立位,眼睛盯着目标。下边是一些建议及提示方法: The foundation for all techniques lies in lower-body mechanics, beginning with the “ready” or “fight” stance: one leg in front of the other or feet parallel, with legs shoulder-width or slightly wider apart. The next component is footwork: a boxer’s shuffle to stay light on the feet, and the heel “release” when punching to gain power and to protect joints. The hips are the primary movers for generating force. When you’re punching, the hip leads and the punch follows. The shoulders also move with the hip to create one coordinated movement, maximizing force generation. The head stays neutral, and the eyes focus on the target. Here are a few tips and cues: 出拳侧脚跟抬起,髋驱动向前 Release the heel of the punching side to allow the hip to drive forward. 出拳时手臂及拳放松,在击打到目标的那一瞬间收紧。在回到起始姿势的时候再放松。 Keep the arm and fist relaxed throughout the punch, and tighten at the point of contact. Relax the arm and fist as you return to starting position. 为防止颈部扭伤,在出拳时放松肩部。 To reduce neck strain, relax the shoulders when punching. 动作全程非出拳侧的拳头处于下巴处。踢腿时抬起手臂以保持平衡。 Keep the nonpunching fist at the chin throughout the movement; lift the arms for balance during kicks. 盯住前方的一个特定的目标。 Visualize a specific target in front of you. 做全程动作,但不要让关节超伸。 While you don’t want to hyperextend the joints, do maximize range of motion by extending fully. 收势时要快速、有力,因为收势也是训练的一个重要组成部分。 Emphasize a quick, strong and purposeful rechamber phase, as rechambering is an important part of the workout. 基本的出拳及踢腿技术 Basic Punching and Kicking Techniques 下肢 LOWER BODY 踢腿是基本的下肢击打技术。基本的踢腿技术包括后踢、回旋踢、侧踢和前踢。在指导踢腿时,注意踢腿前支撑侧的膝、足以及踢腿侧的脚的位置。为了保护膝关节,要保持支撑腿微屈,踢腿侧膝关节不要超伸。下面我们讲一讲每种踢腿技术的细节: Kicks are the fundamental striking techniques for the lower body. Basic kicks include back, round (or roundhouse), side and front. When instructing kicks, emphasize the position of the base foot, the knee before the kick and the striking part of the foot. To protect the knee joint, always keep the base leg slightly bent, and don’t hyperextend the kicking leg’s knee. Here are specifics for each kicking technique. 后踹踢 Back kick 起始姿势:准备/搏击姿势 Starting position: Ready/fight stance. 动作:转头看向踢腿侧的肩膀上方,勾脚提膝,脚尖朝下,以脚跟击打目标。踢腿不要高过髋部高度,防止下背部损伤。 Movement: Turn head to look over shoulder of kicking leg. Lift knee toward chest, foot flexed. Drive heel behind you, toes down, striking with heel. Keep kick at hip level or lower to protect lower back. 收势:先朝胸收膝,再收腿落脚。 Rechamber: Pull knee back to chest, and lower foot to floor. Round kick 起始姿势:搏击姿势 Starting position: Ready/fight stance. 动作:提起前膝时,将支撑脚外旋,髋部打开。踢腿侧屈膝,脚收到臀后,膝盖指向目标。伸膝鞭腿,以脚尖击打目标。 Movement: Pivot back foot (base leg) toward back of room as you lift front knee. Hip is open, and lifted leg is rotated (think “front kick on its side”), knee pointing to target, heel pulled toward glute. Extend knee to kick target, pointing toe and striking with top of foot. 收势:将脚收回臀后,落脚。 Rechamber: Pull heel back to glute, and lower foot to floor. Side kick 起始姿势:搏击姿势 Starting position: Ready/fight stance. 动作:提起前膝时,将支撑脚外旋。抬起的膝盖向胸部靠(就像抱着膝盖一样)。踢腿侧的脚后跟、髋以及肩呈一条直线。伸膝踢腿,以脚后跟击打目标。 Movement: Pivot back foot (base leg) toward back of room as you lift front knee. Lifted knee draws toward chest (as if you’re hugging your knee). Heel, hip and shoulder of kicking leg are aligned. Push heel toward front of room, extending toward target. Toes point downward, foot flexed, striking with heel. 收势:屈膝落腿。 Rechamber: Bend knee, and lower foot to floor. Front kick 起始姿势:搏击姿势 Starting position: Ready/fight stance. 动作:一侧提膝,靠向胸部。伸膝前踢,以前脚掌击打目标,支撑脚微微向外旋。 Movement: With hips square to front, lift one knee straight up toward chest. Extend knee to kick forward, aiming with ball of foot. Base foot is slightly turned out. 收势:屈膝落腿。 Rechamber: Bend knee in, and lower foot to floor. UPPER BODY 出拳时基本的上肢击打技术。基本的出拳技术有前手直拳、后手直拳、平勾拳以及上勾拳。攥拳,拇指放在食指和中指的中节指骨上。出拳时手腕伸直,肘关节不要过伸或锁死。下面我们讲解各个出拳技术的技术。 Punches are the fundamental striking techniques for the upper body. Basic punches include jabs, crosses, hooks and uppercuts. Instruct participants to make a fist with the fingers curled in and the thumb bent over the top of the fingers, placed between the second and third knuckles (first knuckle is at the base of the finger). Wrists remain straight when punching, and elbows should never hyperextend or lock. Here are specifics for each punching technique. 动作的衔接及组合能力培养 Transitions and Combination Development 教会客户各个动作后,我们可以将各个技术组合。为了无缝地组合动作,要注意动作结束时的姿势。例如,在完成一个平勾拳后,前腿做一个侧踢要好于前踢,因为此时做侧踢能处于更好的髋发力位置。 After instructing each individual movement, you can begin to put several techniques together to form combinations. To achieve seamless transitions when building combinations, be aware of the body position following a movement. This is a key concept. For example, instead of a front kick following a hook with the front arm, a front-leg side kick would be more appropriate since the hip is already positioned appropriately. 要很好地将上下肢的动作组合,并在训练中引入一些基本的动作,如开合跳、跳绳、打速度袋或深蹲等。由于学院更熟悉这些训练动作,把他们引入训练可以让客户的注意力重新集中于下一个搏击动作。此外,基本的动作可作为训练动作的过渡。 To create easy-to-follow combinations, incorporate a mixture of upper- and lower-body techniques, as well as basic moves such as jumping jacks, jump ropes, speed bags or squats. Since participants are more familiar with these exercises, placing them at the end of the combination provides an opportunity to refocus attention on the next kickboxing move. In addition, basic moves can serve as a transition from one lead side to the other. 前手直拳 Jab 起始姿势:搏击姿势,屈肘,拳稍低于下巴(防守姿势)。 Starting position: Ready/fight stance, elbows bent, fists slightly below chin (guard position). 动作:以拳头的前两个指关节(例如:食指和中指的第一个关节)瞄准,出拳。后侧手臂依旧屈曲,拳位于下巴旁。 Movement: Extend lead arm straight to front, aiming with first two knuckles of fist (i.e., first knuckles of index and middle fingers). Back arm stays bent, fist by chin. 收势:屈肘收拳,回到起始姿势。 Rechamber: Bend elbow, and draw fist back to starting position. Cross 起始姿势:搏击姿势,屈肘,拳略低于下巴。 Starting position: Ready/fight stance, elbows bent, fists slightly below chin. 动作:后腿转髋、抬脚跟协助出拳。以前两指击打目标。前肘屈曲,拳在下巴旁。 Movement: Rotate back hip and lift heel to drive back arm forward, aiming with first two knuckles of fist. Front arm stays bent, fist by chin. 收势:回到起始姿势,放下脚跟。 Rechamber: Lower heel as you pull hips and fist back to starting position. Hook 起始姿势:搏击姿势,屈肘,拳略低于下巴。 Starting position: Ready/fight stance, elbows bent, fists slightly below chin. 动作:击打侧屈肘90°,肘部抬起,手臂运行轨迹平行于地面。拳的前两指击打对方面部,抬起同侧腿的脚跟并让同侧髋发力推动身体旋转,产生更大的力量。 Movement: Front or back arm can perform hook, with punching arm’s elbow lifted so that arm is parallel to floor, elbow bent at a 90-degree angle. Punch across face, striking with first two knuckles of fist, lifting same-side heel and rotating striking-side hip to produce more power. 收势:回到起始姿势,放下脚跟。 Rechamber: Lower heel as you pull elbow and fist back to starting position. Uppercut 起始姿势:搏击姿势,屈肘,拳略低于下巴。 Starting position: Ready/fight stance, elbows bent, fists slightly below chin. 动作:做一个上勾拳,抬起同侧腿的脚跟并让同侧髋发力推动身体旋转,产生更大的力量。向前、向上出拳,感觉要击打对方下巴。 Movement: Front or back arm can perform uppercut. The hip on punching side rotates forward; heel lifts to drive punch forward and up, as if punching someone under the chin. 收势:回到起始姿势,放下脚跟。 Rechamber: Lower heel as you pull elbow and fist back to starting position. When creating combinations, consider these tips: 将全套动作分解,然后将动作部分组合,循序渐进进行教学。 Teach longer combinations by instructing the first few movements, then gradually adding the next technique until the full combination is created (i.e., layer movements to build the combination). 上肢动作以前手直拳开始,因为他是后手直拳、平勾拳、上勾拳这些更有力的动作的基础。 Consider starting upper-body combinations with a lead hand jab, as it is a more natural setup for the cross, hook and uppercut, which are more powerful punches. 音乐节奏很重要。有时候音乐节奏快,动作节奏反而慢(例如:慢节奏的音乐下,每1个节拍完成的动作,在快节奏音乐下,2个节拍才能完成)。 Music speed is important. Faster tempo may require slower execution (e.g., each movement may take 2 counts to perform as opposed to 1 count). 搏击动作与日常生活中的动作不一样,所以要把动作次数、速度了熟于心。不要牺牲质量来换取数量或速度。 Since these techniques are not natural movements performed on a daily basis, keep the number of repetitions in mind, as well as the speed. Do not sacrifice quality for quantity or speed. 随机变换节奏和节拍。例如,在一个双前手直拳+后手直拳+平勾拳+上勾拳的组合中,两个前手直拳各占1个节拍,而后边的后手直拳、平勾拳、上勾拳各占一个节拍。 Incorporate rhythm into your combinations with different pacing or counts. For example, in a double jab + cross + hook + uppercut combination, each jab is performed for 1 count, while the cross, hook and uppercut are 2 counts each. 准确、有力 Be Precise and Powerful 无论课程形式如何,我们都要理解拳击运动的力学机制,教会客户正确的动作技术,注意课堂的安全,并开发出简单、高效的动作组合。将这些教学策略应用到您的课堂中,可以帮助客户获得成功感、趣味感和参与感,打下良好的搏击基础,为后续更高级的动作做好准备。 Regardless of your kickboxing class format, it’s important to teach proper technique, understand body mechanics, cue form and safety, and develop combinations that make sense mechanically and are easy to perform. By applying these teaching strategies to your classes, you can help participants feel more successful, experience a fun and engaging workout, and build a strong kickboxing foundation that prepares them for more advanced movements. 执教策略 Cuing Strategies 详尽的建议 SOME BLOW-BY-BLOW ADVICE 你的执教提示方法可以决定搏击操课的成败。在提供足够的细节和不让参与者负担过重之间找到平衡,是很有挑战性的。进行清晰、简介的提示,内容涵盖所有方面,要让自己的指导变得易于遵循。进行动作组合之前,一些技术需要进行单独的分解教学。下面我们将一些进行执教提示的方法: Cuing can make or break your kickboxing class. It’s challenging to find the balance between providing enough detail and not overloading participants. Cue clearly and concisely to ensure that all aspects are taught and that instructions are easy to follow. Quite a few techniques need to be taught individually before you can “package” them succinctly. Here are a few strategies and tactics to maximize cuing: 将上半身和下半身的技术分成几个部分,系统地指导从头到脚的每个动作,反之亦然。 Break upper- and lower-body techniques into sections, and systematically instruct each movement component from head to foot or vice versa. 按照你指导前一个动作的顺序来指导每一个动作。 Instruct the movements of each technique in the same order as you instructed the previous one. 第一次教授一个动作时,示范一下动作的基础,这样客户就不会不知所措。然后在整堂课中不断对这个动作进行提示。 When teaching a technique for the first time, present the move’s fundamentals so that participants are not overwhelmed. Then add additional form cues throughout the class. 在不同的方向上示范动作(例如,面向客户进行示范,然后侧向客户进行示范),保证客户在不同的角度观察动作。 Demonstrate each technique from different directions (e.g., facing the front and then turning to the side), so that participants can see the technique from various angles. 提示要简短扼要,减少多余的话。 Keep cues short and to the point, and minimize filler words. 动作术语要前后一致,不要变换。 Keep movement names consistent throughout your classes. 注意客户的动作技术,保证课程安全,别让客户的动作太高、太快、太猛。 Emphasize safety, technique and control over kick height or speed. 作者:Ashley Artese, MS and Daniel Marshall, MS 翻译:赵鹏旺[详情]
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几招教你迅速练好一字马,一字马的练习和完成需要拉伸腿部前侧后侧髋部, 如何迅速的让你开髋拉伸,燕子老师带你入门。[详情]
脊柱,是人体的支架。有句话说得好,“脊柱有多灵活,人就有多年轻”。区分老年人和年轻人的一个重要标志就是看“脊柱”的弹性。 清晨跟着燕子老师进行十分钟瑜伽脊柱唤醒序列,开启美好的一天。[详情]
MS, PhD(c), CSCS, NSCA-CPT, RCPT*E; ACSM–EP, CPT, EIM2; NASM-CES, PES, WMS; ACE-CPT, CHC这些一大串耀眼的名号还不会念就已经亮瞎了眼。 没错,这就是IDEA中国峰会今年新任导师之一,Alexis Batrakoulis身上闪闪发光的标签。 Alexis,自1995年以来就扎身健身行业,可以说是在这个行业里有超过25年的行业经验了!目前,他是培训师、运动专家和运动生理学家,工作地点遍布全球,从欧洲、中东、亚洲到美国。在他的祖国希腊,他也为网球、跆拳道、足球担任体能导师。 从1996年第一次参加在奥兰多举办的IDEA全球峰会时,Alexis就被顶级讲师的魅力、狂热的学习氛围、良好的峰会组织所折服。没想到很多年后,那个仰望的男孩,成为了如今站在讲台上星光熠熠的导师。甚至,在2018年还二度收获了健身行业的“奥斯卡”,获得了IDEA年度最佳私人教练。 IDEA Fitness Award在2018年颁出了IDEA年度健身领袖、IDEA年度最佳私教、IDEA年度最佳团操教练,以及IDEA Jack LaLanne奖,这几个超重量奖项。在九位来自世界各地的候选人中,每一位都带着健身界“多样、包容、专业、优秀”的特质,他们不仅是行业先锋、领导者,也是推动行业向前的力量。在9位候选人中,Alexis脱颖而出,摘得最佳私教。这个奖项,代表着全球健身行业最权威的风向。 顶着“ACE国际大师级培训师、ACSM运动医学认证和专业教育委员会成员、欧洲专业标准委员会成员”这些名号,Alexis此番来到IDEA中国峰会,针对大家普遍关注的问题带来了他的专业课程。 例如,减重的功能性间歇训练。在近来的研究中显示,间歇性神经肌肉训练是改善超重人群健康状况、运动表现等安全、有效的方式。如果你想突破已有的自重练习、功能性训练、团课等相关减重方式,寻找一些更科学、先进的减重方法,成为国内行业先驱。那么通过这个课程,Alexis能帮助你架起理论与应用的桥梁,你可以GET到如何制定一个间歇训练计划。 他在台湾开设的对抗肥胖课程 如果你有任何肥胖方面的疑问,他绝对是最好的导师了,因为他正在从事运动和肥胖方面的博士研究呢~ 2019IDEA中国峰会,Alexis Batrakoulis将首度亮相!相信他的经历、他的课程一定会给你更多启发!如果你想知道他的奋斗故事,如果你也有一个仰望者的梦想,来峰会听他讲。 先提前认识一下吧~ Q:之前有来过中国吗? Alexis:自2017年以来,我先后6次受邀来到北京、上海、西安、成都、广州、香港、澳门、台北等城市,我发现大家对专业知识求知若渴。中国的健身产业正在崛起,我相信在不久后,中国的健身教练可以得到更多机会。 Q:推荐三本您觉得很这个行业从业者必看的书吧! Alexis:我的背景和专业知识主要集中在运动和健康方面,重点关注患有肥胖症或其他可控的、由生活方式引起的疾病(如2型糖尿病、血脂异常、代谢综合征等)。因此,我强烈推荐以下书籍,它们向健身专业人士提供了针对临床人群的健康指导指南。 1) 《ACSM运动测试和处方指南》第十版(ACSM‘s Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription, 10th ed) 2)《NSCA特殊人群训练概论》(NSCA‘s Essentials of Training Special Populations) 3) 《ACE医疗健身专家手册》(ACE‘s Medical Exercise Specialist Manual) Q:今年的IDEA中国峰会还推出了一个概念,叫做拥抱数字时代。数字化将会引领全球健身产业的潮流,您怎么看? Alexis:我坚信科技是健身行业重要推动力。通过互联网,我们可以提供更好的服务,了解更安全有效的器械,更方便学习行业前沿,还可以更方便地考证,哈哈哈。一些APP真的造福我们的客户、我们自己以及行业,数字化、科技化对我们行业发展实在太重要了。 更多导师信息持续放送中 你期待的大咖正在路上 千万不要错过哦 峰会日程 参加一个培训,少则几千,多则上万,都是很稀松平常的事。在一个培训里,或许你只能学习一种体系的课程,但在IDEA中国峰会,130+节课程,包括了30+个不同的顶级培训课程体系! 一个培训或许只能接触两三位顶级导师,但IDEA有50+创始人级别的精英导师!把全球的大咖认个遍! 一个培训或许只有一家机构的继续教育学分,而IDEA则有ACE®、NASM®、AASFP®、PTAG®等,国际顶级培训机构的互认学分!一节课顶好几节! 这么多的优势,IDEA中国峰会3日通票仅售1699元,提前购买还享受早鸟价优惠! 2019IDEA中国峰会3日通票售价 早鸟阶段(11-06.11) 早鸟价:1699元 会员早鸟价:1699元额外赠送价值500元神秘礼包 优惠阶段(12-08.11) 优惠价:1999元 会员优惠价:1699元 峰会阶段(12-08.24) 峰会价:2299元 会员峰会价:1999元[详情]
一个问题,IDEA中国峰会是什么? 是37年品质的坚持 被誉为健身行业的超级碗 只呈现全球最好的培训体系 只邀请体系中最权威的专家导师 只专注于为专业教练提供专业内容 所以IDEA中国峰会就是适合你! IDEA全球峰会 IDEA全球峰会有37年历史,被誉为健身行业的超级碗。峰会的导师人数及课程数量更是世界之最。课程内容紧跟行业趋势,更与20+家专业认证机构合作,可获得的继续教育学分总数为同类大会之最。 2018年,带着全球范围内已服务27万教练的深厚积累 IDEA中国峰会首次落地上海! 2018峰会回顾 2018,IDEA中国峰会为中国的健身爱好者带来了: 28位创始人级别的国际顶级导师 87节国际顶级健身精品课程 最高6分的ACE®、NASM®、AASFP®、PTAG®四家国际机构互认继续教育学分 因为坚持为健身爱好者带来最高质量的专业内容 IDEA中国峰会也得到了中国健身爱好者们的热烈支持! 80%的参会学员,三天峰会期间风雨无阻,天天来上课! 预计容纳100人的教室,被想要上课的热情学员挤满,最多的一节课容纳了375人! 即使没有选课的制约,高质量的课程学员们必定是不会中途离场的!94%的学员会留在教室里上完一整节课! 而在去年第一届IDEA中国峰会之后,那些最顶尖的国际导师对IDEA学员的评价是:“求知欲旺盛”、“对知识渴求”、“对专业热爱”、“是我见过的最棒的学生!” 那么,今年,就等你了! 一起来展现你的热爱!点燃你的激情!开始全新的健身之旅 继续看下去!让我们来告诉你,IDEA中国峰会如何走在国际前沿,如何坚持品质与专业,而我们的学员则必定会成为“更棒的自己”! 2019门票开售 导师拼魅力大赛卷土袭来 50+国际机构创始人级别的精英导师,带着他们走过的“坑”倾情而来!每位导师都在国际上享有极高声誉,并经过IDEA评审委员会的审查评定! 去年,学员们全程站着也想要听的热门讲座,今年准备更充分!关键是,干货满满!最前沿的科学实践分享、最专业的客户指导……不用完一本笔记本可别回去啊~ 去年最受学员喜爱的大神今年也会再次驾到!一个个响当当的名字给不少学员留下深刻印象!当然,导师们的亲切,课下一起照相、课堂一起讨论,也是出了名的赞! 今年,还有更多大神也将和你面对面分享!随便介绍一个导师,都是在行业里有超过10年经验的人。比如Alexis Batrakoulis博士,他可是去年又第二次荣获了IDEA年度健身教练大奖!与导师们建立起顶尖关系链,还怕以后行走江湖没有什么个金字招牌吗? 导师信息持续更新中!还有更多大咖将陆续来临,千万不要错过哦! 130+国际精品课程威力持久 还记得去年Lecture场场爆满,Workshop也不遑多让的场景吗?今年峰会的课程内容,足够你一年消化巩固! 导师们精心准备的讲解PPT包含动图、视频等等形式,帮助学员理解动作要领,同时指出容易出错的地方。 上课会枯燥吗?NoNoNo!IDEA的课堂氛围是提问和互动占主导,如果没有按时下课绝对是因为积极性太高! 今年我们的课程内容将涵盖私教训练技能、训练科学、小团体课程、职业技能提升、运动营养与行为改变、团操课程、专业设备课程、身心训练。每一个课程内容经过IDEA评审委员会、继续教育学分机构双重审查评定。导师会严格遵循课程大纲,确保课程品质。同时课程内容还结合中国市场需求进行了优化,国际化与实用性兼具是不是~ 顾及每一位学员,纠正细节亲身示范,好评爆表,也正因为导师的专业、认真、负责,学员不管多难也要来听呢! 继续教育学分囊括其中 峰会上的课程,算不算学分?当然算咯! Workshop & Lecture的所有课程,都包含继续教育学分,最多可获得30+CECs,这将是行业之最呀! 峰会之后你还将获得IDEA颁发的证书,凭证书你可以向学分互认的机构申请继续教育学分,一站式获得多个机构的CECs。机构包括:ACE®、NASM®、AASFP®、PTAG®等国际顶级培训机构。提醒一下,这样一箭N雕的买卖不好找了哦! 顶级配套服务,享受VIP待遇 英语不好,听不懂大大们在讲什么!没关系!峰会所有Lecture、论坛配备同声传译!确保导师内容准确无误传达给每一位学员Wrokshop、Workout课程还有助教及翻译。你认识的优秀国内健身讲师,可能就是我们邀请的助教或翻译哦!比如去年张启凌老师就担任了Scott Piri的翻译,要知道张老师自己本身就是健身圈大咖! 如果你还想在峰会之后再来看看,有没有错过什么精彩画面,峰会的课程、导师采访等等,我们都会全程直播!来吧一同分享IDEA的精彩! 再透露一个小彩蛋,IDEA中国峰会今年将拥抱数字时代!全新的智慧场馆将带来智能化互动新体验。 除了在IDEA中国峰会上追求知识,课外活动我们也是花尽心思! 来上课也来结交各路好友 IDEA全球颁奖盛典 作为全球健身行业的风向标,我们每年都会为那些真正推动行业发展的专业人士,送上有国内外权威机构共同认证的奖杯,这代表了整个行业的认可!今年谁将捧得健身行业中最具含金量的奖杯呢?是你一直仰望的导师还是身边的低调大神?IDEA中国特别认证的年度新秀、年度贡献奖将花落哪位大咖?不管如何,全球健身行业规格最高的荣誉由你一起见证啦! 女士的礼服,男士的西装,几杯酒,上海的夜,黄浦江畔的历史与时尚一定会留下一个难忘的夜晚。我们准备好舞台了,那么你呢? 不要错过任何一个补货的机会,看看最近世界上在流行什么黑科技。2019IDEA中国峰会首次引入健身消费展,12个不同类别的消费项目定会让你大开眼界。补货进行时,你一定会淘到宝的! 仅为赞助商及合作伙伴VIP开放的专属体验课程,课程体系针对不同运动项目定制,包括高尔夫、网球、跑步、自行车等各类不同运动。国际顶级导师亲身指导,一眼看问题一言解惑。 这是属于行业培训龙头的聚会。平时见不到的俱乐部操盘者,各大连锁俱乐部董事长将会出席交流论坛。国内外运营思维,头部玩家深入对话,3F将携手IDEA为推动全行业发展提供新思路。 当你去年还在暗搓搓地思索要不要来面基,IDEA中国峰会就已经红到不行!而今年,不用说,一定会有更多眼花缭乱的新大招!👇👇👇 峰会日程 日期 时间 日程安排 08月21日 9:00 - 18:00 独立收费课程* 13:00 - 17:30 连锁俱乐部私董会 19:00 - 21:00 嘉宾欢迎晚宴 08月22日 8:00 - 18:00 核心课程 10:00 - 11:30 IDEA全球颁奖盛典 13:00 - 17:30 连锁俱乐部私董会 13:30 - 14:30 VIP专属私教课 15:00 - 16:00 16:30 - 17:30 08月23日 8:00 - 18:00 核心课程 08月24日 8:00 - 18:00 核心课程 08月25日 9:00 - 18:00 独立收费课程* (*:单独收费) 平心而论,参加一个培训,少则几千,多则上万,都是很稀松平常的事。 在一个培训里,或许你只能学习一种体系的课程,但在IDEA中国峰会,130+节课程,包括了30+个不同的顶级培训课程体系! 一个培训或许只能接触两三位顶级导师,但IDEA有50+创始人级别的精英导师!把全球的大咖认个遍! 一个培训或许只有一家机构的继续教育学分,而IDEA则有ACE®、NASM®、AASFP®、PTAG®等国际顶级培训机构的互认学分!一节课顶好几节! 这么多的优势,IDEA中国峰会3日通票仅售1699元,提前购买还享受早鸟价优惠!前200名购买者中,更将抽取50名,获得2020IDEA中国峰会门票! 超高的性价比,享受顶级的健身培训体验,先买到就是先赚到! 2019IDEA中国峰会3日通票售价 早鸟阶段(11-06.11) 早鸟价:1699元 会员早鸟价:1699元,额外赠送价值500元神秘礼包 优惠阶段(12-08.11) 优惠价:1999元 会员优惠价:1699元 峰会阶段(12-08.24) 峰会价:2299元 会员峰会价:1999元 当你还在观望,其他人已经在行动了!快来补补课,再不补就赶不上今年的时髦末班车咯! 马上报名,了解更多导师课程介绍! 来IDEA中国峰会 点燃你的激情 IGNITE YOUR PASSION[详情]
如果回想2018IDEA中国峰会的名场景,Pete McCall的动态解剖学一课难求的场面一定是其中之一!他突破传统,将解剖学教课书上没有准确描述肌肉的方式动态化,带领学员们重新理解肌肉在直立运动中的功能,帮助教练更好的制定训练计划。整个峰会下来,学员反馈中对他的课程点!赞!多!到!爆! 如果你经常看外刊,Pete McCall这个名字你一定会注意到,并且他名字后通常都被冠以Expert(专家)这个称呼。就连华盛顿邮报、华尔街时报、圣地牙哥联合论坛报、《时代周刊》、《男士健康》、《SELF》、《Glamour》、《美国新闻与世界报道》等世界级新闻媒体都这么称呼他。 除了私人客户、执教团队课程外,Pete已经有超过10年的经验在私人教练培训领域。他是一个典型的斜杠青年,既是Motion Institute的科学官员,也是与认证机构、服装生产商和医疗保险公司合作的自由顾问,同时还持有ACE、NASM认证证书。(敲黑板,大家的ACE私人教练认证Pete也有参与编写!快抱大腿吧) 运动科学硕士毕业后,Pete便从事这项工作,他给美国海军、白宫、世界银行、国际消防战士协会等等世界级机构做过演讲培训。不仅是个健康产业的布道者,Pete也自己玩比赛,各州最高级别的橄榄球比赛他都打过,还帮助过俱乐部赢得了全国冠军,也成为了美国男子国家队(老鹰队)的训练教练员。 作为中国常客,Pete对这里一点也不陌生。相反,他非常看好中国的健身事业。你也许在2018年的中国体育大会见到过他,也有可能在锐步大使的教育研讨会上与他擦肩而过,不过这都不重要。因为2019IDEA中国峰会,他将出现!同样,他今年的课程一定不会让你失望! 为此我们还提前迅速地“解剖”了他! Q:进入这个行业这么多年了,在哪个阶段遇到了自己的瓶颈期呢?有没有突破? Pete:最大的挑战就是深入地了解客户。认识和了解,是两回事,能否深入地了解又是另一回事。大多时候,我都会通过问问题的方式对客户进行了解,了解他们的需求和恐惧,想办法让他们感到舒适,这样我们的训练计划才能解决问题。这是一个很长的过程。 Q:推荐三本您觉得这个行业的从业者必看的书吧! Pete:Thomas Myers写的《Anatomy Trains》(解剖列车)。这本书能帮你更深刻地了解人体运动机制,让你知道筋膜网以及弹性纤维组织是如何产生运动的。 《Essentials of Strength and Conditioning, 4th edition》(体能训练概论第4版)这是NSCA-CSCS认证的教科书,听名字感觉有点无聊是不是,但它阐述了力量训练的生理机制以及身体对不同类型练习的适应,值得一读! 《聪明的训练》(Smarter Workouts)这是我写的书哈哈哈哈,这本书是基于我20年的培训和教育实战经验,我希望这本书能让大家了解自己身体的运作机制,告诉你如何运用最简单的器械,就能练到灵活性、能量代谢系统以及力量等多种运动素质。 欢迎大家峰会时带我推荐的书和我一起探讨! Q:健身这个行业其实在中国发展时间并不长,还没有成为普遍趋势,不过普及度是越来越高了。在西方,大多数人很小就被灌输健身意识,对于如何让中国健身专家们帮助客户培养健身习惯,您有什么推荐的法门吗? Pete:首先,运动会带来健康,这是大家都知道的。我会跟他们描绘一下健康长寿的生活,吃嘛嘛香这很重要不是?特别是到了一定年龄,锻炼绝对必不可许。中国现在不是很流行走路吗?你看大家的锻炼意识是有了的,只是缺乏怎么做。 其次呢,锻炼关乎于幸福和健康,我希望当代人更多追求的不是增肌减脂塑形这种层面的锻炼。我的个人锻炼理念是,当你想做啥时就能做啥就是最好的。 Q:今年的IDEA中国峰会还推出了一个概念,叫做“拥抱数字时代”。数字化将会引领全球健身产业的潮流,您怎么看? Pete:视频流媒体当然也确实是让健身变得更容易了。我也有我自己音频课程,不过是英文的哈哈哈哈。 但正是因为这种方便,也出现了一些我认为的问题。比如很多网红健身,他们有好看的身体、超高的颜值,吸引了一大波人跟着他们训练。可是,他们发布的内容有些可能是不正确的,说不定在你训练中就会造成很大的身体伤害。所以,建议大家尽量向受过正规运动科学教育的专家学习,那些肌肉小鲜肉、翘臀美女看起来专业,但事实并非如此。 作为一个教练,只有经过系统的学习才能掌握制定训练计划的技能,这背后的是知识储备和教育积淀,并不是从这里从那里随处学点就可以了的。 人狠话不多!导师信息持续更新中!还有更多大咖将陆续来临,千万不要错过哦! 峰会日程 参加一个培训,少则几千,多则上万,都是很稀松平常的事。在一个培训里,或许你只能学习一种体系的课程,但在IDEA中国峰会,130+节课程,包括了30+个不同的顶级培训课程体系! 一个培训或许只能接触两三位顶级导师,但IDEA有50+创始人级别的精英导师!把全球的大咖认个遍! 一个培训或许只有一家机构的继续教育学分,而IDEA则有ACE®、NASM®、AASFP®、PTAG®等,国际顶级培训机构的互认学分!一节课顶好几节! 这么多的优势,IDEA中国峰会3日通票仅售1699元,提前购买还享受早鸟价优惠! 2019IDEA中国峰会3日通票售价 早鸟阶段(11-06.11) 早鸟价:1699元 会员早鸟价:1699元额外赠送价值500元神秘礼包 优惠阶段(12-08.11) 优惠价:1999元 会员优惠价:1699元 峰会阶段(12-08.24) 峰会价:2299元 会员峰会价:1999元 了解更多导师课程介绍! 来IDEA中国峰会 点燃你的激情 IGNITE YOUR PASSION[详情]
近些年,健身意外事故时有发生。树立急救意识对俱乐部来说至关重要,这不仅仅是为了防范风险、降低损失,更是为了给会员提供一个安全的健身环境。 在未来,会员对健身急救服务的需求会越来越高,配备完善的急救装置和健全的应急预案,也将成为俱乐部发展的必然趋势。 因此,IDEA联合OSMART专业急救保障团队,致力于推广中国健身行业的健身急救服务。 作为试点俱乐部,IDEA上海中心在接受了OSMART团队的全面风险评估。 场馆整体风险评估,一个危险点都不放过! 为了能够量身定制合适的急救应急预案,OSMART团队对IDEA上海中心的场馆进行了整体的观察了解,评估了现场可能出现的意外事故致伤机制,以及应急处置的响应能力。 每一间教室,每一个器械区域,可能出现的各种风险类型,他们综合考量了种种因素,为IDEA上海中心制定了最合适的生命通道。 在评估之后,OSMART团队给出了一份完善的风险评估报告,对场馆内可能发生的伤害事故进行分类整理,并作出相关的处理意见。了解了这些,IDEA上海中心将会逐步完善相关的急救应急服务。 联手OSMART,专业的急救团体保障安全 OSMART急救由Dr。 曹深诚先生创立,致力于面向社会各群体提供国际化科学且高质量的院外各领域急救技能知识培训。同时,他们也致力于为社会各环境人群建立高质“急救应急响应机制”解决方案,力求提升中国社会基础救护环境。 团队成员持有美国心脏协会(AHA)、国际野外医学会(WMAI)、国际搜救教练联盟(IRIA)等专业急救资质证书,曾多次参与国内各类大型专业赛事的急救保障工作。 OSMART成为IDEA上海中心的急救保障团队,主要负责现场处置、转运、指挥。他们的加入将会大大提升IDEA上海中心的急救处置能力! 未来,IDEA的工作人员还将会陆续接受OSMART的专业培训,作为现场的第一响应人,确保最快速应急反应。 风险评估流程分解,建立完备的应急预案 OSMART在健身场所的急救方面有非常完备的专业知识,他们可以为健身房提供国际标准的健身急救服务。 首先他们将会实地查看健身房的健身环境,通过和相关工作人员的现场交流沟通,再结合以往案例,评估健身房内可能会出现的致伤隐患、现场人员的急救处置能力、健身房应急处置的响应能力。 然后他们将会对健身房人员做归类整理,明确风险类型、意识盲区、常见损失、伤害风险等,并指出需要学习的急救技能有哪些。 之后他们则可以为健身房量身定制一套应急预案,包括各类应急标识的配置、急救设备(如急救箱、AED等)的配置、急救响应流程的制定、急救响应级别的分类、划分生命通道。 OSMART为IDEA上海中心配置的这台ZOLL AED Plus自动体外除颤仪,操作快速,简单易用,自开机起22.6秒内可完成第一次除颤电击,可快速提供有效除颤。ZOLL拥有专利智能CPR反馈技术,目前唯一可以提供CPR深度和频率实时反馈的AED,符合最新国际急救指南推荐,显著提高CPR完成质量,提高患者救治率。 近年来各类健身事故频频发生,这些悲剧的产生有多方面原因,但其中一个共同的因素则是健身房没有配备合适的AED设备,导致未能及时施救。如果当时有AED的话,或许能够增加被救的成功率。 完成风险评估、应急预案制定、急救设施配备的流程之后,根据健身房不同的需求,他们还可以提供急救技能的培训、在线急救求助的指导,等等各类配套服务,确保健身急救能够高效进行。 在美国,健身房被要求必须要有符合国际标准的急救配套设施及服务,健身房内工作人员也必须要懂得相关急救知识,并通过考核持有急救证书。 目前国内的相关法律并没有要求健身房需要配备急救设备,或要求从业人员持有急救证书。但随着健身人群的日渐增多,相信这将成为健身房未来的发展方向。 IDEA上海中心,作为IDEA与OSMART联合推动健身急救服务的首个试点,希望借此增进大家对健身行业急救保障的安全意识! 健身千万次,安全最重要。急救不到位,亲人两行泪![详情]
健身教练证哪个最权威?[史上最完整干货] 都说健身教练工资高、工作机会多,想入行除了练好体型、掌握好技能以外,拿到一些有含金量的证书才是求职应聘的加分项。 问题来了,健身教练认证有哪些?哪个证书最权威?哪个证书最适合自己? 一、欧洲和美国健身教练认证的模式 健身私人教练的认证最早起源于欧美,比如欧洲健康与健身行业协会EuropeActive,美国国家认证机构委员会NCAA认可的美国国家运动医学会NASM、美国运动医学会ACSM、美国运动委员会ACE、美国体能运动协会NSCA等。当时的培训周期多为7至15天,且仅面向体育科班生报名。这种短期专业培训,并不适合中国零基础学生。 二、中国效仿欧美健身教练认证模式的阶段 逐渐国内市场上也出现效仿欧美的短期认证培训机构,不过发展过程中遇到很多难题:初期,健身教练大多来自体育院校,有理论知识、缺乏实操经验,为会员指导时经验不足;此外,我国零基础学生数量占比很大,短期培训机构不接收零基础学生,导致健身教练整体水平没有太大提升。这些因素制约行业发展,健身行业也未形成大规模经济效益。 三、赛普开创零基础全能私人教练教育体系的先河 北京申奥成功后健身火热起来,一兆韦德、英派斯、浩沙等大型俱乐部遍地开花,市场对专业健身教练的需求暴增。2009年我国第一家零基础健身教练培训机构——赛普健身应运而生,并相继研发零基础培训、中高阶培训,业务半径从北京扩展到深圳、上海。 四、自主研发+引进国际先进技术,逐渐完善全能私人教练教育体系,奠定了赛普的行业地位 (1)聘请美国南加州大学教授陈月定制“21种疼痛课程”、引入运动康复课程 (2)携手北京体育大学共同出版《赛普健身私人教练》教材 (3)和国家开放大学达成学历教育合作+学分互认联盟 (4)率先推进高含金量和高认可度的NASM、ACSM等国际认证。除赛普外,其他零基础培训机构暂无这两项认证培训。NASM课程已开放限额报名,详情可参见官网www.saipujianshen.com (5)赛普健身联姻欧洲健康与健身行业协会EuropeActive,简称EA,前身是欧盟体育与健身分会、欧洲健身行业规则和分级的制定者,赛普CPT认证学生可直接联合登记欧洲四级私人教练 (6)赛普健身为CBBA中国健美协会指定私人教练培训基地 (7)与IFBB国际健身健美联合会共创国际私人教练认证课 (8)赛普学生可在校申考国家体育总局国家健身教练职业资格证 适合自己的健身教练证才能为职业发展加码,备考期间不懂就问,全面了解,有的放矢。申请策略、培训费用、证书适用范围等考证相关问题都可以通过关注赛普健身教练基地(微信号bjspjsxy)公众号联系咨询。 五、成立IDEA中国、引进MJP课程,赛普致力于构筑可持续发展的教育⽣态体系 (迈克尔·约翰逊到赛普健身教练培训基地访问交流) 私教工作室、互联网+智能健身房的涌现,私教非常需要高标准发展。赛普健身开始探索继续教育领域,开设中体未来青少儿体能教练培训学院、比戈体能学院SP+,引进迈克尔·约翰逊开办的MJP运动表现中心的课程体系完善教育生态。 (赛普健身教练培训基地林怀慎院长出席IDEA中国启动仪式) 2018年赛普健身与美国IDEA成立IDEA中国,引入IDEA先进课程,共建有品质的继续教育平台,深度布局继续教育领域。美国IDEA是全球最具影响力的健身教练线上终生继续教育平台,已有全球超27万专业教练在该平台学习。 十年磨一剑,这个十年赛普健身数据亮眼,全球认证学生近8万名、合作健身俱乐部超3万家遍布600多个城市、获得荣誉达20余项。 无论是NASM、ACSM、EA还是国职,在认证过程中都有一套标准化评估体系,国际认证更大的优势是加强自身国际前沿实力,另外,通常情况下健身教练机构培训教育体系越完整,学习效果和体验更佳。 适合自己的才是最好的。[详情]
针对久坐年轻女性的训练指南 Training Guidance for Sedentary Young Women 一项2017年的研究表明,将力量训练与心肺训练结合,对初入职场的女性的健康有着诸多益处。 A 2017 study shows the health benefits of combining cardiovascular and strength training for women early in 研究综述:Kyröläinen, H., et al. 2017.力量与耐力的混合训练对健康年轻女性的身体机能和生理指标的影响。The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 32 (6), 1554–61. Study reviewed: Kyröläinen, H., et al. 2017. Effects of combined strength and endurance training on physical performance and biomarkers of healthy young women. The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 32 (6), 1554–61. 大学生经常会参加运动健身的相关研究,因此研究人员对如何提高他们的肌肉力量与心血管机能有着足够的了解。但科学家们对25-30岁的久坐女性了解的并不多,这些女性大部分都刚刚从校园步入职场。Kyröläinen等人(2017)开始着手于缩小对两种群体认知的差距。 Researchers know a lot about improving muscular strength and cardiovascular endurance in college-age students, since they often participate in fitness studies. But scientists don’t know so much about sedentary women aged 25–30, most of whom are transitioning from college to work. Kyröläinen et al. (2017) set out to narrow this knowledge gap. 研究人员指出,25-30岁年龄段的许多职业女性很难找到时间来完成世界卫生组织(World Health Organization)和美国疾病控制与预防中心(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)等组织提出的锻炼建议。此外,关于此类女性的最佳训练量和训练进展的相关研究也少有发表。 The researchers noted that many working women in the 25–30 age group struggle to find time to meet exercise recommendations from groups like the World Health Organization and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Moreover, there is little published research on optimal training volumes and exercise progressions for these women. Kyröläinen的项目有助于阐明一些事实。该项目团队发现存在一种针对心血管机能与力量的混合训练计划,该计划能够提高久坐女性的健康参数指标。该研究仅关注于锻炼的作用,除了监测参与者的饮食之外,并不给予任何营养的控制与建议。 Kyröläinen’s project helps clarify things. The team’s research found that a combined cardiovascular endurance and muscular strength program improved several parameters of health and well-being in sedentary young women. The study focused solely on the impact of exercise—there was no nutritional component beyond monitoring the volunteers’ diets. 受试者 Participants 17名办公室久坐女性自愿参与了该项研究。这些女性(年龄25-30岁;65%的人超重或肥胖;29%体重正常;6%体重偏轻)被告知不要在研究期间的9周内参与任何形式的其他体育运动。Kyröläinen团队没有给予受试者饮食干预,鼓励受试者维持她们原有的饮食结构,但需要她们每周记录3天(包括一天周末)的饮食日记。 Seventeen sedentary women who worked primarily in office jobs volunteered for the study. The women (aged 25–30; 65% with overweight or obesity; 29% with normal weight; 6% who were underweight) were instructed not to begin any other sports activities or exercise programs during the 9 weeks of the study. Kyröläinen’s team provided no dietary intervention, but participants were encouraged to maintain their current diets and asked to complete 3-day food diaries (with one weekend day) for every week of the study. 测试与跟踪记录 Testing and Tracking 研究小组收集了训练前、中、后的各种测试方法。 The research team gathered various measurements before, during and after the training period. 有氧能力。该测试使用功率自行车作为测试工具,每位受试者初始负载为75W,每2分钟增加25W进行递增强度运动,直到受试者力竭。 Aerobic capacity. Using a cycle ergometer, each participant began with a 75-watt load, which increased by 25 watts every 2 minutes until she reached exhaustion. 最大力量。最大力量可以使用腿举机和卧推架来测试,在腿举和卧推动作轨迹的中点可以测得受试者上下肢伸肌的最大等长收缩力量。同时,该团队也对受试者进行1RM极限重量与10RM全关节范围的伸膝测试。 使用测力计测量受试者固定直立姿态下腹肌与背肌的力量,受试者进行背伸测试(保持3秒)与卷腹测试来测量腰腹的最大等长力量。 Maximal strength. The subjects’ maximal isometric leg extension and arm extension forces were measured at the midpoint of movement on a leg press and bench press. They also did a 1-repetition maximum and a 10-RM set of full-range-of-motion leg extension. A strain gauge measured force in the abdominal and back muscles in a fixed vertical position. Participants completed maximal isometric extension for the back (3-second hold) and flexion for the abdominals. 实验室测试。血样可以记录受试者的总胆固醇、高密度脂蛋白胆固醇、低密度脂蛋白胆固醇、葡萄糖、甘油三酯(血脂)、睾酮、皮质醇和雌二醇的水平。 Lab tests. Blood samples documented participants’ levels of total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, glucose, triglycerides (blood fats), testosterone, cortisol and estradiol. 身体成分:生物电仪器可以分析电流通过人体组织时的电阻。这项测试估量了人体的总含水量,从而预测了人体脂肪和肌肉的比例。 Body composition. Bio-electrical impedance analysis determined electrical opposition to the flow of an electric current through body tissues. The test estimates total body water, which predicts the percentages of fat and muscle in the body. 训练计划 Training Program 受试女性每周训练3次,共持续9周。前7周,每位受试者每周进行2次力量训练(根据个性化的训练大纲每周更新训练内容)和1次心肺训练。 The women trained three times a week for 9 weeks. For each of the first 7 weeks, they did two strength training workouts (updated each week with individualized training guidelines) and one cardiovascular training session. 在最后2周里,每位受试者进行1次力量训练和2 次心肺训练。 In the last 2 weeks, they did two cardiovascular endurance workouts and one strength training session per week. 前期的心血管机能的训练时间为30分钟,受试者通过研究人员的引导进行室内自行车训练。在持续9周训练的最后阶段,训练时间逐渐增加到55分钟。 The cardio workouts started with 30 minutes of researcher-led indoor cycling, progressing to 55 minutes by the end of the 9-week study. The women trained at 85%–91% of maximal oxygen uptake, which is a hard-to-very-hard exercise intensity. 表格1显示了第1周和第8周的抗阻训练计划的要素,包括训练动作、训练组数、每组重复次数、平均负荷等。在训练计划的前期阶段,组间歇的恢复时间为45-60秒。随着训练强度的增加,组间恢复时间提高到120-150秒。另外还需注意表格中两周训练在组数、次数、强度与负荷上的变化。 For the resistance training program, Table 1 shows the exercises, sets, repetitions and average loads in week 1 and week 8. The recovery interval between sets was 45–60 seconds at the start of the training. As intensity increased over the course of the study, recovery progressed to 120–150 seconds. Notice the progression in sets, repetitions, intensity and load shown in the table. Results and Discussion 研究人员对受试者在训练计划前期、训练计划中期(4周后)与9周的训练结束后(表2)都进行了测试。训练计划中期(4周后)的测试为观察受试者身体适应的节奏提供了一个颇有趣味的视角。比如,在第9周时受试者的最大摄氧量平均提高了8.5%,但其实最大摄氧量在第四周时就已经提高了6.9%。这是一个激动人心的结果,因为受试者在前四周只进行了每周一次的有氧训练。Kyröläinen 等人表明在早先的一项针对久坐人群的12-14周的研究中,训练使受试者的最大摄氧量提高了13-20%。当然,初始健康水平、训练强度、周训练频率和周训练时间都是影响有氧能力改善程度的因素。 The researchers tested participants at the start of the study, at the midpoint (after 4 weeks) and after the 9-week program (see Table 2). Midpoint testing provided intriguing insight into the timing of their physical adaptations. For instance, while maximal aerobic capacity increased by an average of 8.5% by week 9, it had already risen 6.9% by week 4. This is a fascinating result because participants completed only one cardio workout a week in those first 4 weeks. Kyröläinen et al. said previous 12- to 14-week studies with similar sedentary populations produced approximately 13%–20% increases in maximal aerobic capacity. Naturally, initial fitness level, exercise training intensity, weekly frequency and weekly duration all factor into the varying degrees of aerobic improvement. 最大等长伸膝力量在第9周时增加了28.9%,在第4周时增加了11.2%。相比而言,最大等长卧推力量增加了7.8%,但这是在训练中期(第4周)以后才出现的变化。因此,第四周的测试显示,久坐女性的上下肢的训练适应性变化发生在训练周期内的不同时期。 Maximal isometric leg extensor strength increased 28.9% in the 9 weeks, with an 11.2% improvement occurring by week 4. In contrast, the study noted an average maximal isometric bench press increase of 7.8%, but that change occurred after midpoint testing. Thus, the 4-week measurements show that upper- and lower-body adaptations happened at different times in this sedentary group of women. 全幅度腿举力量的1RM提高了32%,10 RM提高了46%。等长卷腹力量在第9周时增加了27.2%。但在第4周时就已经达到了25%的增幅。与之相似,等长背伸的力量在第4周增加了16.1%,但之后便没有增加。同上文所说,训练计划中期(4周后)的测试为观察受试者身体适应的节奏与量级提供了一些颇有趣味的数据。 Full-range-of-motion leg extension increased 32% in the 1-RM and 46% in the 10-RM. Isometric abdominal-curl force bumped up 27.2% by week 9, but by week 4 the increase was already 25%. Similarly, maximal back-curl force increased 16.1% by the midpoint, with no additional improvement during the next 5 weeks of the study. Once again, this midpoint measurement provides interesting data on the timing and magnitude of adaptation in the early weeks of training. 对血液参数的研究揭示了重大的健康意义。研究发现,训练到第9周时,受试者的有益胆固醇(高密度脂蛋白胆固醇,HDL-C)会增加8.8%,这是一个相当可期的结果。研究人员还指出,受试者总胆固醇含量下降了7.6%,睾酮、葡萄糖和雌二醇水平没有变化。研究还表明,根据受试者每周的饮食日记显示,在研究期间的9周内,受试者总的食物摄入量和每日脂肪、碳水化合物和蛋白质的摄入比例都没有变化。 The blood parameter research in this study reveals significant health implications. The study found an 8.8% increase in good cholesterol (high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, or HDL-C) by week 9, a promising outcome. Researchers also noted a 7.6% decrease in total cholesterol. Testosterone, glucose and estradiol levels did not change. Note that the weekly food diaries showed no changes in total food intake or in daily percentages of fat, carbohydrate and protein over the 9 weeks of the study. 另一个有趣的发现是,9周后受试者的皮质醇水平上升了22.7%。研究人员推测,这种上升可能是因为训练提高了脂肪代谢水平,因为皮质醇是调节脂肪分解的关键激素。 Another interesting finding was a 22.7% increase in cortisol after 9 weeks. The researchers hypothesized that this increase may have been a benefit of improved fat metabolism from the training, since cortisol is a key hormone for regulating fat breakdown. 关于身体成分,该研究发现肌肉含量百分比(训练前:26.4%;训练后:26.6%)和体脂百分(训练前:32.8%;训练后:32.0%)比并没有显著变化。Kyrolainen等人注意到,先前的研究表明,当摄入的热量和营养物质随着锻炼计划发生变化时,身体成分才会有更加显著的改善。而该项研究有着不同的实验目的:观察心肺训练和抗阻训练对所测量参数的综合影响。 As for body composition, the project found no meaningful change in percent muscle mass (pretest: 26.4%; posttest: 26.6%) or percent body fat (pretest: 32.8%; posttest: 32.0%). Kyröläinen et al. note that previous studies showed more noteworthy improvements in body composition when calorie and macronutrient changes accompanied the exercise program. This investigation had a different goal: observing the combined effects of cardiovascular exercise and resistance training on all the parameters measured. 良好的研究结果 Promising Results 尽管该项研究缺乏对照组,但Kyrolainen等人通过两个间隔1周的前期测试建立了所有变量的基准线,从而将这一局限最小化。从健康的角度来看,该研究结果支持了‘进行身体活动对于健康是存在益处的’这一已知观点,包括降低心血管疾病、高血压、2型糖尿病、中风和其他慢性疾病的风险(McKinney et al. 2016)。也许最令人瞩目的研究发现是受试者第4周的测试结果,该结果表明久坐女性通过训练能够快速提高身体健康:这着实是一条是非常激动人心的消息。 Though the study lacked a control group, Kyröläinen et al. minimized this limitation by completing two pretest periods 1 week apart to establish stable baseline measurements of all variables. From a health perspective, the study results support known benefits of physical activity, including reduced risk for cardiovascular disease, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, stroke and other chronic health conditions (McKinney et al. 2016). And perhaps some of the most compelling findings were the midpoint measurements—revealing how quickly this population of sedentary women showed health improvements. That is really encouraging news. 参考文献 References McKinney, J., et al. 2016. The health benefits of physical activity and cardiorespiratory fitness. British Columbia Medical Journal, 58 (3), 131–37. 作者:Len Kravitz, PhD 翻译:王宇晨[详情]
热瑜伽可以帮助运动员提高热应激调节能力 Hot Yoga May Provide Heat Stress 热瑜伽带来的好处,能带到其他活动中吗? Do benefits transfer to other activities? 如果你正在为你的运动客户寻找一种好的交叉训练方法,可以建议他们练习热瑜伽,它可以提高有氧运动能力,同时减少运动压力。 If you’re looking for a good cross-training technique for your more athletic clients, suggest they practice hot yoga, which may boost aerobic performance while minimizing exercise stress. 温哥华英属哥伦比亚大学的研究人员招募了10名优秀的女子曲棍球运动员进行观察。所有运动员连续6天参加60分钟的热瑜伽课程(30摄氏度/86华氏度),在此期间不进行任何其他锻炼。在干预之后,运动员们在一个国家队的训练基地比赛。 University of British Columbia, Vancouver, researchers recruited 10 elite female field hockey players for observation. All athletes participated in 60-minute hot-yoga classes (30 degrees Celsius/86 degrees Fahrenheit) over 6 consecutive days, during which they did not engage in any other exercise. Following the intervention, the athletes played in a national-team camp. 研究人员收集了与心血管功能,体内温度和血浆容量变化有关的数据。数据分析表明,热瑜伽练习时的热负荷和心血管压力最小,同时促进运动员最大的心血管能力。 Researchers collected data related to cardiovascular performance, internal temperature and changes in blood plasma volume. Data analysis showed that hot-yoga practice involved minimal thermal load and nominal cardiovascular strain, while promoting maximal cardiovascular performance for the athletes. 来自哥伦比亚大学医学院的首席研究员,Andrew S. Perrotta说,“基于我的研究结果来看——提高有氧跑速,无氧阈,高强度跑下的能量利用能力——我个人认为热瑜伽可以为冷或热的环境下进行的铁人三项比赛或跑步比赛带来益处。” Lead investigator Andrew S. Perrotta, PhD, of the UBC faculty of medicine, said, “Based on the results of my study—improved running speed at aerobic and anaerobic threshold and improved fuel utilization at high-intensity running—I think hot yoga may provide an advantage prior to entering a triathlon or running event in cool or hot environments.” “你练瑜伽的环境(有多热)可能决定你能获得多少益处。我们利用一个温和的环境,通过远红外加热提供舒适和愉快的体验。更激进的热瑜伽形式会产生更大的热应激,这是因为它们是在40摄氏度(104华氏度)的环境下进行的。那些要在极端环境中比赛的人可能想要寻找这种瑜伽工作室进行训练。” “How hot the environment [is where] you’re performing yoga may determine the degree of benefits you receive. We used a mild environment, as provided through far-infrared heating, to give a comfortable and enjoyable experience. More aggressive forms of hot yoga implement greater heat stress, as they’re performed in an ambient environment of 40 C [104 F]. Those wishing to compete in extreme environments may want to look for those yoga studios.” 该项研究可以在The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research刊物上获得。(2018; doi:10.1519/JSC.00000000000 02705) The study appeared in The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research (2018; doi:10.1519/JSC.00000000000 02705). 作者:Shirley Archer, JD, MA 翻译:王溪宣[详情]
短时间有氧训练对运动技能学习的影响 Can a Short Bout of Cardio Affect Motor Skill Learning? 据《NeuroImage》报道,在学习一种新的运动技能后,人们应该立即进行15分钟左右的有氧练习,这种方式将有助于增强肌肉的长期记忆。作为这项研究的发起者,蒙特利尔大学的助理教授Fabien Dal Maso说:“这种有氧练习方式对于机体恢复和大脑神经系统都有许多益处。”通过这项研究,人们尝试探索大脑中有关技能学习的具体机制,并发现有氧训练能够能够影响技能学习的巩固阶段。 Fifteen minutes of aerobic exercise done immediately after practicing a new motor skill improves long-term retention of that skill, according to findings reported in NeuroImage(2018; doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2018.03.029). Lead study author Fabien Dal Maso, assistant professor at the University of Montreal, said, “This shows that exercise is not only good for the body; it is good for the brain.” Researchers conducted the study to explore brain mechanisms underlying motor learning and the impact of cardiovascular exercise on motor memory consolidation. 在研究中,受试者先进行不同力量的握力练习。之后受试者被分成两组,一组安静休息,另一组进行15分钟的有氧训练。在握力练习后的8小时和24小时,分别对受试者进行一系列评估测试,包括技能保留测试。24小时后,研究人员在测试结果中发现,进行有氧训练的一组受试者的技能得到了更好的保留,他们在重复动作时,大脑活跃程度较低。这意味着,相较于那组安静休息的受试者,进行有氧训练使得人们能够更有效地激活大脑的不同区域。 Subjects were asked to practice a grip exercise requiring varying degrees of force. Afterward, some participants rested, while others did 15 minutes of aerobic exercise. Subjects underwent a variety of assessments, including skill retention tests, 8 and 24 hours after motor practice. Investigators found that those who had done the aerobic exercise had better motor skill retention 24 hours later. They had less brain activity when they repeated the motor skill task, indicating that they were connecting different areas of the brain more efficiently than those who had rested. 研究人员在测试后得出结论,在技能训练之后立即进行有氧训练是有助于动作记忆的。Dal Maso发现:有趣的是,有氧训练的益处并不体现在动作学习和训练的当天,而是在训练的第二天,经过一晚的睡眠后,大脑和身体会受益很多。 Study authors concluded that cardiovascular exercise, when performed in close proximity to motor practice, strengthens motor memories. “More intriguing is that the benefit of exercise was not seen the same day of the learning and the exercise, but the day after, following a night of sleep,” said Dal Maso. Dal Maso说道:“目前来说,测试的动作技能类型仅限于有限几种关节的运动。事实上,有氧训练对于全身的动作技能学习的积极作用仅仅是一种假设,现在并没有任何文献支持。现阶段这只是一项针对脑中风患者恢复训练的研究,在研究中,患者在进行步态再学习。” “For now, the only type of motor skill tested [has pertained to] tasks involving a limited number of articulations,” said Dal Maso, “There are hypotheses that [aerobic exercise] can also have a positive effect on motor skill involving the full body, but to my knowledge, nothing has been published yet. Actually, this is a work in progress in stroke survivors [who are trying] to relearn gait, for instance.” 作者:Shirley Archer, JD, MA 翻译:周李明非 [详情]
搏击操基础知识大回顾 Back to Basics: Kickboxing Safety 技能&训练:在开始教学之前,复习一下课程的形式和技巧。 Skills & Drills: Revisit form and technique before you teach 搏击操课程可能不像上世纪90年代末那么受欢迎,但人们仍然喜欢通过这种交叉训练来打磨自己的技能。不管你有多少年搏击操的教学经验,我们都应该回顾一下构成搏击操的一些基本概念。 Kickboxing classes may not be as popular today as they were in the late 1990s, but people still love to hone their skills with this effective cross-training option. Whether you’ve been teaching for several years or you’re just getting started, it’s always a good idea to review the foundational concepts that make up this total-body workout. 搏击操的形式有很多种,例如32节拍的传统的有氧训练或高强度间歇训练。虽然形式有多样,但基本的动作和技巧是一样的。另外,需要正确地进行布场,准确地进行提示,增强训练的安全性。当你能正确地示范动作,你的客户才能学到如何做好每次出拳、踢腿以及组合动作。此外还要适时进阶,从基本技术进阶到高级技术。 Kickboxing classes can be structured in a variety of ways, from traditional cardio that incorporates 32-count combinations to high-intensity interval training. Regardless of the structure, the base techniques and movements are the same. Given the technical nature of kickboxing, it’s vital for participant (and instructor) safety that you set up properly and cue body mechanics precisely. When you demonstrate techniques correctly, you “gift” attendees with the knowledge they need to execute each punch, kick or combination successfully. Another plus to emphasizing the fundamentals: You progress participants gradually from basic techniques to more advanced ones. 基本的身体力学机制 The ABC’s of Body Mechanics 所有的技术都建立在下肢力学机制的基础上,以准备姿势或搏击姿势开始:双脚一前一后或双脚平行,站距与肩等宽或略宽。下一个需要注意的是脚步:做拳击滑步时脚步要轻盈,出拳时脚跟“放松”,以获得更强的爆发力并保护关节。髋是发力的源泉,当你出拳时,髋先发力,后拳追随。肩也随着髋动,协调动作,获得更强的发力。头部始终处于中立位,眼睛盯着目标。下边是一些建议及提示方法: The foundation for all techniques lies in lower-body mechanics, beginning with the “ready” or “fight” stance: one leg in front of the other or feet parallel, with legs shoulder-width or slightly wider apart. The next component is footwork: a boxer’s shuffle to stay light on the feet, and the heel “release” when punching to gain power and to protect joints. The hips are the primary movers for generating force. When you’re punching, the hip leads and the punch follows. The shoulders also move with the hip to create one coordinated movement, maximizing force generation. The head stays neutral, and the eyes focus on the target. Here are a few tips and cues: 出拳侧脚跟抬起,髋驱动向前 Release the heel of the punching side to allow the hip to drive forward. 出拳时手臂及拳放松,在击打到目标的那一瞬间收紧。在回到起始姿势的时候再放松。 Keep the arm and fist relaxed throughout the punch, and tighten at the point of contact. Relax the arm and fist as you return to starting position. 为防止颈部扭伤,在出拳时放松肩部。 To reduce neck strain, relax the shoulders when punching. 动作全程非出拳侧的拳头处于下巴处。踢腿时抬起手臂以保持平衡。 Keep the nonpunching fist at the chin throughout the movement; lift the arms for balance during kicks. 盯住前方的一个特定的目标。 Visualize a specific target in front of you. 做全程动作,但不要让关节超伸。 While you don’t want to hyperextend the joints, do maximize range of motion by extending fully. 收势时要快速、有力,因为收势也是训练的一个重要组成部分。 Emphasize a quick, strong and purposeful rechamber phase, as rechambering is an important part of the workout. 基本的出拳及踢腿技术 Basic Punching and Kicking Techniques 下肢 LOWER BODY 踢腿是基本的下肢击打技术。基本的踢腿技术包括后踢、回旋踢、侧踢和前踢。在指导踢腿时,注意踢腿前支撑侧的膝、足以及踢腿侧的脚的位置。为了保护膝关节,要保持支撑腿微屈,踢腿侧膝关节不要超伸。下面我们讲一讲每种踢腿技术的细节: Kicks are the fundamental striking techniques for the lower body. Basic kicks include back, round (or roundhouse), side and front. When instructing kicks, emphasize the position of the base foot, the knee before the kick and the striking part of the foot. To protect the knee joint, always keep the base leg slightly bent, and don’t hyperextend the kicking leg’s knee. Here are specifics for each kicking technique. 后踹踢 Back kick 起始姿势:准备/搏击姿势 Starting position: Ready/fight stance. 动作:转头看向踢腿侧的肩膀上方,勾脚提膝,脚尖朝下,以脚跟击打目标。踢腿不要高过髋部高度,防止下背部损伤。 Movement: Turn head to look over shoulder of kicking leg. Lift knee toward chest, foot flexed. Drive heel behind you, toes down, striking with heel. Keep kick at hip level or lower to protect lower back. 收势:先朝胸收膝,再收腿落脚。 Rechamber: Pull knee back to chest, and lower foot to floor. Round kick 起始姿势:搏击姿势 Starting position: Ready/fight stance. 动作:提起前膝时,将支撑脚外旋,髋部打开。踢腿侧屈膝,脚收到臀后,膝盖指向目标。伸膝鞭腿,以脚尖击打目标。 Movement: Pivot back foot (base leg) toward back of room as you lift front knee. Hip is open, and lifted leg is rotated (think “front kick on its side”), knee pointing to target, heel pulled toward glute. Extend knee to kick target, pointing toe and striking with top of foot. 收势:将脚收回臀后,落脚。 Rechamber: Pull heel back to glute, and lower foot to floor. Side kick 起始姿势:搏击姿势 Starting position: Ready/fight stance. 动作:提起前膝时,将支撑脚外旋。抬起的膝盖向胸部靠(就像抱着膝盖一样)。踢腿侧的脚后跟、髋以及肩呈一条直线。伸膝踢腿,以脚后跟击打目标。 Movement: Pivot back foot (base leg) toward back of room as you lift front knee. Lifted knee draws toward chest (as if you’re hugging your knee). Heel, hip and shoulder of kicking leg are aligned. Push heel toward front of room, extending toward target. Toes point downward, foot flexed, striking with heel. 收势:屈膝落腿。 Rechamber: Bend knee, and lower foot to floor. Front kick 起始姿势:搏击姿势 Starting position: Ready/fight stance. 动作:一侧提膝,靠向胸部。伸膝前踢,以前脚掌击打目标,支撑脚微微向外旋。 Movement: With hips square to front, lift one knee straight up toward chest. Extend knee to kick forward, aiming with ball of foot. Base foot is slightly turned out. 收势:屈膝落腿。 Rechamber: Bend knee in, and lower foot to floor. UPPER BODY 出拳时基本的上肢击打技术。基本的出拳技术有前手直拳、后手直拳、平勾拳以及上勾拳。攥拳,拇指放在食指和中指的中节指骨上。出拳时手腕伸直,肘关节不要过伸或锁死。下面我们讲解各个出拳技术的技术。 Punches are the fundamental striking techniques for the upper body. Basic punches include jabs, crosses, hooks and uppercuts. Instruct participants to make a fist with the fingers curled in and the thumb bent over the top of the fingers, placed between the second and third knuckles (first knuckle is at the base of the finger). Wrists remain straight when punching, and elbows should never hyperextend or lock. Here are specifics for each punching technique. 动作的衔接及组合能力培养 Transitions and Combination Development 教会客户各个动作后,我们可以将各个技术组合。为了无缝地组合动作,要注意动作结束时的姿势。例如,在完成一个平勾拳后,前腿做一个侧踢要好于前踢,因为此时做侧踢能处于更好的髋发力位置。 After instructing each individual movement, you can begin to put several techniques together to form combinations. To achieve seamless transitions when building combinations, be aware of the body position following a movement. This is a key concept. For example, instead of a front kick following a hook with the front arm, a front-leg side kick would be more appropriate since the hip is already positioned appropriately. 要很好地将上下肢的动作组合,并在训练中引入一些基本的动作,如开合跳、跳绳、打速度袋或深蹲等。由于学院更熟悉这些训练动作,把他们引入训练可以让客户的注意力重新集中于下一个搏击动作。此外,基本的动作可作为训练动作的过渡。 To create easy-to-follow combinations, incorporate a mixture of upper- and lower-body techniques, as well as basic moves such as jumping jacks, jump ropes, speed bags or squats. Since participants are more familiar with these exercises, placing them at the end of the combination provides an opportunity to refocus attention on the next kickboxing move. In addition, basic moves can serve as a transition from one lead side to the other. 前手直拳 Jab 起始姿势:搏击姿势,屈肘,拳稍低于下巴(防守姿势)。 Starting position: Ready/fight stance, elbows bent, fists slightly below chin (guard position). 动作:以拳头的前两个指关节(例如:食指和中指的第一个关节)瞄准,出拳。后侧手臂依旧屈曲,拳位于下巴旁。 Movement: Extend lead arm straight to front, aiming with first two knuckles of fist (i.e., first knuckles of index and middle fingers). Back arm stays bent, fist by chin. 收势:屈肘收拳,回到起始姿势。 Rechamber: Bend elbow, and draw fist back to starting position. Cross 起始姿势:搏击姿势,屈肘,拳略低于下巴。 Starting position: Ready/fight stance, elbows bent, fists slightly below chin. 动作:后腿转髋、抬脚跟协助出拳。以前两指击打目标。前肘屈曲,拳在下巴旁。 Movement: Rotate back hip and lift heel to drive back arm forward, aiming with first two knuckles of fist. Front arm stays bent, fist by chin. 收势:回到起始姿势,放下脚跟。 Rechamber: Lower heel as you pull hips and fist back to starting position. Hook 起始姿势:搏击姿势,屈肘,拳略低于下巴。 Starting position: Ready/fight stance, elbows bent, fists slightly below chin. 动作:击打侧屈肘90°,肘部抬起,手臂运行轨迹平行于地面。拳的前两指击打对方面部,抬起同侧腿的脚跟并让同侧髋发力推动身体旋转,产生更大的力量。 Movement: Front or back arm can perform hook, with punching arm’s elbow lifted so that arm is parallel to floor, elbow bent at a 90-degree angle. Punch across face, striking with first two knuckles of fist, lifting same-side heel and rotating striking-side hip to produce more power. 收势:回到起始姿势,放下脚跟。 Rechamber: Lower heel as you pull elbow and fist back to starting position. Uppercut 起始姿势:搏击姿势,屈肘,拳略低于下巴。 Starting position: Ready/fight stance, elbows bent, fists slightly below chin. 动作:做一个上勾拳,抬起同侧腿的脚跟并让同侧髋发力推动身体旋转,产生更大的力量。向前、向上出拳,感觉要击打对方下巴。 Movement: Front or back arm can perform uppercut. The hip on punching side rotates forward; heel lifts to drive punch forward and up, as if punching someone under the chin. 收势:回到起始姿势,放下脚跟。 Rechamber: Lower heel as you pull elbow and fist back to starting position. When creating combinations, consider these tips: 将全套动作分解,然后将动作部分组合,循序渐进进行教学。 Teach longer combinations by instructing the first few movements, then gradually adding the next technique until the full combination is created (i.e., layer movements to build the combination). 上肢动作以前手直拳开始,因为他是后手直拳、平勾拳、上勾拳这些更有力的动作的基础。 Consider starting upper-body combinations with a lead hand jab, as it is a more natural setup for the cross, hook and uppercut, which are more powerful punches. 音乐节奏很重要。有时候音乐节奏快,动作节奏反而慢(例如:慢节奏的音乐下,每1个节拍完成的动作,在快节奏音乐下,2个节拍才能完成)。 Music speed is important. Faster tempo may require slower execution (e.g., each movement may take 2 counts to perform as opposed to 1 count). 搏击动作与日常生活中的动作不一样,所以要把动作次数、速度了熟于心。不要牺牲质量来换取数量或速度。 Since these techniques are not natural movements performed on a daily basis, keep the number of repetitions in mind, as well as the speed. Do not sacrifice quality for quantity or speed. 随机变换节奏和节拍。例如,在一个双前手直拳+后手直拳+平勾拳+上勾拳的组合中,两个前手直拳各占1个节拍,而后边的后手直拳、平勾拳、上勾拳各占一个节拍。 Incorporate rhythm into your combinations with different pacing or counts. For example, in a double jab + cross + hook + uppercut combination, each jab is performed for 1 count, while the cross, hook and uppercut are 2 counts each. 准确、有力 Be Precise and Powerful 无论课程形式如何,我们都要理解拳击运动的力学机制,教会客户正确的动作技术,注意课堂的安全,并开发出简单、高效的动作组合。将这些教学策略应用到您的课堂中,可以帮助客户获得成功感、趣味感和参与感,打下良好的搏击基础,为后续更高级的动作做好准备。 Regardless of your kickboxing class format, it’s important to teach proper technique, understand body mechanics, cue form and safety, and develop combinations that make sense mechanically and are easy to perform. By applying these teaching strategies to your classes, you can help participants feel more successful, experience a fun and engaging workout, and build a strong kickboxing foundation that prepares them for more advanced movements. 执教策略 Cuing Strategies 详尽的建议 SOME BLOW-BY-BLOW ADVICE 你的执教提示方法可以决定搏击操课的成败。在提供足够的细节和不让参与者负担过重之间找到平衡,是很有挑战性的。进行清晰、简介的提示,内容涵盖所有方面,要让自己的指导变得易于遵循。进行动作组合之前,一些技术需要进行单独的分解教学。下面我们将一些进行执教提示的方法: Cuing can make or break your kickboxing class. It’s challenging to find the balance between providing enough detail and not overloading participants. Cue clearly and concisely to ensure that all aspects are taught and that instructions are easy to follow. Quite a few techniques need to be taught individually before you can “package” them succinctly. Here are a few strategies and tactics to maximize cuing: 将上半身和下半身的技术分成几个部分,系统地指导从头到脚的每个动作,反之亦然。 Break upper- and lower-body techniques into sections, and systematically instruct each movement component from head to foot or vice versa. 按照你指导前一个动作的顺序来指导每一个动作。 Instruct the movements of each technique in the same order as you instructed the previous one. 第一次教授一个动作时,示范一下动作的基础,这样客户就不会不知所措。然后在整堂课中不断对这个动作进行提示。 When teaching a technique for the first time, present the move’s fundamentals so that participants are not overwhelmed. Then add additional form cues throughout the class. 在不同的方向上示范动作(例如,面向客户进行示范,然后侧向客户进行示范),保证客户在不同的角度观察动作。 Demonstrate each technique from different directions (e.g., facing the front and then turning to the side), so that participants can see the technique from various angles. 提示要简短扼要,减少多余的话。 Keep cues short and to the point, and minimize filler words. 动作术语要前后一致,不要变换。 Keep movement names consistent throughout your classes. 注意客户的动作技术,保证课程安全,别让客户的动作太高、太快、太猛。 Emphasize safety, technique and control over kick height or speed. 作者:Ashley Artese, MS and Daniel Marshall, MS 翻译:赵鹏旺[详情]
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和仰卧卷腹说拜拜!在这个边做边学的工作坊中,你将学到20种核心练习,这些练习不仅可以在难度上给你和你的学员们带来挑战,而且会极大地改善学员的姿态、移动能力和全身力量! [详情]
与青少年肥胖抗争 An Action Plan to Combat Adolescent Obesity 营养:5条针对青少年的指导守则,帮他们获得健康的体魄 Nutrition: Use these 5 “rules” for coaching teens on better health。 Weight Watchers®公司在今年早些时候宣布为青少年开办免费的课程,掀起了轩然大波。 Weight Watchers® set off a furor early this year when it announced plans to launch a free program for teens。 青少年肥胖正在肆虐,不禁让人质疑:这个鼓励每周进行称重的Weight Watchers公司到底是不是有资格来帮助青少年改善健康?会不会使一些少年产生饮食障碍?这个课程会不会只是其发展新客户的套路? As we are in the midst of a childhood obesity epidemic, critics pounced: Is a company named “Weight Watchers” that encourages weekly weigh-ins the proper vehicle for helping teens improves their health? Will the company trigger the development of an eating disorder in some teens? Is this just a ploy to lure new lifelong customers? 当然,青少年市场这么大,看准这个市场的并不是只有Weight Watchers公司这一家。像Medifast® 和 OPTIFAST®这类专注减重的公司,也开发了针对青少年的课程。比如卡路里控制课程,但是参加课程需要购买他们的奶昔或其他加工食品;还有一些减重营,持续2-12周,价格在5000美元到10000美元不等。虽然减重营声称能快速减重,但是这种方法并没有得到医学验证,我们也没有过看到长期效果。 Of course, Weight Watchers is not alone in going after the teen market。 Weight loss companies like Medifast® and OPTIFAST® have developed teen-focused programs with calorie-controlled meal plans that require purchases of shakes and other processed foods。 Weight loss camps—generally costing $5,000–$10,000 for programs of 2–12 weeks—promise teens rapid weight loss, often with little medical oversight or evidence of long-term effectiveness。 很多青少年和他们的家长只要听到有办法能帮助孩子减重,就会不顾一切地去尝试。因为他们知道,如果现在不开始进行控制,90%的“胖孩子”长大后就会成为“胖大人”,而且极有可能面临2型糖尿病(胰岛素抗性增加)、睡眠呼吸终止症、脂肪肝、高胆固醇血症、高血压、髋关节功能障碍以及多囊卵巢综合症等疾病的威胁。(Steinbeck et al。 2018) Desperate for help, many teens and their families will try anything to lose weight。 Their feelings are justified: Without intensive intervention, 90% of teens with obesity will have overweight or obesity as adults。 They also face increased risk for type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance, sleep apnea, fatty-liver disease, high cholesterol, hypertension, hip dysfunction, and polycystic ovarian syndrome (in females) (Steinbeck et al。 2018)。 同样,青少年肥胖也和抑郁症、焦虑症、轻生、自卑、注意缺陷多动障碍、攻击性和破坏性行为、网络成瘾、暴饮暴食以及一些其他极端的情感展现有关。(Reinehr 2018)肥胖引起一系列情绪方面的问题,主要来自同龄人或媒体的霸凌和羞辱。(Van Geel, Vedder & Tanilon 2014) Adolescent obesity has been linked, moreover, to depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, poor self-esteem, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, aggressive and destructive behavior, internet addiction, binging and purging, and other severe emotional outcomes (Reinehr 2018)。 Emotional issues are often attributed to bullying and weight stigma, which frequently stem from peer and media influence (Van Geel, Vedder & Tanilon 2014)。 健身专业人士可以帮助少年们重获自信,重拾对生活的热爱,并且养成长期的健康习惯,最终克服因肥胖带来的各种不良后果。值得注意的是,青春期是人生中一个很敏感的时期,充斥着各种新的社会规则和压力。少年们的一时冲动、急于求成、对独立的渴望以及潜在的逆反心理都可能会对他们的健康造成不良影响。因此,一些Weight Watchers的批评者不禁提出了疑问:在不引起饮食失调或者不关注体重数字的前提下,怎样帮助青少年? Health and fitness professionals can help teens gain the confidence, desire and ability to establish lasting healthy habits and avert the damage of obesity。 One thing to bear in mind, however, is that adolescence is a vulnerable life stage with unique new social norms and pressures。 Teens’ impulsive behavior, quick-fix outlook, growing independence and potential defiance can make any attempt to influence their health seem overwhelming and even perilous。 As some Weight Watchers critics wondered, how do we help teens without triggering disordered eating or a preoccupation with weight? 与10年前相比,现在青少年的肥胖比例为17%,6%严重肥胖,比例整整翻了一倍,急需有效的方案来改善健康状况。(Reinehr 2018)虽然调查人员分别研究了强制干预法、药物法和减肥手术的有效性,但现在仍然不能确定哪一种对青少年是最有效的。按照下面的5条规则来安排青少年的计划,能对他们的训练产生积极的影响,并且减少受伤的风险: With 17% of teens affected by obesity and 6% of teens by extreme obesity—rates having doubled in the past decade—this population needs quality programs to improve health (Reinehr 2018)。 While researchers are exploring the effectiveness of intensive lifestyle interventions, medications and bariatric surgery, we’re still unsure of the most effective weight loss interventions for teens。 Nevertheless, health and fitness professionals who work with adolescents can drive positive outcomes and minimize the risk of harm by following these five “rules” for coaching teens to better health: 1。关注行为,而不是体重 Focus on Behavior, Not Weight 怎么让青少年把注意力从减重或者控制能量摄入上转移走呢?重新建立好的习惯是个不错的选择,鼓励青少年养成以下习惯: Zeroing in on healthy habits takes the emphasis off weight loss and/or restricting calories。 Encourage teens to adopt these behaviors: 多吃蔬菜水果或者全麦食物,而不是包装类或者精加工的食物。 Eat “real foods” like vegetables, fruits and whole grains rather than packaged or highly processed foods。 每天都去参加一些有趣的活动。 Incorporate enjoyable activity into each day。 睡眠要充足。 Get adequate sleep。 少做低头族,每天都适量地远离电子产品。 “Unplug” from screens and devices for part of the day。 培养有效的抗压能力。 Cope with stress more effectively。 这些习惯能帮助青少年去学会选择健康的食物、提高睡眠的质量、处理压力以及进行体力活动,这些都与体重的控制有关。另外,还能教会青少年设立切实可行的目标。一个饮食或节食计划刚刚开始或结束时,总会伴随体重的起起伏伏。如果青少年能适应饮食安排,那他就不太会出现这种体重的波动。有证据表明,如果只把注意力放在控制饮食上,会增加饮食失调和自卑的风险。(Golden et al。 2016) The goal is to help teens learn about healthy food options and ways to improve habits pertaining to sleep, stress management and physical activity, all of which affect weight。 Focusing on healthy habits helps teens set goals based on things they can control。 Moreover, teens who do not feel confined to a strict diet are less likely to yo-yo between weight loss and gain, which often occurs when people start and stop a new diet or restrictive nutrition plan。 Evidence also suggests that focusing on dieting increases the risk of disordered eating and low self-esteem (Golden et al。 2016)。 青少年们一般只关注当下,而不怎么放眼未来。应当使用一些效果立竿见影的方法手段,提升他们的动力。例如让他们精力充沛、改善其心情、增强其在自己最喜欢的体育项目的中运动能力或进行一组长距离步行、慢跑或骑行。 Remember, though, that adolescents tend to focus on the present and not so much on improving health for their future。 Thus, a focus on health should include goals with immediate benefits—such as increased energy and mood, or the ability to play a favorite sport or go a set distance by walking, biking or jogging。 2。注意用词 Choose Words Carefully 要特别注意的是,不要使用有标签性质的词。美国儿科学会(APP)建议使用一些中性词,比如用“体重增加”或者“BMI升高”来代替“肥胖”或者“超重”这样的词。同样,把注意力放在健康习惯的养成而不是体重的减轻上。 Adults must be careful to avoid stigmatizing language。 The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) advises using neutral words like “increased weight” and “elevated body mass index” versus “obese” or “overweight。” This includes, as discussed, de-emphasizing weight loss altogether to focus on developing healthy habits before addressing weight。 根据美国儿科学会(APP)的调查,人们通常觉得羞辱能激发别人减肥的动力。因此,我们经常听到像“你真胖”这类明显带有羞辱意味的话。(Pont et al。 2017)事实并非如此,羞辱更可能导致体重增加、活动量下降、暴食、社交孤立以及对自身健康问题的逃避。(Pont et al。 2017; Brewis & Bruening 2018) According to the AAP, “Weight stigma is often propagated and tolerated in society because of beliefs that stigma and shame will motivate people to lose weight” (Pont et al。 2017)。 However, there is no evidence that shaming a person motivates them to lose weight。 Indeed, shaming is more likely to result in more weight gain, less physical activity, binge eating, social isolation and avoidance of health care (Pont et al。 2017; Brewis & Bruening 2018)。 健身专业人士应该如何帮助青少年更好地坚持计划呢?我们要散发正能量,避免负能量,注重青少年客户的长处而不是短处。(Reinehr 2018) Health and fitness professionals can improve a teen’s adherence to a program by showing a positive attitude, avoiding blame and focusing on the teen’s strengths, as opposed to failures (Reinehr 2018)。 3。鼓励家长成为榜样 Encourage Adults to Model Healthy Behaviors 发挥家长的榜样作用,可以让青少年更好地遵守计划安排。后文中的“家长小贴士:该做的和不该做的”会给大家一些有用的建议。 In addition to following this guidance themselves, health and fitness professionals can encourage parents to model healthy habits。 See “Modeling Dos and Don’ts: Tips for Parents” on page 47 for some practical ideas。 研究表明,强迫孩子节食可能会得不偿失。“被父母鼓励节食的青少年,在15年后有更大概率超重或肥胖、节食、暴食、养成一些不良的饮食习惯,并且对自己的身体不满意”。(Berge et al。 2018)家长们应该以身作则,给孩子提供健康的食物。 Research has found that parents who urge a child to diet may do more harm than good: “Experiencing parent encouragement to diet as an adolescent was significantly associated with a higher risk of overweight or obesity, dieting, binge eating, engaging in unhealthy weight-control behaviors, and lower body satisfaction 15 years later” (Berge et al。 2018)。 Instead, parents can help by modeling healthy habits and a healthy relationship with food for the whole family。 4。让青少年做好选择 Empower Teens to Make Better Choices 要给予青少年足够的自主权,让他们对健康做出自己的选择。教他们用SMART原则(Specific具体的、Measurable可量化的, Attainable可实现的, Relevant相关的、Time-bound有时限的)去制定目标。告诉他们注重生活习惯的改变(每餐都吃水果蔬菜或者零食)远比注重减肥更有效。这些策略会使青少年获得短期的成功,进而激励他们坚持下去。 Giving teens autonomy and the tools to make healthy choices is powerful。 Teach SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-bound) goal-setting and create habit-based goals (e.g。, “I will eat a fruit or vegetable with each meal or snack”) rather than weight loss goals。 These tactics set teens up for the quick wins that will keep them motivated。 当青少年完成SMART目标后,要鼓励他们去学些新技能。比如学会读营养表、知道怎么控制食量、明白饥饿感和饱腹感、参与制定饮食计划等等。这些技能都能帮助青少年更好地完成目标。 Once teens develop SMART goals, encourage them to learn new skills like reading nutrition labels, understanding serving sizes, noting hunger and fullness cues, and helping with meal planning。 These skills can keep teens involved, empowered and likely to achieve their goals。 另一种向青少年赋予自主权的方法,是让他们在没有父母陪伴的情况下自己去参加健身活动。只有与家长一起合作,让家长了解正在进行的计划是什么后,才能让青少年更好地实现目标。 Another way to empower teens is to let them attend health or fitness appointments on their own, without a parent。 As a health or fitness professional, make sure you tell a teen’s parents about any action plan you and the teen agree on。 That helps nurture a home environment that encourages the teen to achieve goals。 5。采用多学科方法解决问题 Use a Multidisciplinary Approach 根据调查,那些成功减掉体重和改善健康的青少年,是在全家积极的参与配合、广泛的支持保障以及多学科团队合作等多方面因素的作用下取得成功的。这对那些严重肥胖或健康“亮起红灯”的青少年尤其重要,出现的健康问题表现为: There is strong evidence to suggest teens who succeed the most at improving weight and health do it by engaging their families, an extended support network and a multidisciplinary team。 This is especially important for teens with severe obesity or with “red flags” such as 过量的运动、体重减少,使用减肥药或泻药; excessive exercise, weight loss or use of dieting pills or laxatives; 催吐、暴饮暴食或者严格控制饮食; induced vomiting, bingeing or severe diet restriction; 社交孤立; social isolation; 一些临床症状如头疼、髋关节疼; clinical problems such as severe headaches or hip pain; and 一些并发症如糖尿病、抑郁症或饮食障碍。 comorbidities such as diabetes, depression or an eating disorder。 如果你的社区没有相应的青少年而体重管理项目及团队,可以通过专业的网络途径来把客户转介绍给儿科医师、心理医生或者注册营养师。 While not every community has easy access to a robust adolescent weight management program, you can develop a professional network so you can refer a client to a pediatrician, mental health professional and/or registered dietitian, for example, if needed。 青少年和我们不一样 Teens Are Not Like the Rest of Us 青少年并不是成年人的缩小版。他们的健康计划和减肥计划,需要考虑年龄、生长期、个人喜好和期望等多方面因素。计划的设计及实施要由专业团队协作完成。 Adolescents are not young versions of adults。 Thus, optimizing health and treating obesity in teens means tailoring programs to their age, developmental stage, personal preferences and aspirations。 Moreover, this work must be done by a caring team of medical and health professionals who understand adolescents。 想让青少年吃得更好、动得更多、睡得更长、减少花在移动设备上的时间并进行更好的压力管理,要有健身专业人士的参与。为了帮助青少年改善生理与心理的健康,应当对他们目标达成进行奖励。 We desperately need health and fitness professionals who meet these requisites so we can help teens eat better, move more, sleep longer, spend less time on screens and devices, and better manage stress。 Teens must be able to experience the rewards, including improved mental and physical health and well-being, that result from these behavior changes。 家长小贴士:该做的和不该做的 MODELING DOS AND DON’TS: TIPS FOR PARENTS 该做 DO 多在家自己做饭; make family meals a priority; 鼓励孩子饿的时候吃,饱的时候停; encourage a child to eat when hungry and stop when full; 吃的食物要丰富; eat a wide variety of nutrient-dense foods; 随时准备新鲜的水果和蔬菜; provide ready access to fresh fruits and vegetables; 家里不放不健康的食物,比如冰淇淋、薯片和含糖饮料; remove unhealthful “trigger” foods such as ice cream, potato chips and sugary drinks from the home environment; 全家一起改变; make healthful changes for the whole family; 每天都进行体育运动; incorporate physical activity into everyday routines; 每天准时睡觉,保证充足睡眠; get adequate sleep and enforce bedtime routines; and 全家总动员,规定使用电子设备的时间,比如用餐时间不使用,睡前使用1小时等(可以在org/mediauseplan查看更多细节) set screen time rules for the whole family, such as no screens during mealtimes or within 1 hour of going to bed (check out the AAP’s family media-use plan at healthychildren.org/mediauseplan)。 不该做 DON’T 节食; diet; 把食物妖魔化; demonize foods; 如果孩子不吃饭就惩罚他们(强迫他们运动); punish teens for “poor” nutrition decisions (with exercise or otherwise); 用食物进行奖励(比如吃了蔬菜就奖励零食,或者表现好就奖励冰淇淋); use food as a reward (such as eating your vegetables to get dessert or celebrating a good report card with ice cream); 只让一个人进行计划而不是全家总动员; single out an individual family member; 情绪化进食(压力,焦虑等); eat for emotional reasons (stress, anxiety, etc。); 对孩子或自己的身材进行负面的评价; make negative comments about a child’s body or your own; or 拿体重开玩笑; tease about weight。 青少年的健康风险 Health Risks for Teens 青少年健康话题的的要点 POTENTIAL TALKING POINTS WHEN SPEAKING WITH TEENS 青少年超重或肥胖会增加以下疾病的风险: Overweight and obesity increase teens’ risk of these illnesses and conditions: 2型糖尿病以及胰岛素耐受性 type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance 睡眠呼吸终止症 sleep apnea 脂肪肝 fatty-liver disease 高胆固醇血症 high cholesterol 高血压 hypertension 髋关节功能障碍 hip dysfunction 多囊卵巢综合症(女性) polycystic ovarian syndrome (in females) 抑郁症、焦虑症、轻生、自卑 depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, low self-esteem 注意缺陷多动障碍 attention deficit hyperactivity disorder 攻击性和破坏性行为 aggressive and destructive behavior 网瘾 internet addiction 饮食障碍,如暴饮暴食 eating disorders like bingeing and purging 作者:Natalie Digate Muth, MD, MPH, RDN, FAAP and Cassandra Padgett, MS 译者:戴佳希[详情]
训练前对心血管的筛查 Getting to the Heart of Pre-Exercise Screening 教你如何避免掉进心血管疾病风险评估的陷阱 Here’s how to avoid the pitfalls of assessing clients’ risk of cardiovascular disease。 通过进行运动前的健康筛查,教练与潜在健身客户们能够安全地实施训练计划。但在三年前,美国运动医学会(ACSM)更新了该机构的运动前健康筛查指导方案,其中一项主要的变化是:ACSM不再推荐使用工具去评估客户产生心血管疾病的风险。 A preparticipation health screening helps trainers and prospective clients safely launch into an exercise program。 When the American College of Sports Medicine updated its pre-exercise screening guidelines 3 years ago, it made one major shift: It stopped recommending the use of a tool to assess cardiovascular disease risk。 考虑到运动对于减少心血管疾病风险的重要性,这一变化似乎有些令人费解。为何教练不再使用工具去评估客户患心脏病的概率呢?ACSM之所以做出这样的变化,是想让人们更好地参与运动、坚持运动。 This may seem like an odd choice, given that exercise is so central to reducing CVD risk。 Why wouldn’t trainers want to use a tool to help people understand their likelihood of developing heart disease? It turns out that ACSM’s rationale for the change underscores a critical insight regarding exercise participation and adherence。 ACSM变化产生的源头 The Roots of ACSM’s Shift 2015年,ACSM的专家组制定了新版的运动前筛查指南,这些专家具有实践、临床、教育与科研等多领域的工作经验(Riebe et al。 2015)。专家组基于运动者的预期运动强度、当前运动量、代谢疾病、心血管疾病、肾脏疾病的潜在症状,制订了一套运动前健康筛查的模型。 In 2015, ACSM introduced new prescreening guidelines developed by a roundtable of ACSM pros with practitioner, clinical, educational and scientific experience in physical activity and exercise (Riebe et al。 2015)。 These professionals introduced a new model of pre-exercise health-screening recommendations based on the exerciser’s desired intensity; how much physical activity the person currently does; and any symptoms of known metabolic, cardiovascular or kidney diseases。 专家组肯定了辨别客户心血管疾病的风险信号的重要性,其可预防或监控客户的心脏疾病。但专家组明确指出,运动前健康筛查需要被重新定义,以便客户明确自己患心脏病的风险。ACSM这么做,是想让人们通过运动去维持自身健康水平。 The professional panel affirmed that it’s important to identify CVD risk factors to help clients prevent or manage heart disease。 But the panel made a point of redefining the recommendations for telling people about their risk of developing heart disease。 ACSM did this because it wanted to remove some barriers that might prevent people from using exercise to stay healthy。 为何ACSM要更新健康筛查指南? Why ACSM Updated Its Health-Screening Guidelines Riebe和他的同事(专家小组成员)解释道:心血管风险分析也可能有其弊端:分析结果会给医疗检查机构提供不必要的冗杂信息,会对于客户的正常运动参与存在影响。这些医疗检查可能会呈现出假阳性的检查结果,这可能增大客户的心理压力,导致客户接受更多的治疗,并造成不必要的个人经济负担,挫伤客户养成良好运动习惯的积极性。 Riebe and colleagues (the panel) explain that CVD risk-factor profiling can have a downside: unnecessary referrals to a healthcare provider for clearance to start an exercise program。 Unfortunately, these doctors’ visits may result in false-positive test results, which can trigger personal stress in clients and lead to more treatments that impose unnecessary financial and personal burdens。 These disadvantages can discourage the adoption of a physically active lifestyle。 Riebe等人注意到,激励人们养成规律的运动习惯很有挑战性;因此,运动前筛查指南不应该去阻止人们增加活动量。 Riebe et al。 note that motivating people to adopt a lifestyle of regular physical activity is a considerable challenge; therefore, pre-exercise health-screening guidelines should not unnecessarily deter people from becoming more active。 为何教练不使用工具去评估客户们产生心脏病的几率呢?这是因为ACSM这一变化背后,其实强调了参与运动、坚持运动的重要性。 Why wouldn’t trainers want to use a tool to help people understand their likelihood of developing heart disease? It turns out that ACSM’s rationale for the change underscores a critical insight regarding exercise participation and adherence。 锻炼到底有多安全? How Safe Is Exercise? Riebe等人在他们的综述中承认,急性的剧烈运动可能会增加两种潜在急性心脏病的发病风险: In their review, Riebe et al。 concede that sudden vigorous physical exertion can elevate the acute risk of two potentially fatal heart problems: 心脏猝死(SCD),当心电系统机能失常以及心跳过快时会发生这种情况 sudden cardiac death (SCD), when the heart’s electrical system malfunctions and the heart beats dangerously fast 急性心肌梗死(AMI),通常称为心脏病,当一个或多个冠状动脉产生堵塞时会发生这种情 acute myocardial infarction (AMI), better known as a heart attack, when one or more coronary arteries have a blockage 研究人员注意到在男性人群中,每进行150万次剧烈运动中才会发生一例心脏猝死(SCD)。而在女性人群中,每进行3650万小时的中度或剧烈运动中才会发生一例心脏猝死(SCD)。研究人员表示,所有关于运动中心脏猝死(SCD)和急性心肌梗死(AMI)的公开数据都表明,这些病发案例都非常罕见,因此运动对大多数人来说是都安全的。研究人员补充到,不运动的人突发心脏病(所有心肌损伤的病变)的风险几率要比运动人群高。 However, the researchers note that SCD occurs once in every 1.5 million episodes of vigorous physical exertion in men and once in 36.5 million hours of moderate-to-vigorous exertion in women。 All of the published data on SCD and AMI during exercise says these events are very rare, suggesting that exercise is safe for most people, the researchers say。 They add that physically inactive people face a greater total risk for an abrupt cardiac event (any incident that damages heart muscle) than their physically active counterparts。 尽管年龄的增长是影响心血管疾病的一个重要因素,但还没有证据表明年龄因素可以完全准确有效地预测心脏猝死(SCD)或急性心肌梗死(AMI)的发病率。(Riebe et al。 2015)研究人员还补充道,关于抗阻训练中引发心血管疾病风险的数据还很少,但这种风险似乎很低。最重要的是,进行规律的体育锻炼与心脏猝死(SCD)和急性心肌梗死(AMI)的发生概率呈反比关系。也就是说,人们越常锻炼,发生致命心脏病的可能性越低。 Even though increasing age is a CVD risk factor, there is no evidence that age is a strong predictor of SCD or AMI (Riebe et al。 2015)。 The researchers add that there’s little data on cardiovascular risk during resistance training, but that risk appears to be low。 Most importantly, regular physical activity shows an inverse relationship with SCD and AMI, meaning the more people exercise consistently, the less likely they are to have a life-threatening heart complication。 健身专家是否还应该评估客户心血管疾病的风险? Should Fitness Pros Still Assess for CVD Risk? Riebe等人指出心血管风险评估并不能作为客户进行运动训练的医学证明。因为这些评估不能准确预测心脏病或其他心血管疾病发作的可能性。尽管如此,专家组成员仍然鼓励教练们对客户心血管疾病的风险因素进行评估(见表1),预防与控制心血管和代谢疾病。 Riebe et al。 state that CVD risk assessments should not be part of the process of providing medical clearance for exercise because these assessments cannot accurately predict the likelihood of a heart attack or other CVD issues。 However, the panelists still encourage exercise pros to assess clients’ CVD risk factors (see Table 1) to help prevent or manage cardiovascular and metabolic diseases。 指南的另一项修改中,ACSM不再默认肺病患者接受医疗检查。这是因为肺部疾病不会增加运动期间或运动后发生致命心血管疾病的风险。 In another guideline change, people with pulmonary disease are no longer automatically referred for medical clearance。 Pulmonary disease does not increase the risk of fatal cardiovascular events during or immediately after exercise。 新版ACSM运动前健康筛查算法 New ACSM Pre-Exercise Health-Screening Algorithm 算法是可以用来解决问题的程序化步骤。新版的运动前健康筛查算法(Riebe et al。 2015)显示了运动者(表2)和非运动者(表3)应遵循的运动步骤。对锻炼者的定义是在过去3个月里,每周至少3天,每天进行至少30分钟、中等强度、有计划的身体活动的人(Riebe et al。 2015)。低强度运动被定义为可引起心率和呼吸小幅度增加的运动(30% < 40%的心率储备,9-11级RPE)。相比而言,中等强度运动能引起心率和呼吸频率的显著增加(40% < 60%的心率储备,12 - 13 RPE),剧烈运动能引起心率和呼吸频率的大幅度增加(心率储备≥60%,≥14 RPE)。 An algorithm is a set of steps that can be followed to solve a problem。 The new pre-exercise health-screening algorithm (Riebe et al。 2015) shows the steps to follow for exercisers (Table 2) and nonexercisers (Table 3)。 Exercisers are described as persons who have engaged in planned, structured activity of moderate intensity for at least 30 minutes on at least 3 days per week for at least the past 3 months (Riebe et al。 2015)。 Light-intensity exercise is defined as exercise that causes a slight increase in heart rate and breathing (30% < 40% of heart rate reserve, 9–11 rating of perceived exertion)。 By comparison, moderate-intensity exercise causes a noticeable increase in heart rate and breathing (40% < 60% of heart rate reserve, 12–13 RPE), and vigorous exercise causes a substantial increase in heart rate and breathing (≥60% heart rate reserve, ≥14 RPE)。 了解更多 Find Out More 为了降低运动相关心血管疾病的产生风险,健身专业人士应始终确保客户遵循个性化与安全有效的运动计划,并逐步转换运动频率、强度、时间、运动类型、运动量以及进阶(训练计划中的FITT-VP原则)。想要了解更多信息,请参阅《ACSM运动测试和处方指南》(第10版),在训练指南板块,你可以找到运动测试或训练计划的最新专业信息。(ACSM 2018) To reduce the risk of exercise-related cardiovascular health complications, fitness pros should always ensure that clients follow an individualized, safe and effective exercise design that progressively transitions frequency, intensity, time, exercise type, volume and progression (known as the FITT-VP principle of exercise program design)。 To learn more, see ACSM’s Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription (10th ed。), which has the most up-to-date information on exercise guidelines for fitness pros who do exercise tests and design exercise programs (ACSM 2018)。 Len Kravitz博士是CSCS体能训练师,是新墨西哥大学(University of New Mexico)运动科学项目的协调员,在校内获得了“年度杰出教师”和“总统杰出贡献奖”的奖项。在2016年,除了入选国家健身名人堂之外,Len Kravitz还获得了“训练专家贡献奖”。 Len Kravitz, PhD, CSCS, is the program coordinator of exercise science at the University of New Mexico, where he has received the Outstanding Teacher of the Year and Presidential Award of Distinction。 In 2016, in addition to being inducted into the National Fitness Hall of Fame, he received the canfitpro Specialty Presenter Award。 表1: TABLE 1: 当前引发心脏病的高危因素 CURRENT HEART DISEASE RISK FACTORS 可改变的风险因素 Modifiable Risk Factors 可改变的风险因素 缺少体育活动 lack of physical activity 吸烟 smoking 高胆固醇 high blood cholesterol 超重或肥胖 overweight or obesity 高血压 high blood pressure 糖尿病及前驱糖尿病 diabetes and prediabetes 不良的饮食习惯 unhealthy diet 影响心脏病的因素 Factors That Boost Heart Disease Risk 压力:压力过大的人可能会吸烟或暴饮暴食,提高心脏病发病风险。 Stress: People under stress may start smoking or overeat, contributing to heart disease risk。 酒精:过量饮酒会使血压升高,增加人们患癌症、中风或其他疾病的几率。建议男性最好一天饮酒量不多于两杯,女性不多于一杯。 Alcohol: Excessive drinking may elevate blood pressure and increase a person’s risk for cancer, stroke and other diseases。 Limiting alcohol consumption to no more than two drinks per day for men and no more than one drink per day for women is recommended。 不可改变的的风险因素 Fixed Risk Factors 年龄:大多数死于心血管疾病的人年龄在65岁以上。 Age: The majority of people who die from CVD are 65 and older。 性别:相对于女性而言,男性通常有更高的心脏病患病风险,且男性患心脏病的年龄更早。 Gender: Men have a higher risk of heart attack than women do。 Men also have heart attacks earlier in life。 家族心脏病史:如果你的母亲或姐妹在65岁之前患心脏病,或你的父亲或兄弟在55岁之前患心脏病,那么你比普通人有更高的患病风险。 Family history of heart disease: If your mother or sister had a heart attack before age 65, or if your father or brother had one before age 55, you are more likely to get heart disease。 更年期:当雌激素分泌下降时,女性更容易患心脏病。 Menopause: When production of estrogen drops, women are more likely to get heart disease。 提前绝经:接受过子宫切除术或提前进入绝经期的女性患心脏病的几率是未绝经的同龄女性的2倍。 Early menopause: Women who have had a hysterectomy or have entered natural menopause early are twice as likely to develop heart disease as women of the same age who have not gone through menopause。 子痫前期:孕期会出现的高血压,这是另一种不可改变的心脏病患病风险因素。 Pre-eclampsia: This pregnancy condition, characterized by high blood pressure, is another nonmodifiable heart disease risk factor。 表2 TABLE 2 规律运动的客户 CLIENT EXERCISES REGULARLY 如果客户无心血管、代谢或肾脏疾病,且无上述症状,那么则不需要医疗检查。 If the client has no cardiovascular (CV), metabolic or renal disease and no symptoms of these conditions: Medical clearance is not necessary。 可按照ACSM的指导方针,继续进行中强度或高强度的运动。 Continue moderate- or vigorous-intensity exercise, progressing by ACSM guidelines。 如客户患有已知的心血管、代谢或肾脏疾病,但无症状: If the client has known CV, metabolic or renal disease and shows no symptoms: 那么进行中等强度的运动则不需要体检。但在进行高强度运动之前建议进行体检(如果体征或症状在过去12个月内没有变化)。 Medical clearance is not necessary for moderate-intensity exercise。 Medical clearance (within the last 12 months if there has been no change in signs/symptoms) is recommended before engaging in vigorous-intensity exercise。 客户继续保持中等强度锻炼,在进行医疗检查后,可根据ACSM的指南,在客户能承受的范围内逐渐加大训练强度。 Continue moderate-intensity exercise。 After medical clearance, client may tolerate gradual progress, following ACSM guidelines。 如果病人出现心血管、代谢或肾脏疾病症状,无论病情如何: If the client shows any symptoms of CV, metabolic or renal disease, regardless of known disease status: 停止锻炼并寻求医学专家的帮助。 Stop exercise and seek medical clearance。 客户体检合格后可恢复运动。根据ACSM的指南,在客户能承受的范围内逐渐加大训练强度。 Client may resume exercise after medical clearance。 Progress as tolerated, according to ACSM guidelines。 表3 TABLE 3 无规律运动的客户 CLIENT DOES NOT EXERCISE REGULARLY 如果客户无心血管、代谢或肾脏疾病,且无上述症状,那么则不需要医疗检查。 If the client has no CV, metabolic or renal disease and no symptoms of these conditions: Medical clearance is not necessary。 客户可进行轻度到中等强度的运动。根据ACSM的指导方针,在客户能承受的范围内逐渐加大训练强度。 Light- to moderate-intensity exercise is recommended。 Client may gradually as tolerated, following ACSM guidelines。 如客户患有已知的心血管、代谢或肾脏疾病,但无病症: If the client has known CV, metabolic or renal disease and shows no symptoms: 建议客户开具医学证明,征得医生的同意后再进行运动。 Medical clearance for exercise is recommended。 在开具医学证明后,客户可进行轻度到中等强度的运动。根据ACSM的指导方针,在客户能承受的范围内逐渐加大训练强度。 After medical clearance, light- to moderate-intensity exercise is recommended。 Client may gradually progress as tolerated, following ACSM guidelines。 如果病人出现心血管、代谢或肾脏疾病症状,无论病情如何: If the client has any symptoms of CV, metabolic or renal disease, regardless of disease status: 都需要客户开具医学运动许可证明。 Medical clearance for exercise is recommended。 在开具医学运动证明后,客户可进行轻度到中等强度的运动。根据ACSM的指导方针,在客户能承受的范围内逐渐加大训练强度。 After medical clearance, light- to moderate-intensity exercise is recommended。 Client may gradually progress as tolerated, following ACSM guidelines。 概述 SIDE BAR:FAST FACT 当雌激素分泌下降时,女性更容易患心脏病。在ACSM另一项变动的指导方针里,不再默认肺病患者必须接受医疗检查。肺病并不会增加运动中或运动后即刻心血管疾病发生的风险。 When production of estrogen drops, women are more likely to get heart disease。 In another guideline change, people with pulmonary disease are no longer automatically referred for medical clearance。 Pulmonary disease does not increase the risk of fatal cardiovascular events during or immediately after exercise。 对表2和表3的说明 LEGEND FOR TABLES 2 AND 3 心血管(CV):心脏外周血管,或脑血管 CV: cardiac peripheral vascular, or cerebrovascular 医学证明:医疗保健人员开具的运动许可证明 medical clearance: a healthcare professional’s approval to engage in exercise 代谢性疾病:1型和2型糖尿病 metabolic disease: type 1 and 2 diabetes mellitus 休息或活动时的病状:颈部、胸部、手臂、下巴或其他部位因缺血(缺氧)而感到疼痛或不适;休息时或轻度用力时呼吸急促;头晕或晕厥(暂时失去意识);正常活动时产生非正常的疲劳或呼吸急促 symptoms at rest or active: pain and/or discomfort in the neck, chest, arms, jaw, or other areas from ischemia (lack of oxygen); shortness of breath at rest or with mild exertion; dizziness or syncope (temporary loss of consciousness); unusual fatigue or shortness of breath with usual activities 表格选自Riebe et al。 2015。 Tables adapted from Riebe et al。 2015。 参考文献 References ACSM (American College of Sports Medicine)。 2018。 ACSM’s Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription (10th ed。) Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer。 AHA (American Heart Association)。 2018。 Understand your risks to prevent a heart attack。 Accessed July 26, 2018: heart.org/HEARTORG/Conditions/HeartAttack/UnderstandYourRiskstoPreventaHeartAttack/Understand-Your-Risks-to-Prevent-a-Heart-Attack_UCM_002040_Article.jsp# 。W0pdW4V84fo。 NHLBI (National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute)。 2017。 Lower heart disease risk。 Accessed July 24, 2018: nhlbi.nih.gov/health/educational/hearttruth/lower-risk/risk-factors.htm。 Riebe, D。, et al。 2015。 Updating ACSM’s recommendations for exercise preparticipation health screening。 Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 47 (11), 2473–79。 作者:Len Kravitz, PhD 翻译:王宇晨[详情]
关于营养的6个谣言 Nutrition Misfires 客户的误区:本文教你用简洁明了的语言,帮助你的客户纠正常见的饮食误区。 你是否曾经给客户做过推荐,然后发现客户听到的却是完全不同的东西?或者她只接受了你的部分建议,而忽略了其余部分?比如有一次,我告诉我的客户浆果有益健康,后来发现他放弃了所有其他水果。这样摄取营养是错误的。导致这种情况也许是客户的全或无的想法,也许是我表达得不够清楚。毕竟,食物和营养的关系是千丝万缕的,正确传达信息也不是件易事。通过向顶级营养专家学习,他们如何让客户直面六种常见的营养误区,来消除误解。 Have you ever made a recommendation to a client, then discovered the client heard something completely different? Or she took part of what you suggested and ignored the rest? Like the time I advised my client about the healthfulness of berries and later found out he had given up all other fruit。 That was a nutrition misfire。 Maybe it was the client’s all-or-nothing thinking, or maybe I hadn’t been clear enough。 After all, there is subtlety in food and nutrition, and getting the message right is a challenge。 Stamp out misunderstandings by learning how top nutrition professionals set their clients straight on six all-too-common nutrition misfires。 误区1 Misfire #1 糖是不好的;因此,所有的碳水化合物都是不好的。 Sugar is bad; therefore, all carbs are bad。 波士顿布里格姆妇女医院营养部主任Kathy McManus女士建议:“并非所有的碳水化合物都是一样的。”、“有一些碳水的来源不健康,比如白面包、白米饭、白土豆以及含有添加糖的食物(蛋糕、饼干、糖果和含糖饮料)。这些食物会提高血糖,导致糖尿病和体重增加。”常言道:不要把孩子和洗澡水一起倒掉。正如McManus所指出的,“正确种类的碳水化合物食物,如完整的粗粮、水果、蔬菜、豆类和其他豆科植物,都是健康饮食的基础。”(完整的全谷物包括原核的所有层:麸皮、胚芽和胚乳。) “All carbs are not created equal,” advises Kathy McManus, MS, RDN, director of the Department of Nutrition at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston。 “There are some unhealthy sources, like white bread, white rice, white potatoes, and foods containing added sugar (cake, cookies, candy and sugar-sweetened beverages)。 These foods raise blood sugar and can lead to diabetes and weight gain。” But don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater。 As McManus points out, “The right types of carbohydrate foods, such as intact whole grains, fruits, vegetables, beans and other legumes, are the foundation for a healthy diet。” (Intact whole grains include all layers of the original kernel: bran, germ and endosperm。) 因为添加糖是“无用的卡路里”,只提供热量,不提供额外的营养。所以客户应该专注于减少添加糖的摄入,而不是减少摄入如水果或所有碳水化合物那样的自然糖。辨别碳水化合物的来源,帮助客户解决摄入问题:如果碳水化合物是添加糖或精制谷物,限制摄入。如果是天然食品,那就吃吧。但也要注意健康食品的摄入量。 Because added sugar is “empty-calorie,” providing calories but no additional nutrients, focus clients on reducing added sugar, not on reducing sugar that occurs naturally, as in fruit or all carbohydrates。 Help clients navigate this terrain by thinking about the carbohydrate’s context: If it is added sugar or refined grain, limit intake。 If it’s in whole foods, dig in, though be mindful of portion control even with healthy foods。 误区2 Misfire #2 素食是健康的,所以我应该避免所有动物性食品。 Vegetarian diets are healthy, so I should avoid all animal foods。 素食者的超重和肥胖、糖尿病、心脏病和一些癌症的发病率低于那些典型的美国式饮食者(Appleby & Key 2016)。这听起来很有说服力,但这并不意味着动物食品(肉类、家禽、鱼类、奶制品)在健康饮食中没有一席之地。除了蛋白质,肉类还富含铁和锌等矿物质,而牛奶和其他奶制品则富含钙。 Vegetarians have lower rates of overweight and obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and some cancers compared with those on a typical American diet (Appleby & Key 2016)。 That sounds pretty compelling, but it doesn’t necessarily mean animal foods (meat, poultry, fish, dairy products) have no place in a healthy diet。 In addition to protein, meats are sources of well-absorbed minerals, including iron and zinc, while milk and other dairy products are great sources of calcium。 McManus说,避免所有动物食品“那就太过苛刻,特别是当与朋友和家人以及在外吃饭时。”、“在餐馆里很难找到适合自己的食物,而且可能会造成社交孤立。”她解释说,“植物性饮食”指的是多吃植物性食物(豆类、橄榄油等健康油脂、坚果、种子、粗粮、水果和蔬菜),但它比素食具有更大的灵活性。仍然可以摄入包括鱼类、蛋类、乳制品和肉类等食物。”“植物性饮食”和“素食主义”一样对健康有益,比如减轻体重,或减轻糖尿病、心脏病的发病率。但对许多人来说,植物性饮食是一种不那么苛刻、可持续的健康饮食模式。有些人把这种饮食模式称为“弹性饮食”。 McManus says that avoiding all animal foods “can be overly restrictive and limit options, especially when eating with friends and family and away from home。” It can be difficult to find enough variety to eat well in restaurants and may be socially isolating。 She explains that “plant-based eating” means eating mostly foods from plants (legumes, healthy oils like olive oil, nuts, seeds, whole grains, fruits and vegetables), but it allows for greater flexibility than a vegetarian diet and can include fish, eggs, dairy and some meats。 Plant-based eating “supports many of the same health benefits as vegetarianism, such as lower weight, less heart disease and less diabetes, but for many people is a less severe, more sustainable food pattern to support health。” Some call this pattern a “flexitarian” diet。 误区3 Misfire #3 谷蛋白对某些人有害;因此,每个人都应该避免谷蛋白的摄入。 Gluten is bad for some people; therefore, everyone should avoid gluten。 谷蛋白是一种存在于小麦、大麦和黑麦中的蛋白质。“麸质(谷蛋白)是一种蛋白质,这一事实让人们感到意外”,芝加哥营养顾问、曾在超市营养学领域广泛工作的Kim Kirchherr女士说。“谷蛋白的存在,使面包美味、有嚼劲。” Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley and rye。 “The fact that gluten is a protein surprises people, since today’s food conversation is very positive about protein,” says Kim Kirchherr, MS, RDN, a nutrition consultant in Chicago who has worked extensively in supermarket nutrition。 “Gluten is the reason bread has that wonderful, chewy texture。” 谷蛋白过敏症患者对谷蛋白的不良反应会破坏小肠内壁,导致消化系统出现肿胀、腹泻和营养吸收不良等症状。 People with celiac disease react to gluten in a way that damages the lining of their small intestine, leading to digestive symptoms like bloating, diarrhea and malabsorption of nutrients。 小麦过敏并不总是与谷蛋白有关。“有些肠易激综合症患者对小麦中称为低聚糖的碳水化合物产生耐受。但是我们大多数人完全可以食用小麦和谷蛋白,”Denise Barratt女士说,她是北卡罗莱纳Asheville的营养顾问和博客作者,也是《Farm Fresh Nutrition》(vineripenutrition.com)的作者。Barratt说,无麸质产品中铁、纤维和维生素B的含量更低。所以除非你出于健康原因需要避免谷蛋白的摄入,其他情况下,要慎重看待禁食谷蛋白的问题。 Wheat sensitivities are not always related to gluten。 “Some people with irritable bowel syndrome are intolerant to the carbohydrate portions of wheat called oligosaccharides。 But the majority of us are totally okay to consume wheat and gluten,” says Denise Barratt, MS, RDN, a nutrition consultant and blogger in Asheville, North Carolina, and the author of Farm Fresh Nutrition (vineripenutrition.com)。 Barratt says gluten-free products may have less iron, fiber and B vitamins, so reconsider switching unless you need to avoid gluten for health reasons。 另一方面,我们是否倾向于过量食用白面包、披萨、蛋糕、饼干和其他不健康的谷蛋白?是的,我们当然有。是谷蛋白让这些食物不健康吗?对大多数人来说不是的!不应该避免谷蛋白的摄入,而应该选择更有营养的全麦面包。尤其是像大麦和藜麦这样的完整的全麦面包,因为它们不会大量的提高血糖。 On the other hand, do we tend to overeat white bread, pizza, cakes, cookies and other less healthy sources of gluten? Yes, we certainly do。 Is it the gluten that makes these foods unhealthy? Not for most people! The message shouldn’t be to avoid gluten; it should be to choose more nutrient-dense breads made with whole-grain flours and, especially, more intact whole grains like barley and quinoa, which don’t raise blood sugar as much。 误区4 Misfire #4 榨汁是摄入水果和蔬菜的最好方法。 Juicing is the best way to get your fruit and veggies。 每天摄入一种果汁。你的客户可能都尝试过绿色果汁、排毒果汁和姜黄汁。最近的研究表明,果汁是增加饮食中维生素、矿物质和植物营养素的有效途径(Zheng 2017)。在美国,大多数人摄入的水果和蔬菜都不够,这样可能会导致维生素A、维C、钾、纤维、植物营养素等营养物质的缺乏。 There’s a juice for every day of the week, and your clients have probably tried them all: green juice, detox juice, and juices infused with ginger and turmeric。 Recent research has shown that juices are an effective way to increase vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients in the diet (Zheng 2017)。 In the U.S。, most people don’t eat enough fruit or vegetables and may miss out on the nutrients they provide: vitamins A and C, potassium, fiber, phytonutrients, and more。 榨汁是不是比直接吃更好呢?没有人认为喝果汁比吃一个完整的水果更好。榨汁机通常会除去纤维,但纤维对消化系统健康和胆固醇的降低很重要,它有助于控制血糖。Kirchherr说:“榨汁后的水果和蔬菜会丢失一部分营养。” But is drinking juice better than eating the fruits and vegetables they were squeezed from? No one is arguing that we should drink juice instead of eating whole produce。 Juicers usually remove fiber, but fiber is important for digestive health and cholesterol reduction, and it helps keep blood sugar under control。 “You may be tossing out some of the great things we eat fruits and veggies for in the first place,” says Kirchherr。 热量是另一个需要考虑的因素。“你那杯橙汁要用多少个橙子?五个?六个?你会坐下来吃那么多个橙子吗?”Kirchherr问道。你从果汁中摄取的卡路里可能比你吃整个水果时要多得多。芭拉特告诉她的客户,“吃一份完整的水果和蔬菜比冰沙、沙拉、汤和炒菜更经济、更有营养。” Calories are another consideration。 “How many whole oranges are you using for that glass of orange juice? Five? Six? Would you ever sit down and eat that many whole oranges?” asks Kirchherr。 You are probably consuming a lot more calories from juice than you would if you were eating the whole fruit。 Barratt tells her clients, “It is much more economical and nutritious to eat whole fruits and vegetables in smoothies, salads, soups and stir-fries。” 误区5 Misfire #5 食物上的营养成分标签告诉我关于食物的一切。 Nutrition Facts labels on foods tell me all I need to know about the foods。 “我们大多数人都想要一种超级简单的方式来管理饮食信息,”Kirchherr说。她建议以每日营养摄取量的5%(营养成分低)和20%(营养成分高)作为每日饮食的快速指南。(每日营养摄取量指的是以每日摄入2000卡路里为单位,你每日需要的某种营养元素的含量)。如果你试图减少钠摄入?那就吃低于每日营养摄取量5%或更少的食物。想增加纤维摄入?那就吃高于每日营养摄取量20%或更多的食物。 “Most of us want a super-simple way to manage the information about things we eat and drink,” says Kirchherr。 She recommends using 5% (low in a nutrient) and 20% (high in a nutrient) of the Daily Value as a quick guide。 (The Daily Value indicates how much of a nutrient a single serving of the food contributes to an average daily diet of 2,000 calories。) Trying to reduce sodium? Look for 5% or less of the Daily Value。 Trying to increase fiber? Go for 20% or more。 然而,Kirchherr提醒说,“营养成分表提供了关于卡路里和营养的来龙去脉,但是食物成分表会给我们更多关于产品的细节。”只关注其中之一并不能提供全面的营养状况。McManus解释说,例如,白面包中经常添加纤维,这会增加营养成分标签上的纤维含量,但白面包的营养价值比不上全麦面包。全麦面包把全麦面粉列为首要成分,它含有更多的维生素、矿物质和植物营养素,这些都没有出现在营养成分标签上。此外,McManus说,“关于这些添加纤维对健康是否有益的研究不多,而且它们可能不等同于粗粮中的天然纤维。” However, Kirchherr cautions, “The Nutrition Facts label provides context in terms of calories and nutrition, but the ingredient list gives us more detail about the product。 Focusing on one or the other doesn’t give the full nutrition picture。” McManus explains that, for example, fiber is often added to white bread, which boosts the number of grams of fiber on the Nutrition Facts label but doesn’t make white bread as nutritious as whole-wheat bread。 Whole-wheat bread lists whole-wheat flour as the first ingredient and contains more vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients, which don’t all appear on the Nutrition Facts label。 In addition, says McManus, “Research is limited on the health benefits of some of these added fibers, and they may not be equivalent to naturally occurring fiber in whole grains。” 而且,正如McManus提醒客户的,“许多最健康的食品(新鲜水果、蔬菜、鱼、家禽、粗粮、坚果和散装购买的种子)都没有营养成分表。” Also, as McManus reminds clients, “Many of the healthiest foods (fresh fruit, vegetables, fish, poultry, whole grains, nuts and seeds bought in bulk) do not have Nutrition Facts labels。” 营养标签的关键变化。顺便说一下,营养成分表正在发生变化,以便更清楚地显示每份食物的卡路里含量,并反映出当前美国人关注的营养成分的科学知识。fda.gov/downloads/food/labelingnutrition/ucm511646.pdf上有这些变化的概述。 Key changes to nutritional labels。 By the way, Nutrition Facts labels are changing to be clearer about the number of calories per serving and to reflect current scientific knowledge about nutrients of concern for Americans。 There is an overview of the changes at fda.gov/downloads/food/labelingnutrition/ucm511646.pdf。 误区6 Misfire #6 维生素和矿物质对健康是必不可少的,所以我应该多吃。 Vitamins and minerals are essential for health, so I should take a lot of them。 如果你摄入的铁不足,你就会贫血;维生素C太少,就会得坏血病。维生素和矿物质对健康是至关重要的,但对于客户来说,“维生素和矿物质越多并不总是越好”,Kirchherr说,“对我们有益的事情也是如此。”存储在脂肪中的多余的脂溶性维生素是很难排出的,如维生素A、D、E和K 。另一方面,维生素B和维生素C是水溶性的,不能吸收的部分将会被我们排泄出体外,所以摄入过量本质上意味着你把钱冲入马桶。 If you get less than enough iron, you become anemic; too little vitamin C, and you get scurvy。 Vitamins and minerals are critical for good health, but the message for clients, says Kirchherr, is “bigger isn’t always better。 This is true for things that are good for us, too。” We can’t easily get rid of excess vitamins stored in fat, such as fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K。 The B vitamins and vitamin C, on the other hand, are water-soluble, and we excrete what we can’t absorb, so taking an excess of those may mean you are essentially flushing the money you paid for them down the toilet。 有些复合维生素和矿物质补充剂的营养含量几乎能达到每日营养摄入量的100%,虽然它们的风险较低,可以弥补饮食中缺失的营养成分(Ward 2014),但我们很少研究大剂量维生素、矿物质和其他膳食补充剂的长期影响。在美国,还没有法律规定食品和药品管理局需要在膳食补剂流入市场之前验证其安全性或有效性(NIH 2011)。不要以为补剂很受欢迎就很有效。许多人认为服用大剂量的维生素C可以预防感冒,但是科学证据并不支持这一观点。 While a multivitamin and mineral supplement containing around 100% of the Daily Values may be low risk and could make up for nutrients missing in the diet (Ward 2014), we have little research on the long-term effects of large doses of vitamins, minerals and other dietary supplements。 In the U.S。, laws do not require the Food and Drug Administration to verify safety or effectiveness before dietary supplements are marketed to consumers (NIH 2011)。 And don’t assume that because a supplement is popular, it is also effective。 Many people believe that taking large doses of vitamin C will prevent them from getting colds, but the scientific evidence doesn’t support that belief (PubMed Health 2017)。 为了避免营养摄入的误区,我们需要帮助客户对营养知识进行科普,并让他们知道自己只是看到了冰山一角,背后有着更多的机理。Kirchherr提醒我们,“不能用‘一定’和‘一定不’这种极端的词汇来对饮食进行要求。”也许,这应该是我们最先传递给客户的信息。 To avoid nutrition misfires, we need to help clients scratch the surface and see there is more to every nutrition topic than just a sound bite。 Kirchherr wisely reminds us, “Extremes, like ‘always’ and ‘never,’ don’t work in food and nutrition。” Perhaps that should be our first message to clients。 给客户的6个关键建议 6 KEY TIPS FOR CLIENTS 糖和碳水化合物。需要减少摄入的是添加糖,而不是水果或所有碳水化合物中天然存在的糖分。限制添加糖和精制谷物的摄入量,多吃天然食品。 Sugar and carbs。 Reduce added sugar, not the sugar occurring naturally in fruit or all carbohydrates。 Limit intake of added sugars and refined grains, but enjoy whole foods。 素食还是吃肉?“植物性饮食”指的是多吃植物性食物(豆类、橄榄油等健康油脂、坚果、种子、粗粮、水果和蔬菜),但它比素食具有更大的灵活性,可以包括鱼类、蛋类、乳制品和一些肉类。 Vegetarian or meat? “Plant-based eating” means eating mostly foods from plants (legumes, healthy oils like olive oil, nuts, seeds, whole grains, fruits and vegetables), but it allows for more flexibility than a vegetarian diet and can include fish, eggs, dairy and some meats。 谷蛋白,吃还是不吃?如果你有谷蛋白过敏症或其他疾病,不要摄入麸质。避免白面包、披萨、蛋糕、饼干和其他不太健康的谷蛋白,多吃富含营养的面包,这些面包是用粗粮面粉和完整的粗粮(如大麦和藜麦)做成的。 Gluten, yes or no? Don’t avoid gluten unless you have celiac disease or another medical condition。 Avoid white bread, pizza, cakes, cookies and other less healthy sources of gluten, but eat more nutrient-dense breads made with whole-grain flours and intact whole grains like barley and quinoa。 果汁还是完整的水果?果汁提供营养,但它们会丢失纤维,增加热量摄入。吃完整的水果和蔬菜会更经济,这样能提供所有的营养价值,包括纤维,以及更少的卡路里。 Juice or whole fruit? Juices provide nutrition, but they eliminate fiber and increase calorie intake。 Eat whole fruits and vegetables instead, since it’s more economical and provides all the nutrient values, including fiber, with fewer calories。 营养成分表。这些只是食物的一部分;还要去观察成分表。在标签上,5%的每日营养摄取量较低,20%的每日营养摄取量较高。记住,一些非常健康的食物,如水果、鱼和散装坚果,都是没有标签的。 Nutrition Facts labels。 These are only part of the story; search the list of ingredients as well。 On the label, consider 5% of the Daily Value as low in nutrients and 20% as high。 Remember that some of the healthiest foods, like fruits, fish and bulk nuts, do not have labels。 维生素和矿物质。含有大约100%的每日营养摄取量的补充剂可能有益健康,而且摄取风险较低,但更多并不意味着更好。记住,多余的脂溶性维生素会留在体内,而水溶性营养物质会被排出。 Vitamins and minerals。 Supplements containing around 100% of Daily Values may be helpful and low risk, but more is not always better。 Keep in mind that excess fat-soluble vitamins are retained in the body, and water-soluble nutrients are flushed away。 参考文献 References Appleby, P.N。, and Key, T.J。, 2016。 The long-term health of vegetarians and vegans。 Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 75, 287–93。 NIH (National Institutes of Health Office of Dietary Supplements)。 2011。 Dietary supplements: Background information。 Accessed July 15, 2018: ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/DietarySupplements-HealthProfessional/。 PubMed Health。 2017。 Common colds: Does vitamin C keep you healthy? Accessed July 15, 2018: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0072728/。 Ward, E。 2014。 Addressing nutritional gaps with multivitamin and mineral supplements。 Nutrition Journal, 13, 72。 Zheng, J。, et al。 2017。 Effects and mechanisms of fruit and vegetable juices on cardiovascular diseases。 International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 18, 555。 doi:10.3390/ijms18030555。 作者:Sanna Delmonico, MS, RDN, CHES 翻译:王溪宣[详情]
More Exercise Is Key to Weight Loss Success 成功减重的关键:进行更多锻炼 你的客户们是否减少了他们训练计划中的运动量? Are clients canceling out their own progress—or not? 许多人增加了自己的运动量,却还是不能成功减肥,最新的科学研究或许可以帮助你解决这个问题。早先的研究表明,尽管锻炼能消耗热量,但许多人在进行更多锻炼的同时,也增加了进食量与休息时间,从而抵消了一些减肥所需的热量缺口。肯塔基大学饮食与人体营养学系助理教授Kyle Flack博士是这项最新研究的作者,他说“这项研究否定了‘一旦你运动越多,饮食和休息的补充就会增加,实际减掉的体重就会越少’的这样一个观点。” New research may help solve the problem of why many people who increase their activity fail to lose weight。 Although exercise burns calories, previous studies have shown that many people compensate for the increased activity by eating and resting more, thus negating some potential weight loss benefits。 But “basically, this study disproves the notion that the more you exercise, the more you compensate and the less weight you actually lose,” said lead study author Kyle Flack, PhD, RD, assistant professor in the Department of Dietetics and Human Nutrition at the University of Kentucky in Lexington。 为了解决这个问题,研究人员将29名久坐的超重和肥胖男女随机分成两组,对他们进行为期12周的训练。其中一组每周训练5次,每次约30分钟,每周共消耗1500千卡的热量。第二组每周训练5次,每次约1小时,每周消耗3000千卡。研究者记录了参与者训练前后的静息代谢率、身体成分和饮食摄入。同时,也给所有参与者都佩戴了活动记录器。 Investigators tackled this question by randomly separating 29 sedentary men and women with overweight and obesity into two groups for 12 weeks of training。 One group burned 1,500 exercise calories per week by training for about 30 minutes 5 times per week。 The second group trained for about an hour 5 times per week, for a total of 3,000 exercise calories per week。 Investigators measured resting metabolic rate, body composition and dietary intake both before and after the program。 All participants wore activity trackers。 数据分析显示,第一组的参与者减掉的脂肪几乎为零。相比之下,第二组的大多数人却减重明显,15人中有12人减掉了至少5%的脂肪。研究人员发现,通过增加进食和休息的代偿机制,与身体的能量消耗是不成正比的。事实上,两组成员的生活方式都对训练做出了类似的调整,以应对身体活动的增加。 Data analysis showed that members of the first group lost little if any body fat。 In contrast, most people in the second group did lose weight, and 12 out of 15 lost at least 5% of their body fat。 Study authors found that compensatory mechanisms of increased eating and resting were not proportional to the amount of energy expended。 In fact, members of both groups made similar lifestyle adjustments in response to the increased activity。 Flack说道:“不管进行多少量度的运动,你都会得到大约900千卡的热量补偿。如果你想减肥,最好进行更多锻炼去弥补这些多余热量。每周消耗1500卡路里的运动是不够的,要达到3000卡路里才能有效减重。 Flack said, “Regardless of how much exercise you do, you will compensate similarly—a little over 900 kcal per week—so we better exercise more to make up for it, if we want to lose weight。 Fifteen hundred calories per week was not enough exercise, but 3,000 was。” 该项研究可以在American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology刊物上获得。 (2018; doi:10.1152/ajpregu.00071.2018)。 The study is available in the American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology (2018; doi:10.1152/ajpregu.00071.2018)。 作者:Shirley Archer, JD, MA 翻译:王宇晨[详情]
IDEA上海中心+铁三爱好者 体能训练工作坊受欢迎程度堪比双十一! 2019年1月下旬,Locomo耐力运动研究院在IDEA上海中心举行了首期针对公路车及铁人三项爱好者的体能训练工作坊。为了确保工作坊的高品质,限量名额一开放就被抢光,简直堪比双十一! IDEA上海中心自开业以来,承载了各类行业普及性讲座及其他推广活动。作为37年国际发展的专业平台,IDEA为行业内各类社团爱好者、发烧友提供国际标准的训练场地、专业教练,及各类配套服务。 公路车、铁三、跑步、瑜伽、击剑、游泳、陆上赛艇、足球、篮球、排球、高尔夫、马术…………IDEA上海中心探索着更多的可能! 选择IDEA上海中心的优势有很多: IDEA有场地、有技术、有人员、有平台、有专业 IDEA可以带训、可以做讲座 IDEA提供各类专业的配套服务 专业平台+优质服务,打造中国健身行业城市地标,而且,我们位于寸土寸金的上海黄金地段!试想一下,学员在被称为中国第一CBD的陆家嘴,在上海最华丽的天际线之下参加一次线下培训、或者工作坊课程,是不是瞬间满分高大上! 在IDEA上海中心举办一次由顶级体能训练师带训的体能训练工作坊是一种什么体验?尤其还是超棒的体能训练师带队: 王浩宇 IDEA China技术总监 国家场地自行车女子4km 团体追逐体能师; 参与备战2020东京奥运会极限运动体能组; 曾与国际顶尖的体能训练机构EXOS共事服务上海多支专业运动队; 北京体育大学体育教育训练学方向硕士研究生; 让Locomo的王开元老师带你回顾此次工作坊的来龙去脉!以下内容由王开元老师亲自撰写: 有道是“冬练三九”,冬训怎么练,在我们先前推出的“冬训线上课”中已经为大家梳理了头绪,其中大篇幅地提到了力量训练,也提供了不少具体的力量训练动作和建议。 然而,在我们一对一定制训练中以及Bike Fitting的身体评估环节,都有发现基础力量素质薄弱及身体功能性有待提高,乃是许多耐力运动爱好者的薄弱环节,不少爱好者每周花在训练上的时间不少,但成绩提高程度与付出时间不成正比,或者随着训练量增加运动损伤也不断出现。 训练中比较典型的情况如:自行车LSD没少骑,但功率增长缓慢,甚至处于平台期;跑步尽管调整跑姿,但基础配速仍然不高,且像触地时长等关键指标变化不大。这些其实都是可以通过力量训练有效提高的,前者通过训练提高最大力量和发力率,后者则需改善下肢肌肉SSC的能力。 而骑行中最常见的如腰痛与膝盖痛,除去车设定的原因,想要治本,往往从解决车手本身身体的问题入手才是王道! 另一方面,随着科学训练理念的普及,有越来越多耐力运动爱好者意识到了力量训练的重要性,却苦于不知如何正确进行力量训练——自己摸索,担心动作不对训练低效,甚至受伤;而去外面请健身教练,则担心教练对耐力运动理解有限,无法满足训练诉求,甚至跑偏了练出一块块疙瘩肉,但对耐力运动成绩提高帮助不大。 解决这些现实中存在的局限性正是我们想要举办一次针对于耐力运动爱好者的力量训练工作坊的初衷,这是仅靠“线上”无法实现的! 我们想要通过一整天的理论+实操,不仅让参与者了解力量训练对于耐力运动的重要性,力量训练如何正确如何发展,耐力人群如何做力量训练,如何掌握基本的技术要领,更让参与者在结束一天的实训后可以有人手一份、仅仅针对个人的、可以切实执行的训练计划带回家,帮助其在接下来的2-3个月内有效开展力量训练。 我们给工作坊定的基调是: 专业性 + 系统性+ 针对性 + 可执行 前提 - 老师真的很牛! 促成这次力量训练工作坊的一个重要契机是——我们有幸请到浩宇老师全程带教。他对于专项体能,训练的安排,有着大量的、先进的一手宝贵经验,非常擅于通过评估和观察发现一个人的短板,从而开展有针对性的训练安排。 基调=专业+系统+针对+执行 在本次工作坊,秉承如上理念(也是学员的痛点),我们严格限定了学员人数,并且在一小时的理论介绍与问答互动后,我们将剩下的六个多小时都留给了浩宇老师和学员们在现场。 工作坊结束之后,学员们纷纷觉得参加了就是赚到! 01 很高兴参加这次locomo举办的力量训练工作坊… 深刻地体会到许多习以为常的动作,原来都是一场误会。平时看视频只能学习到动作的型,透过浩宇教练的说明才知道,每个动作的发力、关键点都没有确实地掌握,课后有种恍然大悟之感。 另外,在实际操练过程中,透过教练对于其他学员的指导过程,也能更直观的对应到自己本身的问题点,了解到底是哪个部位不稳定导致动作失准、亦或是哪部分的肌肉需要再进一步加强也比较有直接的感受… 如果是一个2日的课程,那种训练后的心得如果可以稍作修正再经过教练指导、确认,肯定对日常力量训练起到更好的辅助,这大概是我觉得唯一可惜的地方了! —— 鹏哥,50岁的铁三爱好者 02 选择参加首期LOCOMO的力量工作坊和选择他们做fitting都是因为:我需要+我相信: 我需要科学地运动和训练,这对我一个讲究效率和质量的运动爱好者来说格外重要。 开元先是运动爱好者,然后才投身于专业的学习和研究中,是我眼中最科学且最接地气的专家; 浩宇老师也是科班出身,带过像中国场地自行车队等许多专业运动员的体能师,这样的组合当然是最信得过的。 这次工作坊对我来说是超值的!最大的收获是系统地了解了力量训练的基本知识和要领,以及获得了第一周期的计划并在教练手把手指导的过程中建立了信心。 其次,在这个过程中纠正了许多错误的认知和动作,避免了无效地训练和潜在的运动伤害。 在我看来,这个一天绝不是获得认知的过程,而是帮助我从知道到做到开始,打造一个扎实的力量训练基础的过程。 这一天的工作坊不但让我少走了许多弯路,更让我对运动成绩的提高充满了信心。 感谢两位老师! —— Ken 70后公路自行车爱好者 03 耐力,速度,力量三大主要训练诉求中,我自己对于力量练习的态度往往是不够重视,不够清楚练哪些肌群的力量,设置何种强度频次的力量练习是合适的。一整天的实操练习,清楚地了解自身目前弱在何处,也更明确知道下一步的力量练习如何规划,评估效果。春节新年先定个小目标,平躺下来吹个气球! ——昭华,80后铁三、越野跑爱好者 04 作为一个从没去过健身房的小白,一个只接触过囚徒健身的铁三爱好者,周日长达8小时的培训却是短暂却又充实。 从王开元老师理论知识的讲解到王浩宇教练动作要领的实操,深入浅出,从头到脚,理解了是什么?为什么?怎么做?针对我们入门学员,规划了浅显易懂的训练课程,并逐个过堂,确保掌握了基本要领,同时也学习了训练计划制作原理,为以后的训练指明了方向。 但是课程知识量较大,建议以后可以分为两天培训,这次真是加量不加价,还有纪念品相送。另外,午饭肉夹馍配牛肉汤超赞,希望工作坊越办越好! —— 王琛 80后铁三爱好者 05 作为一名铁三新手,加之以前很少接触力量练习,即使有一些简单的力量练习,也是在照着葫芦画瓢,动作看上去是一样的,但是肌肉刺激都没有到位。所以得知locomo要联手王浩宇老师举办力量训练营的消息后,我就告诉自己,不能浪费这次机会。 通过本次训练营,系统学习了如何在运动前通过简单的泡沫轴让自己充分的热身;使用弹力带以及徒手的动作激活肌肉,让接下来的力量训练更充分的刺激到应该刺激的肌肉;以及运动完的放松拉伸动作。这些动作始于力量训练,但是又不止于力量训练。更让我充分认识到,力量训练对于铁三这项运动的重要性。更惊喜的是,通过王浩宇教练几个基础动作的教授,解决了困扰我已久的腰痛顽疾,也认识到自己核心力量的不足。 感谢locomo提供的这次机会,感谢王浩宇教练倾囊相授。期待下次力量训练营中级班。 —— 刘超 新进入坑的80后铁三爱好者 IDEA上海中心 地址:上海市浦东新区昌邑路55弄22号 中国健身行业城市新地标,你还没有来打卡吗?[详情]
2019IDEA中国峰会 全面升级 等你来玩! 2019年8月21日—8月25日 2019IDEA中国峰会 上海 · 国家会展中心 37年品质坚持 被誉为健身行业的超级碗 只呈现全球最好的培训体系 只邀请体系中最权威的专家导师 只专注于为专业教练提供专业内容 我们从参会教练中 收到最多的评价是 “课程专业!”“导师热情!”“学的东西实用!” 2019年,IDEA中国峰会的又一次扬帆起航 我们将为你带来更多!!! 2019年新呈现 专业升级:更多导师、更多课程、更专业权威的教学内容 理念升级:“拥抱数字时代”,全新智能场馆打造智能化互动健身新体验 玩法升级:IDEA与更多合作伙伴强强联手,探索专业以外的新玩法!FIBO、3F、青橙……还有更多值得期待的新尝试! ▼ 如果去年你觉得来IDEA就是来学习的 那今年你会发现 来IDEA可以学到更多! 而且居然还可以学得这么有趣! 专业升级 MORE EXPERTS 2018年让你收获满满的课程,疯狂合影的导师 2019年boom!加量!翻倍! 以专业为本的IDEA中国峰会 将不断挑战新高度 把专业品质全面升级! 这一次我们又走在国际前沿了! ▼ 2018年,我们精挑细选28位国际导师 2019年,我们继续挖宝,这次将邀请50+创始人级别的国际顶尖导师! 2018年,28位导师为学员带来了95节国际精品课程,内容不仅包含了国内关注度极高的团体训练、特殊人群等,更有国外顶级期刊上经常发表的行为改变等心智模块的众多课程! 2019年,更多导师更多课程!130+精品课程将包含更多的健身前沿领域、尖端话题!日常学习中被英语限制了你的想象?IDEA为你把前沿资讯带到峰会上! 2018年,IDEA中国峰会100%课程拥有来自四家国际顶级机构( AASFP、ACE、NASM、PTAG)的继续教育学分。 2019年,IDEA中国峰会上的继续教育学分可获得总数,将毫无悬念成为行业之最!! 理念升级 NEW CONCEPT 2019IDEA中国峰会 将在专业之外不断探索! 健身峰会绝不是肌肉男/女聚在一起无脑撸铁 它的科技含量可以超乎你的想象! 2019IDEA中国峰会将主打全新理念: “拥抱数字时代” 试想一下 通过人脸识别3秒就完成入场走进场馆 教室的课程内容、导师介绍直接跃入手机屏幕 一节课下来消耗了多少卡路里课后立刻掌握 这种智能化互动新体验想想就让人很激动! ▼ 用进博会的场地 玩进博会的理念 办全新的健身峰会 你将在2019IDEA中国峰会 看到健身行业的下一个十年! 玩法升级 MORE FUN 2018年的IDEA中国峰会来了只是上课? 2019年的IDEA中国峰会将告诉你 什么是教科书一般的FUN EXERCISE! 2019IDEA中国峰会将联合更多合作伙伴 玩转更多新鲜玩法 打造健身爱好者夏日狂欢的新嗨点! ▼ IDEA+上海=全新的城市探索模式! IDEA中国峰会更将开启全新的城市探索模式!学员不再需要窝在一个固定场馆内上课,更是能边学习边玩转上海多个城市地标! IDEA将会把峰会精彩课程遍布到上海各个角落,参会者可以直接在与IDEA合作的城市地标处参加国际导师的精品课程,体验与众不同的城市健身新探索! IDEA+青橙科技=新概念智能场馆 越来越多健身场馆都在采用数字化模式,为健身爱好者缔造更好的服务质量。健身用户可以用数字化的方式来跟踪自己的健身成果、健身内容,等等。 健身场馆数字化的趋势在国际上也日益明显,这毫无疑问将是健身行业的国际发展方向! 2019IDEA中国峰会,遇上青橙科技成熟的智能化技术,将呈现给参会者一个新概念的智能场馆! IDEA+3F健身管理培训=2000+俱乐部老板董事交流会 IDEA联手3F健身管理培训,针对俱乐部及工作室等健身场馆的投资人、经营管理高层人员,量身定制一场管理类高端论坛峰会。 IDEA将邀请全球范围内最成功的俱乐部董事,带来行业发展趋势的分析,分享经营管理成功的经验,并结合中国俱乐部发展现状,开展针对性讨论交流。 2019继续牵手! IDEA+国药励展=FIBO和IDEA的再一次联合! 作为国际上健身领域的代表,FIBO和IDEA两大品牌的再一次牵手,将带来1+1>2的会展一体化新体验! 学员不单可以在IDEA学到最专业的课程,了解最前沿的健身资讯,同时也可以在FIBO看到最先进的健身科技,最酷炫的健身潮流,全方位的掌握健身行业国际新动向! FIBO中国展最新趋势、最新技术、最新理念、最新模式的展示与商贸对接平台,促进健身与健康生活方式领域的健康发展。IDEA和FIBO携手继续共创中国健身产业美好未来! IDEA+更多跨界伙伴=值得期待的更多新玩法! ➡ IDEA将会联合多个热门直播平台,打造全新媒体矩阵,3x8小时全程直播,把峰会精彩送到你面前! ➡ IDEA还将与高端消费平台合作,共同为高端人群提供精英化课程服务体验,由世界顶级导师亲自执教,享受奢华礼遇! 2019IDEA中国峰会 全面升级 就等你来玩了![详情]
2019年8月21日—8月25日 2019 IDEA中国峰会 上海 · 国家会展中心 2019年IDEA中国峰会 课程申请现已全面开启 已有数十位顶尖导师,通过IDEA国际申请,确认将参与2019IDEA中国峰会。 IDEA China诚挚邀请国内外优秀健身机构加入IDEA中国峰会,共同推进中国健身行业规范化、专业化发展。 与IDEA全球峰会一致,2019IDEA中国峰会的主题是“IGNITE YOUR PASSION(燃起你的激情)”,致力于让中国的健身爱好者提升工作和学习的激情,激发服务的热情。 作为IDEA进入中国后的第二届全球性健身峰会,无论是峰会的规模还是形式,2019IDEA中国峰会都会有很大的提升: 2019IDEA中国峰会将会提供12个培训空间,平均每个空间的面积达到400平米,可以容纳200人同时上课。 2019IDEA中国峰会首次尝试健身消费展,将邀请12个相关品牌入驻,为参会人员提供更加丰富的消费体验。 2019IDEA中国峰会首次引入全球峰会的多元课程空间,将联合当地最具代表的地标开设公开课程,为参会学员提供更加印象深刻的课程体验。 2019IDEA中国峰会课程全球征集工作已全面开启,为了推动国内健身行业的快速发展,现定向邀请部分培训机构进行课程申报,具体内容及要求如下: 一、课程形式 课程工作坊Workshop (WS) 90-110分钟: 非证书课程,动态与静态相结合,通票学员免费参加。50%的课程内容是在运动模式下完成的,旨在让与会者有机会边学习边练习课程介绍的内容。 授课Lecture (L) 90-110分钟: 非证书课程,静态课程,即与会者静态或小型演示完成上课内容;通票学员免费参加。 认证课程工作坊 Workshop (CWS) 4-8小时: 认证证书课程,向学员提供证书认证课程。通票学员免费参与课程,达到一定学时后可申请购买考试及证书服务。(超过8小时的课程请与组委会单独沟通) 会前/会后课程 (L 或 WS) 4-8小时: IDEA中国峰会的前1-3天和后1-3天培训课程,将单独售票收费。(超过8小时的课程请与组委会单独沟通) 二、课程类型 私教训练技能,包括:课程方案设计、功能性训练、力量训练、代谢训练、核心训练等; 训练科学,包括:运动表现、体能评估、运动康复、青少年体能、产后恢复、女性训练等; 小团体课程,包括:小团体训练法、军事训练法(boot camp)、间歇性训练等; 职业技能提升,包括:市场营销、销售技巧、俱乐部管理、领导力提升等; 运动营养与行为改变,包括:运动营养、体重管理、健康指导等; 团操课程,包括:编舞及教学技巧、有氧舞蹈、团体力量训练、搏击等; 专业设备课程,包括:骑行、划船机、悬挂训练、振动训练等, 电充设备; 身心训练,包括:普拉提、瑜伽等。 三、课程评选标准及规定 2019IDEA中国峰会培训课程的选题方向由IDEA全球评审委员会确定; 优选国际首发和国际知名专业课程,机构/公司应保证对于提交的课程内容及讲师有足够的行业资质及相关从业经验,并具有专业的授课基本素质及形象; IDEA中国将按课程体系进行课程设置,并保证各类活动有序进行。 四、导师标准 导师必须在所提交的课程主题领域方面拥有相应资质,至少持续4年拥有NCCA或IDEA认可的机构认证证书; 在IDEA全球峰会拥有相关授课经历; 相关从业年年限至少12年; 导师需有10年以上的授课经验,仪态举止需专业; 机构创始人或教育主管级别。 五、申请机构要求 课程需为品牌或公司的原创知识产权; 申请机构需承担相关课程导师、翻译、助教等工作人员的全部费用,包括人员差旅费、讲课费等。 六、申请必需材料 联系方式(姓名、邮箱、手机号码等) 导师个人简介(80字以内) 课程名称(45个字以内) 课程简介(100字以内,中英文对照版本) 课程形式(工作坊、讲座、实操等)以及课程主题类别 课程学习目标(每节课3-5个) 课程讲义及PPT(中英文对照版本) 器械及音视觉设备需求 需有国际科学理论背景支持,请附中英文参考文献,且不少于10篇 ⭕ 首次申请在IDEA China授课的导师请提交一段真实授课视频,展现导师的讲课风格和技巧。视频要求如下: 宣传推广视频不予接受 视频时长不超过30分钟 若课程是工作坊或实操课,导师需面向学员 请确保视频画面及声音清晰可辨 网页视频链接可接受 ⭕ 首次申请在IDEA中国峰会授课的导师会进入为期一年的观察期,观察期内需至少参加2次IDEA系列峰会活动。 请咨询IDEAFIT微信公众号获取课程申请表,仔细按要求全部填写完毕,并汇同申请必须材料。于截至日期2019年2月28日前,发送至:dongli@ideafit.cn 组委会将于2019年3月10日前确认所有入选课程,并发送最终确认邮件并联系申请人。 感谢您对IDEA中国峰会的支持 并期待收到您的反馈![详情]
Understanding Soy Safety 豆制品的安全性 作者:Konstanin Yakimchuk 译者:周军 Soy products contain compounds called phytoestrogens, which provide a wealth of health benefits—and a few potential risks。 豆制品中的植物雌激素是一种对人体十分有益的物质,但同时又存在一些潜在的风险。 The growing popularity of soy products in U.S。 and European diets has raised considerable controversy。 While the soy-rich diets of Asia generate documented health benefits, questions persist about the safety of soy in some products, especially infant formula。 美国和欧洲饮食中豆制品的日益普及引起了很大争议。尽管亚洲富含大豆的饮食对健康有益,但一些产品,尤其是婴儿配方奶粉中大豆的安全性仍存在疑问。 To make sense of this debate, it helps to understand the nature of dietary compounds called phytoestrogens—plant-based compounds whose chemical structure resembles estrogens, the female sex hormones of mammals。 Also called isoflavones, phytoestrogens are most prevalent in soybeans and red clover。 为了寻找答案,我们需要了解什么是植物雌激素(Phytoestrogens),它的化学结构类似于雌激素——哺乳动物雌性激素。该激素也称为异黄酮(Isoflavones),在大豆和红三叶草中最为普遍。 Phytoestrogens have been linked to better heart health and reduced risk of breast and prostate cancers。 They can help with osteoporosis and menopausal symptoms and may possibly improve cognitive functions。 For all these benefits, however, the question of whether we should consume more soy-based products or add soy supplements to our diets has not been fully resolved。 植物雌激素有利于心脏健康,并能降低乳腺癌和前列腺癌的罹患风险。可以缓解骨质疏松和更年期症状的作用,还能提高认知能力。而饮食中是否需要更多的豆制品或豆类补品的问题还有待研究。 Let’s walk through the fundamentals of the phytoestrogens at the root of the soy-safety debate。 豆制品安全争议的根源在于植物雌激素的作用原理,我们就从这里入手。 Phytoestrogens in Asian Versus Western Diets 亚洲与西方饮食中的植物雌激素 Soy food, the main source of phytoestrogens, is common in Asian diets but rare in Western cuisine。 Why does consumption vary so much? Different agricultural traditions and dietary preferences are potential answers。 豆制品是植物雌激素的主要来源,在亚洲饮食中很常见,但在西方饮食中却很少。为什么饮食差异如此之大呢?这是由于不同的农业传统和饮食偏好造成的。 People following a traditional Asian diet eat about 15–50 milligrams of isoflavones daily, much more than in the U.S。 and Europe, where less than 2 mg daily is typical (Eisenbrand 2007)。 Asian cuisine uses primarily the first generation of soy products, such as tofu, soybeans and soymilk, while soy-based meat alternatives prevail in the Western diet。 亚洲人每天摄入约15~20毫克的异黄酮,而美国人和欧洲人的日均摄入量则少于2毫克(Eisenbrand 2007),远远低于亚洲人。亚洲饮食以初级加工豆制品为主,如豆腐、大豆和豆浆,而西方则以豆制素肉为主。 The processing of soy products varies in Asian cultures: Unfermented soy products, such as soymilk and tofu, are popular in China, while fermented natto and miso are more common in Japan。 Soy sauce prepared by fermentation is also prominent in Asian cuisines。 在亚洲,不同的文化传统拥有不同的豆制品加工方法:在中国,未发酵的豆制品最为普遍,如豆腐和豆浆;而日本则流行发酵后的纳豆和味噌。发酵而制的酱油在亚洲饮食中也很常见。 In addition to soy, several other plant species grown in the U.S。 are rich in phytoestrogens。 Groundnut, or potato bean—an essential staple in diets of Eastern Native Americans and later the Pilgrims—has the highest content of isoflavones among these species (Zaheer & Humayoun Akhtar 2017)。 除大豆外,美国的其他几种植物也富含植物雌激素。落花生,或马铃薯豆,是东部美洲原住民和后来清教徒必不可少的主食——这些食物中异黄酮的含量最高(Zaheer & Humayoun Akhtar 2017)。 (Editor’s note: The name “groundnut” is used for various plants with edible parts。 The scientific name for potato bean is Apois americana。 )。 (编者注:“落花生”这个名称是指各种带有可食用部分的植物。马铃薯豆的学名是Apois americana。) Effects on Inflammation and Metabolic Diseases 对炎症和代谢疾病的影响 Experimental data show that phytoestrogens—including genistein, one of the main soy isoflavones—may be useful for treating inflammation, one of the basic mechanisms of metabolic syndrome, athero—sclerosis, arthritis, obesity and diabetes (Yu et al。 2016)。 In particular, phytoestrogens function as antioxidants and may be superior to vitamins C and E (Sierens et al。 2001)。 Just two servings of soy foods can increase blood flow in heart vessels and improve the health of heart muscle。 Phytoestrogens also widen blood vessels, reduce blood pressure, decrease blood cholesterol levels and prevent atherosclerosis in blood vessels (Rietjens, Louisse & Beekmann 2017)。 Note, however, that these plant hormones can suppress the human immune system, which could pose risks (Masilamani, Wei & Sampson 2012)。 实验表明,植物雌激素,包括金雀异黄酮(Genistein,一种主要的大豆异黄酮),可用于治疗炎症。而炎症是代谢疾病、动脉粥样硬化、关节炎、肥胖症和糖尿病的基本机制之一(Yu et al.2016)。特别是其拥有的抗氧化的作用,可能比维生素C和维生素E更好 (Yu et al。 2016)。进食两餐的豆制食物就可以增加心脏血管血流量,促进心肌健康。植物雌激素还可以扩张血管,降低血压,降低血胆固醇并预防动脉粥样硬化(Rietjens, Louisse & Beekmann 2017)。但需要注意的是,这种植物激素会抑制人体免疫系统,造成一定的风险(Masilamani, Wei & Sampson 2012)。 Diabetic patients can benefit from consuming plant estrogens。 Studies performed in the U.S。 and Asia have found an inverse association between consumption of a large variety of soy products and risk of type 2 diabetes (Li et al。 2018)。 Genistein normalizes glucose parameters in peripheral blood, indicating that this isoflavone may increase insulin levels。 植物雌激素对糖尿病患者有益。美国和亚洲的研究发现,食用大量豆制品与患Ⅱ型糖尿病的风险呈负相关(Li et al。 2018)。金雀异黄酮能使外周血液的葡萄糖指标正常化,这说明该异黄酮可能增加胰岛素水平。 Plant Estrogens for Postmenopausal Women 植物雌激素对绝经后女性的影响 Researchers have found that supplementing diets with 30 mg of genistein daily can suppress osteoporosis in postmenopausal women。 That dosage mirrors the regular intake of isoflavones in the traditional Eastern diet。 Moreover, several studies suggest that isoflavones may reduce hot flashes and other postmenopausal symptoms (Messina 2014)。 研究发现,每天补充30毫克金雀异黄酮可以预防绝经后骨质疏松症。该剂量恰为传统东方饮食中异黄酮的常规摄入量。另外,一些研究表明,异黄酮还可能会减轻热潮红和其他绝经后症状(Messina 2014)。 Societies with high consumption of soy foods or isoflavones also see a lower prevalence of breast cancer and other hormone-regulated cancers (Rietjens, Louisse & Beekmann 2017)。 Epidemiologists have noted a reduction in postmenopausal breast cancer even in women consuming moderate amounts of soy (Anderson et al。 2013)。 Phytoestrogen consumption before menopause has also been linked with protection against breast cancer (Lee et al。 2009)。 In clinical studies, patients diagnosed with breast tumors who proceeded with soy intake had a lower rate of recurrence than patients without soy in their diet。 Further, soy food intake has been found to strengthen existing anti-tumor therapies, such as tamoxifen or aromatase inhibitors (Kang et al。 2010)。 Phytoestrogens provide better protection if they are consumed during the teen years or earlier in childhood (Badger et al。 2002; Korde et al。 2009), and there’s some suggestion that consuming soy formula may have a preventive effect against breast tumors (Boucher et al。 2008), though more research is needed。 摄入豆制品和异黄酮较多的人,乳腺癌和一些激素调节型癌症的发病几率较低(Rietjens, Louisse & Beekmann 2017)。有关专家已注意到,摄入适当的豆制品能有效的降低女性绝经后乳腺癌的患病率(Anderson et al。 2013)。女性在绝经前摄入植物雌激素也能有预防乳腺癌的作用(Lee et al.2009)。在乳腺癌患者中,常食用豆制品的患者比不食用豆制品的患者复发病率更低。此外,食用豆制品能有效地加强抗肿瘤疗法,如他莫昔芬(Tamoxifen)和芳香酶抑制剂(Aromatase Inhibitors)(Kang et al,2010)。若在青少年期或儿童期摄入植物雌激素,则有更好的预防效果(Badger et al.2002; Korde et al.2009),还有人提出食用豆奶粉也可能对乳腺癌有预防作用(Boucher et al。 2008),但这需要进一步的研究。 The accumulated data raise the question of whether phytoestrogens could be used for prevention and supplementary therapy of hormone-regulated malignancies。 However, some studies have reported an increase in abnormal growth of breast tissue after short-term intake of isoflavones (Rice & Whitehead 2006)。 Thus, the benefits of soy in women’s diets must be weighed against its potential risks。 有人提出,植物雌激素是否可用于激素调节恶性肿瘤的预防和补充治疗的问题。然而,一些研究表明短期摄入异黄酮后乳房组织异常生长增加(Rice&Whitehead 2006)。因此,必须权衡大豆在女性饮食中的益处与其潜在风险。 Phytoestrogens for Skin Health 植物雌激素对皮肤健康的影响 Phytoestrogens can also influence the health of the skin。 For instance, acne results when overproduction of testosterone activates the sebaceous glands。 Since isoflavones decrease testosterone’s effects, teenagers worrying about acne might consider adding soy foods to their diet。 植物雌激素也会影响皮肤健康。例如,当睾酮过量激活了皮脂腺时就会产生痤疮。但异黄酮具有降低睾酮的作用,所以青少年可在他们的饮食中加入豆制食品预防痤疮。 Natural aging of facial skin reduces elasticity and moisture, leading to wrinkles。 Consuming isoflavones can reduce these age-mediated skin changes。 One study found that daily consumption of 40 mg of aglycone, a phytoestrogen, improved wrinkles and skin plasticity in middle-aged women (Izumi et al。 2007)。 And equol, a phytoestrogen in white cabbage, was shown to decrease facial wrinkles when taken as a dietary supplement (Oyama et al。 2012)。 面部皮肤的老化会降低其弹性和水分,产生皱纹。异黄酮还具有预防皮肤自然老化的作用。研究发现,每天食用40毫克糖苷配基(Aglycone一种植物雌激素),可减少中年女性的皱纹,增强其皮肤可塑性(Izumi et al。 2007)。白菜中的雌马酚(Equol)也是植物雌激素,亦具有减少面部皱纹的作用(Oyama et al。 2012)。 The gamut of potential anti-aging actions of phytoestrogens on the skin includes antioxidative effects, stimulation of collagen and elastin, growth of blood vessels, and increased skin repair and regeneration (Irrera et al。 2017)。 Furthermore, androgen-dependent baldness may potentially be prevented or at least slowed by isoflavones (McElwee et al。 2003)。 植物雌激素有帮助皮肤抗衰老的作用,其中包括抗氧化、促进胶原蛋白和弹性蛋白的生成、促进血管生长以及加强皮肤的修复和再生(Irrera et al。 2017)。此外,异黄酮有预防或缓解雄激素性脱发的作用。 Phytoestrogens and Men’s Health 植物雌激素与男性健康 Phytoestrogens also improve men’s health in several ways。 Consider the impact on prostate cancer, the second-leading cause of cancer deaths in U.S。 men。 Notably, Asian populations with a high intake of soy are less affected by prostate cancer。 Moreover, multiple studies in Asia, the U.S。 and Europe have found that regular consumption of soy products decreases the risk of prostate cancer (Applegate et al。 2018)。 Intake of isoflavones extracted from red clover has been linked to prostate cancer cell death by the process known as apoptosis (Reiter, Gerster & Jungbauer 2011)。 植物雌激素也能从多个方面促进男性健康。前列腺癌是美国男性癌症死亡的第二大原因。值得注意的是,多食用豆制品的亚洲人受前列腺癌的影响较小。亚洲、美国和欧洲的研究发现,经常食用大豆制品可降低患前列腺癌的风险(Applegate et al。 2018)。从红三叶草中提取异黄酮的摄入与前列腺癌细胞的死亡有关,这个过程称为凋亡(Reiter, Gerster & Jungbauer 2011)。 Cognitive and Mental Health Effects 植物雌激素对认知和心理健康的影响 Phytoestrogens often seem to mimic the physiological health effects of estrogens。 Just as estrogens are known to improve cognitive functions in women, phytoestrogens have been shown to assist healthy aging by retaining cognitive performance。 Daily food supplementation with 200 mg of resveratrol, a phytoestrogen in grapes and peanuts, improved memory, reasoning and problem-solving in postmenopausal women, according to Australian researchers (Thaung Zaw, Howe & Wong 2017)。 植物雌激素对生理健康的影响与雌激素类似。雌激素可改善女性的认知功能,与之类似,植物雌激素也可通过保持认知能力促进老年健康。澳大利亚有研究表明,每日通过葡萄和花生等食物补充200毫克的白藜芦醇(Resveratrol,一种植物雌激素),能有效提高绝经后女性的记忆力、推理和解决问题的能力(Thaung Zaw, Howe & Wong 2017)。 Equol, the isoflavone in white cabbage, significantly improves cognitive capacities in elderly individuals (Igase et al。 2017)。 Scientists believe that phytoestrogens stimulate cognitive performance by elevating blood flow in the brain (Evans, Howe & Wong 2017)。 白菜中的异黄酮—雌马酚,能显著提高老年人的认知力(Igase et al。 2017)。科学家认为,植物雌激素是通过促进大脑血液循环来提高认知能力的(Evans, Howe & Wong 2017)。 Depression may be another therapeutic target for dietary estrogens。 Interestingly, the risk of developing depression is higher in women than in men, which implicates sexual hormones in this process。 With regard to menopause, depression is a rather early feature, occurring even sooner than hot flashes。 Phytoestrogens may be able to mend the symptoms of depression, since the chemical structure of soy-derived isoflavones is quite similar to the structure of synthetic drugs used to treat depressive disorders。 食物中的植物雌激素或能治疗抑郁症。有趣的是,女性患抑郁症的风险高于男性,这可以体现性激素在其中的作用。抑郁症是更年期较早的症状,甚至比热潮红更早发生。大豆中的异黄酮与用于治疗抑郁症的合成药物的化学结构非常相似,所以植物雌激素可能对抑郁症有治疗作用。 To evaluate the potential benefits of plant estrogens, clinicians from the Americas, Asia and Europe have performed more than 20 clinical trials in which patients with depression received different doses of isoflavone supplements。 Overall, many of those studies have shown a significant decline in depressive symptoms。 Moreover, isoflavones build on the effects of antidepressants by improving the emotional state of patients。 为了证明植物雌激素对抑郁症的作用,美国、亚洲和欧洲的医生进行了20多项临床试验。抑郁症患者接受了不同剂量的异黄酮,大多数研究结果表明抑郁症得到了抑制。此外,异黄酮还能通过改善患者的情绪来起到抗抑郁药的作用。 Is Soy Safe for Children? 儿童食用豆制品安全吗? Is it natural and healthy to feed soymilk to infants? Pediatricians worry that the estrogenic activity of phytoestrogens may affect child development。 Infant formula containing soy was introduced in the U.S。 in 1909。 At that time, soy formula was suggested as a substitute for children who could not tolerate cow’s milk。 Nowadays, normal infant formula can be replaced by soy-based formula in cases of allergies, inability to digest milk or when parents want to avoid feeding animal milk to their children。 给婴儿喂豆浆是否自然又健康?儿科医生担心植物雌激素的激素活性可能会影响儿童的生长发育。1909年美国引入了含有大豆配方的婴儿奶粉。当时,大豆配方奶粉是乳糖不耐受儿童的替代食物。如今,在过敏、乳糖不耐受或父母不希望给孩子喂食动物奶的情况下,可以用大豆奶粉代替普通婴儿配方奶粉。 Soy formula is rich in isoflavones, with about 40 mg of plant estrogens per liter。 In contrast, isoflavone concentration in human breast milk is only about 5 micrograms per liter (Setchell et al。 1998)。 Infants who regularly drink soy formula are consuming approximately 10 times more isoflavones than adults on a high-soy diet (Badger et al。 2002; Mortensen et al。 2009)。 大豆奶粉含有丰富的异黄酮,每升含有约40毫克植物雌激素。相比之下,母乳中的异黄酮浓度仅为约5微克每升(Setchell et al。 1998)。经常饮用大豆奶粉的婴儿摄入的异黄酮量大约是成人的10倍(Badger et al.2002; Mortensen et al.2009)。 Though no particular health disturbances have been documented in infants consuming soymilk, according to the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS 2018), toddlers may be more susceptible to estrogens than grownups are。 Pediatricians are mainly concerned about the potential effects of phytoestrogens on cognitive and sexual development, immunity, and endocrine organs。 However, numerous epidemiological studies have found no significant evidence of developmental, reproductive or endocrine disorders associated with soy formula intake (Vandenplas et al。 2014)。 根据美国国家环境健康科学研究所(NIEHS 2018)的报告,在使用豆奶的婴儿中没有发现特别的健康问题,但婴儿可能比成年人更容易受到雌激素的影响。儿科医生主要关注植物雌激素对认知、性发育、免疫和内分泌器官的潜在影响。然而,许多流行病学研究并未发现摄入大豆奶粉对发育、生殖或内分泌有不良影响。 Epidemiological studies have not confirmed a hypothesis about early puberty in children fed with soy formula。 Studies on neurological development generated similar results: Teenagers showed no differences in behavior, learning capacities or emotional status whether they were fed soy formula or breastfed when they were infants。 流行病学研究尚未证明喂养大豆奶粉与儿童性早熟有关。神经系统发育的研究也产生了类似的结果:无论是喂养豆奶粉还是母乳,青少年在行为、学习能力或情绪状态方面并没有差异。 Precautions: Clouds on the Horizon 预防:未雨绸缪 No matter how promising some recent studies may sound, scientists admonish dietitians and medical doctors not to recklessly prescribe isoflavone supplementation。 The potential effects of plant hormones on male and female reproductive systems are not fully understood (Bennetau-Pelissero 2016)。 Excessive soy intake may cause an imbalance in the menstrual cycle, and several studies have associated decreased sperm count and erectile dysfunction with high intake of soy products。 无论最近关于植物雌激素的研究有多么欣欣向荣,科学家们还是建议营养师和医生不要肆无忌惮地开异黄酮处方。目前,植物激素对人生殖系统的潜在影响尚不完全清楚(Bennetau-Pelissero 2016)。大豆摄入过量可能导致月经失调。还有研究表明,大豆产品摄入量过高会导致精子数量减少和勃起功能障碍。 Furthermore, phytoestrogens may also influence other endocrine systems—inhibiting the effects of thyroid hormones, in particular。 Soy protein is also one of the main triggers of food allergies。 此外,植物雌激素还会影响其他内分泌系统——尤其是抑制甲状腺激素作用。大豆蛋白也是食物过敏的主要诱因之一。 What’s Next for Phytoestrogens 植物雌激素的未来 Many scientists agree that the data on health benefits of soy-derived isoflavones suggest potential preventive and therapeutic applications。 However, what’s the next step? 许多科学家认为,大豆异黄酮有益健康的数据表明了其潜在的预防和治疗作用。但是,下一步是什么? One obvious path would be to determine which populations might best profit from isoflavone supplementation。 For instance, communities with a high frequency of lactose intolerance could be target groups for including soy-derived products in the regular diet。 Detailed knowledge of the family history of specific disorders might influence decisions on whether to recommend soy formula in every case。 And with regard to soy food production, new processing methods might be required to create foods with a higher phytoestrogen content。 首先,应确定大豆异黄酮对哪些人群最有益处。例如,乳糖不耐受患者应该在其常规饮食中加入豆制品。在食用豆奶粉之前,应该了解家族病史。另外,可能需要更好的加工方法来制造具有更高植物雌激素含量的产品。 One more thing to remember: Despite all the healthy optimism in the scientific community, phytoestrogens should be valued and used with caution。 More studies are needed before we can solve the puzzle of phytoestrogens。 切记:尽管科学界对植物雌激素持乐观态度,但我们应该谨慎使用它。关于植物雌激素的诸多问题,还需要进一步研究。 WHAT IS A PHYTOESTROGEN? 什么是植物雌激素? Phytoestrogens are chemical compounds common in soy-based foods。 Their chemical structure is similar to that of estrogen, the mammalian sex hormone。 植物雌激素是豆类食品中常见的化合物,它们的化学结构类似于雌激素(哺乳动物性激素)。 Phytoestrogens have been linked to a host of health benefits。 Among them: reduced risk of breast and prostate cancer easing of osteoporosis and menopausal symptoms improved cognitive function healthier skin with fewer wrinkles 植物雌激素对健康有很多益处: •降低患乳腺癌和前列腺癌的风险 •缓解骨质疏松症和更年期症状 •改善认知能力 •使皮肤更健康,皱纹更少 Risks of phytoestrogens include the following: potential declines of immune function infertility and erectile dysfunction in men 植物雌激素的不良影响: •潜在的免疫功能下降 •男性不育和勃起功能障碍 参考文献 Berge, J.M。, et。 al。 2018。 Intergenerational transmission of parent encouragement to diet from adolescence into adulthood。 Pediatrics, 141 (4), e20172955。 Brewis, A.A。, & Bruening, M。 2018。 Weight shame, social connection, and depressive symptoms in late adolescence。 International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15 (5), e891。 Golden, N.H。, et al。 2016。 Preventing obesity and eating disorders in adolescents。 Pediatrics, 138 (3), e20161649。 Pont, S.J。, et al。 2017。 Stigma experienced by children and adolescents with obesity。 Pediatrics, 140 (6), e20173034。 Reinehr, T。 2018。 Long-term effects of adolescent obesity: Time to act。 Nature Reviews Endocrinology, 14 (3), 183–88。 Steinbeck, K.S。, et al。 2018。 Treatment of adolescent obesity。 Nature Reviews Endocrinology, 14 (6), 331–44。 Van Geel, M。, Vedder, P。, & Tanilon, J。 2014。 Are overweight and obese youths more often bullied by their peers? 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在网球运动中减轻疼痛,提高运动表现 Tennis: Reduce Pain, Improve Performance 提高转髋能力可以使你的运动员提高爆发力,并减少损伤风险 Increasing hip rotation can help a client add power and lessen injury risk。 网球是世界上最受欢迎的运动之一。仅在美国,就有近1800万名网球选手,另外还有1400万网球爱好者(TIA 2018)。然而,网球运动带来的不仅仅是喜悦与快乐,比赛中的各种强劲的扭转及转体动作也增大了运动员的损伤风险(Roetert & Kovacs 2011)。 Tennis is one of the most popular sports in the world。 In the U.S。 alone, there are almost 18 million players, with another 14 million expressing interest (TIA 2018)。 Unfortunately, the dynamic, forceful twists and turns of the game pose ever-present injury risks to players (Roetert & Kovacs 2011)。 如果你的客户中有人喜欢网球运动,就需要去了解与网球有关的损伤。你需要有能力帮助客户改善动作能力、减轻疼痛并帮助他们回归赛场。 If your fitness clientele includes people interested in playing this sport, you need to understand the causes of tennis-related injuries。 This will help you develop strategies to improve movement function, reduce pain and keep clients on the court。 常见网球相关运动损伤的诱因 Causes of Common Tennis Injuries 网球运动员最常遭受膝、背部和肩部的关节及肌肉拉伤(Roetert & Kovacs 2011)。这些伤病的根源基于网球的生物力学特征。 Tennis players most often suffer joint and muscle strains to the knees, lower back and shoulders (Roetert & Kovacs 2011)。 The roots of these injuries start with basic tennis biomechanics。 网球场上的落地球—即正手和反手—击球时需要身体产生强大的力量。这一力量的产生主要来自于击球时快速的引拍和随挥。此时股骨在髋臼中转动,带动脊柱和肩膀旋转和手臂的挥动(Kovacs et al。 2016)。 Tennis groundstrokes—forehand and backhand—require the body to generate a lot of power to hit the ball。 This force results primarily from taking the racket back and following through quickly while striking the ball。 The legs pivot in the hip sockets, allowing the spine and shoulders to rotate and the arms to swing (Kovacs et al。 2016)。 为产生更大的力量,高水平的网球运动员经常在挥拍和随挥过程中有跳跃的动作。这些动作也会伴随腿/髋旋转,带动上半身的旋转。 To generate even more power, advanced tennis players often jump during the swing and follow-through。 These movements also sync with the leg/hip pivot to help generate upper-body rotation。 因此,充分转髋是网球中旋转类动作的基础。此外,充分的转髋活动范围能够减轻关节、肌腱、肌肉和其他最容易受伤的组织的压力(Kovacs et al。 2016)。膝是一个铰链关节,主要功能是屈和伸。腰椎可以旋转,但不如髋关节灵活。肩胛骨随着躯干的扭转前伸、后缩,但也不如髋关节那样灵活。 Thus, ample rotation of the hips is fundamental to many tennis moves that require rotation。 Moreover, adequate hip rotation mitigates stress to the joints, tendons, muscles and other tissues most prone to tennis injuries (Kovacs et al。 2016)。 The knees are a hinge joint designed primarily to flex and extend。 The lumbar spine can rotate but not as effectively as the hips。 The shoulder blades protract and retract as the torso twists, but they lack the rotational capacity of the hips (Price & Bratcher 2010; McGill 2016; Cook et al。 2010)。 因此,加强转髋能力可以降低网球运动导致的局部过用性损伤的风险,潜在地防止膝、下背部和肩膀的疼痛及损伤。 Enhancing hip rotation therefore reduces the risks of tennis-induced overuse, potentially preventing pain and/or injury to the knees, lower back and shoulders。 你可以使用以下3步来帮助你的运动员提高转髋能力: You can improve clients’ hip rotation with a three-step process: 评估他们髋关节内外旋的能力,寻找动作受限的地方。 Assess their ability to internally and externally rotate the hips, looking for movement restrictions。 找出造成动作受限的肌肉和其他软组织结构。 Identify muscles and other soft-tissue structures affected by the movement restrictions。 选择和设计适当的纠正性训练计划,解决肌肉和运动功能障碍。 Select and design appropriate corrective exercise strategies to address muscle and movement dysfunctions (Price 2018)。 以下是三个步骤的详述。 Let’s explore these steps in greater detail。 步骤一:评估髋关节内外旋 Step 1: Assess Internal and External Hip Rotation 髋关节必须能够内外旋,这样网球运动员才能做出有力的、“无痛”的击球动作。以下建议可以帮助你评估客户的髋关节旋转情况: The hips must rotate internally and externally to allow a tennis player to make powerful, “pain-free” strokes。 These tips will help you assess a client’s hip rotation: 髋关节内旋 Internal Hip Rotation 让你的客户躺在地板上,双腿分开18-24英寸。让他或她试着将双腿向内转动,这样双脚就会互相靠近。在双腿内旋时,提醒你的客户不要屈膝,且骨盆不要离开地面。 Have your client lie on the floor with legs spread about 18–24 inches apart。 Coach him or her to try turning both legs inward so the feet move toward each other。 Tell the client not to bend the knees or let the pelvis lift off the ground as the legs rotate inward。 接下来,看看你的客户能把腿向内旋转多少度。两条腿都应该能转40度左右。评估两侧是否有明显差异,或者两边都存在内旋不足的情况。在图1中,被评估者的一条腿的运动范围尚可,而另一条腿严重缺乏向内旋转的灵活性。 Next, see how far your client can turn the legs toward the midline。 Both legs should be able to turn in about 40 degrees。 Assess if one leg cannot turn in as far as the other leg or if both sides lack internal rotation。 In Figure 1, the client has an almost acceptable range of motion in one leg, while the other leg severely lacks the mobility to rotate inward。 髋关节外旋 External Hip Rotation 指导你的客户把双腿向外旋转,这样双脚就会远离。看看他或她的双腿能外旋多少度。再次提醒你的客户不要屈膝,且骨盆不要离开地面。两条腿应该都能外旋45度左右。评估两侧是否有明显差异,或者两边都存在外旋不足的情况。在图2中,被评估者一条腿可以轻松的外旋超过45度,但另一条腿外旋受限。 Instruct your client to try turning both legs outward so the feet move away from each other。 See how far he or she can turn the legs away from the midline。 Again, remind the client not to bend the knees or let the pelvis lift off the ground as the legs rotate outward。 Both legs should be able to turn out about 45 degrees。 Assess if one leg cannot turn out as far as the other leg or if both sides lack external rotation。 In Figure 2, the client can externally rotate one leg well past 45 degrees, but the other leg has only limited external rotation。 步骤二:确认影响动作的软组织结构 Step 2: Identify Affected Soft-Tissue Structures 髋关节内外旋活动范围不足的客户可能会有软组织及肌肉失衡问题。 A client who cannot internally or externally rotate the hips may have problematic soft-tissue and muscle imbalances (Kovacs et al。 2016)。 旋转髋关节的肌肉 Muscles That Rotate The Hips 对功能解剖学的全面了解——包括影响髋关节功能的肌肉——能帮你找到最有针对性的纠正性训练。例如,髋关节内旋受限可能是由于肌肉紧张和/或臀大肌;臀小肌的后束,阔筋膜张肌和臀中肌;髋关节旋转肌群,内收肌和髋屈肌;腹斜肌 (间接地)等肌肉的限制。相反,髋关节外旋受限或许会反映出髋关节内收肌和髋关节旋转肌群;阔筋膜张肌上束、臀小肌和臀中肌;腘绳肌内侧;腹斜肌(间接)等肌群的软组织出现问题或功能障碍(Price 2018; Gray 1995)。 A thorough understanding of functional anatomy—including the muscles that affect hip function—is crucial to choosing the most appropriate corrective exercises。 For example, inability to internally rotate the hip may result from muscle tightness and/or restriction in the gluteus maximus; in the posterior fibers of the gluteus minimus, tensor fasciae latae and gluteus medius; in the hip rotators, adductors and hip flexors; and in the obliques (indirectly)。 Conversely, an inability to externally rotate the hip may reflect soft-tissue restriction or dysfunction in the hip adductors and hip rotators; in the anterior fibers of the tensor fasciae latae, gluteus minimus and gluteus medius; in the medial hamstring muscles; and in the obliques (indirectly) (Price 2018; Gray 1995)。 在你的评估中,询问客户最紧张或受限最多的地方。这些信息将帮助你确认最需要纠正性训练介入的肌肉和软组织结构。 In your assessment, ask where the client feels the most tightness or restriction。 This information will help you identify the muscles and soft-tissue structures that need the most help from corrective exercises。 步骤三:选择合适的纠正训练 Step 3: Choose Appropriate Corrective Exercises 接下来:开始整合那些可以帮助客户改善髋关节功能、提高运动表现、减轻疼痛及伤害的纠正训练。 Next up: Start integrating corrective exercises that can help the client improve hip function, enhance movement performance, and decrease the incidence of pain and/or injury from playing tennis。 从自我肌筋膜放松(或自我按摩)开始,接着恢复和再生功能失衡的软组织和肌肉,然后进行拉伸和力量加强练习(Price & Bratcher 2010;Rol1989;Myers2008)。左右两边都要做。 Begin with self-myofascial release (or self-massage) techniques to rejuvenate and regenerate dysfunctional soft-tissue structures and muscles, and then move on to stretching and strengthening exercises (Price & Bratcher 2010; Rolf 1989; Myers 2008)。 Repeat all exercises on both sides of the body。 提高髋内旋能力 Improving Internal Rotation 自我肌筋膜放松。使用泡沫轴(或类似设备)来处理较大的区域和整个肌肉群,如臀大肌和内收肌,可能会增强你的客户内旋髋关节的能力。使用较小的按摩器,如网球,解决特定的肌肉功能障碍区域,如髋关节外展肌和阔筋膜张肌的后束和下束、髋关节屈肌群的起点、髋关节旋转肌群等等(图3)(price2018;price2013)。在客户自我肌筋膜放松期间,询问压痛点的感受,确定哪些特定的结构需要处理以改善内旋活动度。 Self-myofascial release。 Use a foam roller (or similar equipment) to address larger areas and entire muscle groups, such as the gluteus maximus and adductors, that might affect a client’s ability to internally rotate the hips。 Use smaller massagers, like tennis balls, to address specific muscle-dysfunction areas, such as the posterior fibers of the hip abductors and tensor fasciae latae, the origin of the hip flexor group, the hip rotators, and so on (Figure 3) (Price 2018; Price 2013)。 During self-myofascial release exercises, ask the client for feedback on tender areas to help you identify which specific structures need to be addressed to improve movement。 拉伸和灵活性。肌肉的疼痛减轻、功能恢复后,就可以开始进行拉伸练习来增加肌肉的柔韧性,以增强髋关节内旋能力。从臀大肌、髋关节外展肌、髋屈肌和内收肌、阔筋膜张肌以及髋关节旋转肌群的分离式拉伸开始。(图4) Stretching and flexibility。 Once you’ve restored the health and suppleness of a client’s muscles, begin introducing stretching exercises to increase the flexibility of the muscles needed to facilitate better internal hip rotation。 Start with isolated stretches of the gluteus maximus, hip abductors, flexors and adductors, tensor fasciae latae, and hip rotators (Figure 4)。 随着软组织结构的柔韧性的增加,需要采用更多动态形式的拉伸:即包含多个身体部位且模仿网球专项动作的拉伸。(图5) As the flexibility of individual soft-tissue structures increases, incorporate more dynamic forms of stretching that introduce multiple parts of the body and mimic tennis-specific movements (Figure 5)。 纠正性强化练习。当你的客户获得了理想的髋关节内旋活动范围后,即可以开始整合力量加强练习。让病人的脚踩在地上,对要训练的部位施加离心负荷(在张力下拉长)。要做闭链练习。 Corrective strengthening exercises。 When your client has achieved the desired range of internal hip rotation, start integrating strengthening exercises that will eccentrically load (lengthen under tension) the appropriate structures with the client’s feet on the floor。 You’re looking for closed-kinetic-chain exercises。 挑选通过旋转躯干到承重侧来内旋股骨的一类动作。如弓步屈膝抬腿(图6)和髋关节屈曲的单腿直腿硬拉(目标腿/髋在身体前面)(图7),或髋关节伸展的旋转运动(目标腿/髋伸直和/或身体后面)(图8)。 Select movements that internally rotate the leg by pivoting the torso around the weight-bearing side。 Choose moves like lunge with knee pull (Figure 6) and single-leg straight-leg deadlift (Figure 7), where the hip is flexed (and target leg/hip in front of the body), or a pivot exercise (Figure 8), where the hip is extended (target leg/hip straight and/or behind the body)。 随着您客户的活动能力的提高,可以通过在练习中加入外界负荷来进阶。可能的选择包括药球、轻哑铃或阻力带。 As your client’s movement capabilities improve, progress the strengthening phase of the program by adding external loads to the exercises。 Possible options include holding a medicine ball or light weight and/or using resistance bands。 提高髋外旋能力 Improving External Rotation 自我肌筋膜放松。如果你的评估显示客户缺乏髋外旋能力,可以对内收肌、腿内侧的腘绳肌(半腱肌)、外展肌群前束(臀中肌、臀小肌和阔筋膜张肌)和髋旋转肌群使用自我肌筋膜松解 Self-myofascial release。 If your assessment reveals that the client lacks external rotation, use self-myofascial release techniques for the adductors, the hamstring muscles toward the medial side of the leg (semitendinosus), the anterior fibers of the abductors (gluteus medius, gluteus minimus and tensor fasciae latae), and the hip rotators。 拉伸和灵活性。从分离式拉伸开始,然后进阶到整合式拉伸,改善关节活动范围,为力量加强阶段打基础。(图9) Stretching and flexibility。 Progress to isolated, and then integrated, stretching techniques that improve these muscles’ ROM in preparation for the strengthening phase of the program (Figure 9)。 纠正性强化训练。当你的客户因活动范围的增加而获得信心和能力后,加入离心力量训练来提高髋关节外旋能力。加入承重腿的脚触地,上半身围绕腿/髋部进行旋转的练习。(图10) Corrective strengthening exercise。 As your clients gain confidence and competence with increased ROM, incorporate eccentric strengthening exercises to increase external hip rotation。 Pivot the upper body around the leg/hip, using exercises where the foot of the weight-bearing leg is in contact with the ground (Figure 10)。 像所有的力量加强练习一样,练习当中可以通过增加外界负荷及不可控变量。例如,可以指导您的客户做动作时完成接球和投球。 Like all strengthening exercises, these moves can be progressed by adding external loads and/or uncontrollable variables。 For example, you could coach your client to catch and throw a ball while performing the desired movement。 网球和其他扭转运动的正确动作 The Right Moves for Tennis and Other Twisting Sports 足够的髋关节内外旋活动范围可以提高网球运动表现,并减少背部、膝盖及肩膀的疼痛和损伤风险。在其他需要躯干有力旋转的运动中,良好的髋关节旋转能力也可以促进发力,并减少骨骼肌肉的压力。 Effective internal and external rotation of the hips can improve tennis performance and decrease pain and injury to the lower back, knees and/or shoulders。 Hip rotation is also essential for producing power and minimizing musculoskeletal stress during other sports movements that require forceful rotation of the trunk (e.g。, executing a golf swing, throwing a baseball, throwing a discus or Frisbee® disc, etc。)。 因此,识别和纠正髋关节旋转能力的不足,不仅可以使你的运动员在网球场上更具有运动能力,还能在各种运动中减少可能的疼痛和损伤风险。 Therefore, identifying and correcting flaws in hip rotation will make a client not only more athletic on the tennis court but also less likely to suffer pain and injury in a wide range of other sports and activities。 纠正性训练计划,解决肌肉和运动功能障碍 Corrective Exercise Strategies to Address Muscle and Movement Dysfunctions Cook, G。, et al。 2010。 Movement: Functional Movement Systems: Screening, Assessment, Corrective Strategies。 Aptos, CA: On Target Publications。 Gray, H。 1995。 Gray’s Anatomy。 New York: Barnes & Noble Books。 Kovacs, M.S。, et al。 2016。 Complete Conditioning for Tennis (2nd ed。)。 Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics。 McGill, S。 2016。 Low Back Disorders: Evidence-Based Prevention and Rehabilitation (3rd ed。)。 Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics。 Myers, T.W。 2008。 Anatomy Trains: Myofascial Meridians for Manual and Movement Therapists(2nd ed。)。 New York: Churchill Livingstone。 Price, J。, & Bratcher, M。 2010。 The BioMechanics Method Corrective Exercise Specialist Certification Program。 San Diego: The BioMechanics Press。 Price, J。 2018。 The Biomechanics Method for Corrective Exercise。 Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics。 Price, J。 2013。 The Amazing Tennis Ball Back Pain Cure。 San Diego: The BioMechanics Press。 Roetert, P。, & Kovacs, M.S。 2011。 Tennis Anatomy。 Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics。 Rolf, I.P。 1989。 Rolfing: Reestablishing the Natural Alignment and Structural Integration of the Human Body for Vitality and Well-Being (rev。 ed)。 Rochester, VT: Healing Arts Press。 TIA (Tennis Industry Association)。 2018。 Tennis participation in the U.S。 grows to 17.9 million players。 Accessed June 5, 2018: tennisindustry.org/cms/index.cfm/news/tennis-participation-in-the-us-grows-to-179-million-players/。 作者:Justin Price, MA 译者:王溪宣[详情]
团课模板——力量阶梯组 Strength Ladder 充分动员每一块大肌群,对它们施加超负荷。 力量训练课不比拘泥于传统的“次数、组数”模板 。干嘛不试试让它们“爬上爬下”?我们通过训练频率的迅速改变,激发客户的训练兴趣,让他们全力完成训练任务。 Strength training classes don’t have to adhere to a classic “sets and reps” template。 Why not climb your way up and down this fun fitness ladder for a fast and furious total-body workout? Repetitions are high, but so is the frequency of change, keeping interest piqued during intense work sets。 力量阶梯细节 Strength Ladder Details 目标/重点:全身力量训练 GOAL/EMPHASIS: total-body strength training 总时长:1小时 TOTAL TIME: 1 hour 器械要求:1-2对哑铃,瑜伽垫。注意:让客户选择一个做15次以上就会变得困难的重量的哑铃。并让每个人再准备一对稍轻的哑铃,以备力竭时使用。 EQUIPMENT NEEDED: one to two sets of dumbbells, exercise mat。 Note: Have participants choose a weight that’s challenging after 15 repetitions。 Encourage everyone to keep a lighter set ready, to preserve form, if needed。 音乐:每分钟130次节拍,或稍慢 MUSIC: 130 beats per minute or slower 更多细节内容:每2个训练动作为一对(例如,肱二头肌弯举及侧平举为一对)。例如,我们先做1次弯举加1次侧平举,然后做2次弯举及2次侧平举,如此递增。在做到每个动作做7次后,开始递减,最后减回1次弯举加1次侧平举。 ADDITIONAL DETAILS: This workout pairs two exercises (e.g。, biceps curl and lateral raise) in a ladder format。 For example, you’ll complete one biceps curl and one lateral raise, then two biceps curls and two lateral raises, etc。, increasing reps until you reach seven of each exercise。 On the second set, you’ll start at seven reps each and decrease to one。 交替做上下肢动作,让一个肌群工作时,另一个肌群得到休息。中间可以用腹肌练习过度,但不做阶梯组。让学员得到更好的组间休息。 Alternate upper- and lower-body ladders so that one muscle group rests while the other is working。 Transition with abdominal exercises, which are not performed as a ladder。 This gives students a welcome break from the intense class structure。 小贴士:让学员们大声喊出次数。这样你就能更好地控场,不用给个别人数数了。有些人需要多花点时间来完成俯卧撑和弓步这组动作。此时,让学员在做完规定次数后,切换到一个恰当的拉伸姿势,例如婴儿放松式(Child’s Pose)。 Tip: Ask class to count the reps aloud。 This will free you up to cue form and to motivate participants individually。 Another option is to introduce the exercises and allow participants to work at their own pace as you circulate the room correcting form。 Some people may need more time to complete pushup and lunge sets, for instance。 In this case, have participants meet in an appropriate stretching posture, such as child’s pose, when they finish their reps。 热身(10分钟) Warmup (10 minutes) 将有氧练习与轻度力量训练相结合。在热身期间我们可以介绍今天的训练内容,并提升客户的心率。提示学员做以下练习: Pair a cardio exercise with a light strength exercise in the warmup。 This is a great way to introduce the class structure, increase heart rates and practice form。 Cue attendees to do the following: 4个高抬腿+4个开合跳, 8组 four alternating knees and four jumping jacks, 8× 宽站距深蹲(最低点停3秒)+俯卧撑手脚走, 8组 triple-pulse wide squat with walk-out pushup, 8× 4个固定弓步蹲(Stationary Lunges) +单腿支撑腿伸展(Repeater Knees), 4组/每边 four stationary lunges and four repeater knees, 4× each side 正式内容(45分钟) Work Phase (45 minutes) 第一组 Set One 俯卧撑手脚走 + 过顶推举,1-7次: Walk-out pushup and overhead press, 1–7 reps: 站在垫子边缘,哑铃放在双脚旁 Stand at foot of mat, dumbbell on each side by feet。 蹲下,手撑地,然后双手向前至俯卧撑姿势,完成一个标准俯卧撑 Lower into deep squat, placing hands on ground, and walk out to pushup position (from knees is fine)。 Complete pushup reps。 双手向后走,回到脚下。拿起哑铃,向上蹲起,然后做一个过顶推举 Walk hands back to feet, pick up dumbbells, stand up from deep squat, and complete overhead press reps。 交替前弓步 + 交替宽站距深蹲,1-7次 Alternating forward lunges and alternating wide squats, 1–7 reps 右腿前弓步,之后左腿前弓步。然后做一个宽站距深蹲,将右脚向外跨一步。收回右腿,然后左边继续(第一组做完后,我们可以累积较大的弓步及深蹲的训练量)。 Forward lunge right, then left, and then do one wide squat, stepping R foot out to side。 Return to center and repeat L (1 rep)。 (This will add up to a lot of lunges and squats by the end of the set。) 重复俯卧撑手脚走 +过顶推举,7-1次 Repeat walk-out pushup and overhead press, 7–1 reps。 重复交替前弓步+ 交替宽站距深蹲,7-1次 Repeat alternating forward lunges and alternating wide squats, 7–1 reps。 注意:记得评估客户的完成情况,如果需要的话,将完成最多次数的一组降低至5次。 Note: Evaluate your participants during the set, and, if appropriate, ladder up to just 5 reps maximum。 Do the same in the second and third sets。 腹肌组:吸气屈膝卷腹,呼气V字举腿 Abdominal set: Inhale knees, exhale V‘s: 仰卧,屈腿卷腹,吸气 Lie supine, draw knees in over abdominals, inhale and curl upper body in。 呼气,伸腿至45度,双手举过头顶 Exhale, extend legs to 45 degrees and reach arms overhead。 收紧腹肌,下背部紧贴地面,伸展手臂至“V”形 Keep lower back securely on ground by engaging abdominals and extend arms into “V” shape。 选择:每次伸展一条腿,或只做上半身或下半身的动作 Options: Extend one leg at a time or perform only upper or lower half of move。 第二组 Set Two 肱二头肌弯举+侧平举,1-7次: Biceps curl and lateral raise, 1–7 reps: 弯举时,肘部相对于胸腔靠后,不要借力甩 Perform biceps curls, keeping elbows slightly behind rib cage; use no momentum。 完成弯举,将手心朝下,然后做侧平举。注意:有些训练者做这个动作的时候需要换一个轻哑铃 Rotate hands, palms to floor, and do lateral raises leading with back of hand。 Note: It may be necessary for some attendees to switch to a lighter weight。 肘关节在大多数时候伸直,但在侧平举举到肩部高度时可以微屈。 Keep elbows mostly straight, but slightly bent, as arms lift laterally to shoulder level。 后撤弓步 + 深蹲带提膝,1-7次: Reverse lunge and parallel squat with knee lift, 1–7 reps: 右侧后撤弓步,然后左侧再做一次。双脚平行,做一个深蹲,然后提起右膝;再做一个深蹲,然后提起左膝(1次) Do reverse lunge R, then L; squat with feet parallel, then lift R knee; squat again, then lift L knee (1 rep)。 重复肱二头肌弯举+侧平举,7-1次 Repeat biceps curl and lateral raise, 7–1 reps。 重复反弓步 + 深蹲带提膝,7-1次 Repeat reverse lunge and parallel squat with knee lift, 7–1 reps。 腹肌组:爬山: Abdominal set: Mountain climbers: 从平板支撑姿势开始,将膝盖向胸部靠,双膝交替做 From plank position, bring knees in toward chest; alternate。 收紧腹肌,不要把臀部撅得太高 Keep hips low, abdominals engaged。 可以加入一些变化,比如让左膝顶向右胸等,或可以在平板支撑姿势下做伸髋动作。 Mix it up by cuing some reps in cross-body motion, or do repeaters on one side。 Allow students to enjoy the freedom of this break in structure to play with what feels best。 第三组 Set Three 背部伸展 + 肱三头肌俯卧撑,1-7次: Back extension and triceps pushup, 1–7 reps: 俯卧,核心收紧,双腿伸直、胸部离地,做一个背部伸展 From prone position, engage core and perform back extensions, lifting straight legs and chest off ground。 双手置于肩关节正下方,肘紧贴胸腔 Keep hands by shoulders and elbows tight to ribs。 做一个俯卧撑,肘紧靠肋骨 Next, ground hands and push into triceps-pushup reps, keeping elbows close to ribs。 旋转平板支撑 + 摆髋,1-7次摆髋: Rotating plank with hip pulse, 1–7 pulses: 从平板支撑姿势开始(可以肘支撑,亦可以手支撑) Begin in plank position (full plank—on forearms or hands—or from knees)。 转向一边,至侧平板姿势,做一个摆髋 Rotate to side plank and pulse hip 1×。 回到俯卧平板支撑姿势下,然后再转向另一边,再做一个摆髋,此时算完成1次摆髋 Rotate back to center and to opposite side; pulse 1×。 重复,第二次旋转式做2个摆髋,第三次旋转做3个摆髋,依次做到第7次 Repeat, increasing pulses up to 7。 重复,背部伸展 + 肱三头肌俯卧撑,7-1次 Repeat back extension and triceps pushup, 7–1 reps。 重复,旋转平板支撑 + 摆髋,7-1次摆髋 Repeat rotating plank with hip pulse, 7–1 pulses。 放松(5分钟) Cooldown (5 Minutes) 下列每个拉伸动作做20-30秒: Hold each of the following stretches for 20–30 seconds: 婴儿放松式(child’s pose) 下犬式(downward-facing dog) 弓步跪姿(kneeling lunge)拉伸髋屈肌及股四头肌 跑者弓步(Runner’sLunge) 拉伸腘绳肌 颈后手指交叉(fingers interlaced behind back) 胸肌 肱三头肌拉伸 (triceps stretch) 作者:Pamela Light, MA 翻译:赵鹏旺[详情]
Sample Class: Center and Roll 团课模板:核心与放松 Class Take-Out: Help students stabilize and release。 课堂收获:帮助练习者提高稳定,放松。 This class is a mega movement multivitamin because it combines essential core training with restorative self-myofascial release techniques。 Every movement recruits trunk muscles, creating a strong foundation for any physical challenge。 The foam-rolling section helps attendees release fascial adhesions and, hopefully, prevent injuries。 Participants will leave feeling strong, centered and relaxed。 这节训练课有多个动作组合,包含基础核心训练和恢复性自我筋膜放松练习。通过这些动作激活躯干肌群,为其他高难度动作做好准备。泡沫轴滚压部分能让练习者松解筋膜粘连,预防损伤。练习者在训练课结束时能感觉自己更强壮、专注且放松。 Center and Roll Details 核心训练与泡沫轴滚压的细节 Goal/emphasis: core training and self-myofascial release 目标/重点:核心训练与自我筋膜放松 Total time: 1 hour 总时长:一小时 Equipment needed: mats and foam rollers 器材要求:瑜伽垫和泡沫轴 Music: 128 beats per minute or slower 音乐:每分钟128次节拍或更慢 Warmup (10 minutes) 热身(10分钟) Help participants engage and control the deep muscles of the core with the following preparatory routine。 Perform the sets from a supine position, knees bent, feet on the floor。 Tilt the pelvis slightly to engage those core muscles, and hold them tight as you move。 通过一系列准备活动帮助练习者激活并控制核心深层肌群。练习开始时身体仰卧,屈膝,双脚着地。轻微倾斜骨盆以刺激核心肌群,完成动作时绷紧核心。 SET ONE 组合一 Knee lifts: 提膝(Knee lifts): Keep knees at 90 degrees。 Lift knees above hips, then lower back to floor; 2 counts up, 2 counts down, 8 reps。 Be mindful of neutral spine。 屈膝90度。 提膝至臀部上方,再缓慢回到地面;数两下上、两下下,重复8次。 保持脊柱中立位。 Bridge: 臀桥(Bridge): Place feet on floor near buttocks。 Push through heels to lift hips。 Squeeze gluteals, 16 pulses。 双脚着地并靠近臀部。 脚后跟支撑发力伸髋。 收紧臀部肌群,保持16秒。 SET TWO 组合二 Two-count crunch: With fingertips at temples, crunch ribs to hips; 2 counts up, 2 counts down, 8 reps。 两下卷腹(Two-count crunch):指尖放在太阳穴位置,腹肌收缩,肋骨靠近臀部,数两下上,两下下,重复8次。 Single-leg bridge: 单腿臀桥(Two-count crunch): Lift hips into bridge。 Extend right leg straight to ceiling。 Squeeze left hip up, using L glute and hamstring; 24 pulses。 伸髋做臀桥。 伸直右腿朝上。 收缩左侧臀部,大小腿夹角90度,保持24秒。 SET THREE 组合三 Double 2-count crunch: Repeat 2-count crunch from above, adding knee lifts。 两次两下卷腹(Double 2-count crunch):重复两下卷腹,增加提膝动作。 Single-leg bridge: Repeat same move as above, opposite side。 单腿臀桥(Single-leg bridge):两侧交替完成单腿臀桥。 SET FOUR 组合四 Double 2-count crunch with optional extension: 两次两下卷腹加伸展(Double 2-count crunch with optional extension): Repeat double 2-count crunch。 Add option of extending legs 45 degrees, arms overhead。 Keep head and shoulders lifted, 8 reps。 Repeat same move as above, opposite side。 重复两次两下卷腹。可以增加动作(选择性的),腿伸直与地面夹角45度,手臂伸直过头。 头部与肩部抬起,重复8次。两侧交替完成上述动作。 Bridge: Do traditional bridge, 16 pulses。 臀桥(Bridge):完成传统臀桥,顶峰收缩16秒。 Floor-Work (10 minutes) 地上练习(10分钟) Tell participants they can rest in child’s pose between sets of planks and back extensions。 告诉练习者他们可以在每组平板和背部伸展间歇时以孩童姿势休息。 SET ONE 组合一 Plank: 平板支撑(Plank): Set up in structurally correct plank, either on forearms and toes or on forearms and knees。 Ensure elbows are directly beneath shoulders, spine is neutral, and deep core muscles are engaged。 Gaze at thumbnails, keeping neck neutral。 Hold for 45 seconds。 以标准平板支撑姿势开始,用前臂和脚趾或前臂和膝部支撑。 确保肘部在肩部垂直下方,脊柱保持中立位,动员深层核心肌群。 盯住自己拇指指甲,保持颈部中立位。 保持45秒。 Back extension: 背部伸展(Back extension): Lie prone, elbows at 90 degrees like goal posts。 Lift chest away from floor, engaging spinal extensors。 Pulse 3× up, then lower back down.down。 Do 8 triple-pulse reps。 俯卧,肘部呈90度支撑 向上抬起胸部离开地面,收缩脊柱伸肌。 3秒顶峰收缩,然后下背部回到地面。 完成8次动作,每次3秒顶峰收缩。 SET TWO 组合二 Plank with leg hold: 单腿悬空平板支撑(Plank with leg hold): Start in plank position。 Extend leg to hip level; hold。 Perform this alternating holding pattern: 15 seconds center, 15 seconds R-side hold, 15 seconds center, 15 seconds L-side hold。 先以平板支撑开始。 一侧腿抬至臀部高度,保持住。 练习模式:15秒双腿支撑,15秒右腿悬空,15秒双腿支撑,15秒左腿悬空 Airplane back extension: 超人式背部伸展(Airplane back extension): Lift both chest and thighs off floor。 “Anchor” through glutes。 Do 8 triple-pulse reps。 胸部和腿部抬离地面。 通过臀部肌群稳定住身体。 完成8次,每次三秒顶峰收缩。 SET THREE 组合三 Plank with glute pulse: 平板支撑加伸髋(Plank with glute pulse): Set up in plank。 Bend R knee so foot faces ceiling。 Pulse foot toward ceiling using gluteals, while holding plank; 24 pulses。 Repeat, L side。 以平板支撑姿势开始。 屈右侧膝,脚朝上。 平板支撑且右脚朝上的姿势下,伸髋,顶峰收缩24秒 换另一侧重复动作。 Airplane back extension: 16 single-count reps。 超人式背部伸展(Airplane back extension):完成16次,每次计数一下。 Standing Glute Work and Balance (10 minutes) 站姿臀肌及平衡训练(10分钟) Remind participants to keep spine neutral and engage deep core muscles。 提醒练习者保持脊柱中立位,并动员核心深层肌群。 SET ONE 组合一 Lunge combo, R: 复合弓步蹲,右侧: Do stationary lunge, R foot forward; 16 pulses。 Do repeater lunge, 16 reps。 From bottom of lunge, lift L leg through to a “balance knee” position。 Modify by touching foot to floor。 做固定弓步蹲,右腿在前,维持16秒。 做弓步姿提膝,16次。在弓步蹲最低点的姿势下,右腿支撑,将左膝向前向后交替移动,并让左脚碰到右脚。 Single-leg squat, R: 单腿蹲,右侧(Single-leg squat, R): Balance on R leg。 Extend L leg back, touching toe to floor or allowing toe to hover。 Squat down and up through R leg only, letting L leg slide back and forth inches from floor, touching down only when needed, 16 reps。 Extend arms to sides if needed for balance。 右腿支撑保持平衡。 向后伸展左腿,脚趾触地或悬空。 右腿下蹲,站起,左腿后滑并离地4英寸,尽量不要触地,完成16次。 可以伸展手臂维持平衡。 Squat combo, R: 复合深蹲,右侧(Squat combo, R): Do standard squat, 16 reps。 Keep feet parallel and hip-width apart。 Transition to squat with kick-back/glute squeeze at top of movement, R; 16 reps。 Perform squat, triple kick-back, R; 8 reps。 Do single-leg kick-back, R; 24 reps。 完成标准深蹲16次。保持双脚相互平行且与髋同宽。 在动作顶端右腿后踢,收缩臀肌,完成16次。 每次深蹲右腿后踢,三秒顶峰收缩,完成8次。 右腿后踢24次。 SET TWO 组二 Repeat set one, L side。 换左侧,重复组一当中的动作。 Chest and Side Work (10 minutes) 胸部和体侧训练 Pushup: Do standard pushup from full position or from knees; 16 reps。 俯卧撑(Pushup):使用标准姿势或者跪姿完成16次俯卧撑。 Bent-knee triple-side crunch, R side: 屈膝三向卷腹,右侧(Bent-knee triple-side crunch, R side): Sit on mat in side-lying position, knees bent at 90 degrees。 Extend bottom arm at shoulder level, palm up。 Crunch ribs to hips, lifting bottom shoulder off floor; 12 reps。 Repeat pushups, this time with 12 slow reps, 2 counts up, 2 counts down。 Repeat bent-knee triple-side crunch, L side; 12 reps。 侧卧在垫子上,屈膝90度。 伸展大臂至肩部高度,掌心朝上。 腹肌收缩,肋骨靠近髋部,肩部离开地面,完成12次。 重复12次俯卧撑,数两下上、两下下。 重复屈膝三向卷腹,左侧,完成12次。 Pushup with R-leg glute press: Add R-side glute press to pushup (bend knee and press foot to ceiling); 16 reps。 俯卧撑+右侧单腿伸髋(Pushup with R-leg glute press):在俯卧撑时增加单腿伸髋的动作,屈膝同时脚朝上。完成16次。 Repeat, L。 左侧腿重复动作。 Long side crunch: 直体卷腹(Long side crunch): Set up in side-lying position, legs extended, lifted an inch off floor。 Crunch top knee toward top elbow, bringing ribs to hips, lifting bottom shoulder; 16 reps。 Repeat, opposite side。 以侧卧姿势开始,腿伸直,抬离地面一英寸。 收缩腹肌,将上侧膝关节移向上侧肘部,使肋骨靠近髋部,抬起下侧肩部。 另一侧重复该动作。 Foam Rolling (20 minutes) 泡沫轴滚压(20分钟) Stretch sequence: Set up lying lengthwise on foam roller from head to tailbone, feet on floor, knees bent。 Spine is active and neutral。 拉伸顺序:头至尾骨纵向躺在泡沫轴上,脚着地,屈膝。脊柱活动且处于中立位。 Chest: Open arms at shoulder height, letting backs of hands rest on or just above ground, releasing pectorals。 After 30 seconds, tip L and hold (30 seconds)。 Repeat, R。 Lats: With arms by hips, “backstroke” arms up and over, allowing them to rest extended as lat muscles release (30 seconds each side)。 Keep ribs knitted, lower back neutral against foam roller。 胸部:张开双臂至胸部高度,让手背贴地或悬空,拉伸胸肌。向左侧倾斜,保持30秒。再换另一侧拉伸。 背阔肌:手臂和臀部靠近,一侧手臂以仰泳姿势举过头顶,伸展背阔肌,每侧拉伸30秒。肋骨保持紧绷,下背部自然靠在泡沫轴上。 Roll sequence: Allow participants to “free roll” down length of desired muscles, 2–3 minutes。 Stop at tight spots and roll back and forth with small, gentle movements。 滚压顺序:允许练习者自由滚压目标肌群2~3分钟。滚到紧的部位时停下,来回小范围滚动,动作要柔和。 Spine: Roll from tailbone to shoulders several times, shifting to place more pressure on R and L sides as needed。 Glutes: Cross R leg over L thigh in figure-four stretch。 Roll from top of hip to sit bone, along piriformis。 Switch sides。 Hamstrings: Roll length of each hamstring several times, changing angles。 Cross one leg over the other to increase pressure。 Iliotibial band: Roll down side of thigh, from hip to knee。 脊柱:从尾骨到肩部滚压几次,如果需要,可以向左右侧偏,施加更大压力。 臀部肌群:将右腿交叉过左腿,形成一个“4”字形拉伸姿势。从臀底部滚至坐骨,梨状肌。然后换另一侧。 腘绳肌:从不同的角度来回滚压腘绳肌。可以将一侧腿交叉压在另一侧腿上施加压力。 髂胫束:从臀部沿着大腿外侧滚压至膝关节处。 作者:Pamela Light, MA 翻译:毛俊[详情]
青少年抗阻训练的十个要点 Resistance Training for Youth: 10 Tips for Success 不必担心让青少年进行抗阻训练,只需要提前注意一些事项。 There’s no reason to avoid resistance training with your young clients。 You just have to take some sensible precautions。 青少年抗阻训练是一个争议性话题,主要因为人们对其训练技术、受伤概率以及安全性带有的错误观念。父母和教练常常担心青少年进行抗阻训练会产生危险。但研究显示,只要训练得当,抗阻训练能为青少年带来很多正面效果。 Resistance training for youth can be a polarizing topic, mostly because of misconceptions about safety, injury rates and training techniques。 Though parents and trainers alike often worry about the hazards of youth resistance training, research shows that it has a host of benefits—if it’s done properly。 其中一项研究得出结论:“如果在每堂训练课上都有具备资质的专业教练监督,并且在进阶过程和安全方面提供适合当前年龄的指导,那么抗阻训练对儿童和青少年来说是安全、有效且有价值的。”(Faigenbaum & Myer 2010a)。在后文中,我们将更新有关青少年抗阻训练的内容,并提出十个要点。 As one study concluded, “Current research indicates that resistance training can be a safe, effective and worthwhile activity for children and adolescents provided that qualified professionals supervise all training sessions and provide age-appropriate instruction on proper lifting procedures and safe training guidelines” (Faigenbaum & Myer 2010a)。 This month, we’ll provide a concise update on resistance training for youth and give 10 practical tips for trainers working with this population。 定义青少年抗阻训练 Defining Resistance Training for Youth 青少年群体需要适合他们的特定的训练计划,内容涉及阻力范围、动作速度、以及练习形式(比如固定器械、自由重量、弹力带、快速伸缩复合训练、药球等)。它不包含追求肌肉体积和形体的健美运动,以及使用大重量训练的力量举和其他举重运动。(Faigenbaum & Myer 2010a) Resistance training for youth requires a specialized program using a broad range of resistance loads, movement velocities, and exercise modalities such as machines, free weights, bands, plyometrics and medicine balls。 It does not include bodybuilding, which aims to develop definition, size and symmetry, or powerlifting and other weightlifting sports that use near-maximal loads (Faigenbaum & Myer 2010a)。 青少年抗阻训练的安全数据 Safety Data on Resistance Training for Youth Faigenbaum & Myer (2010a)在他们的文献综述中总结到:研究显示,对遵循适龄指导方针的儿童和青少年来说,抗阻训练是安全且有效的。数据显示,可以采用多器械、多形式的训练方式,帮助青少年提升力量。如果能遵循专业人士制定的指导方针进行最大力量测试,那么这个测试对青少年来说是安全的。 In their literature review, Faigenbaum & Myer (2010a) summarize research showing that resistance training is safe and effective for children and adolescents who follow age-appropriate guidelines。 Programs can use single- and multiset training protocols on a variety of equipment, and these programs produce significant strength gains in youth, according to the data。 Furthermore, maximal-strength testing has been found to be safe for healthy boys and girls following guidelines established by qualified professionals。 Faigenbaum & Myer(2010a)指出,在一些娱乐活动和体育运动中(例如跑步、橄榄球和体操),青少年受到强烈的、重复性的冲击超过最大力量测试。值得注意的是,在遵循正确训练指南的前提下,无关节软骨损伤的报告。抗阻训练中骨骺会有受伤风险,但要这个风险低于竞技性运动。在竞技运动中,跳跃和着地产生的地面应力是体重的5-7倍。 Faigenbaum & Myer (2010a) note that in some recreational activities and sports (e.g。, running, rugby and gymnastics), young people encounter much stronger, more sustained forces than they do in maximal strength tests。 Importantly, injury to growth cartilage has not been reported in any youth training study that provided appropriate instruction。 There can be a risk of growth-plate injury, but it’s much higher in competitive sports where jumping and landing activities produce ground reaction forces 5–7 times body mass (Faigenbaum & Myer 2010a)。 当忧心忡忡的家长们询问抗阻训练是否安全、是否适合青少年时,私人教练应该回答说,这种训练对肌肉骨骼损伤有一定的内在风险,但其风险要低于其他运动和娱乐活动。 When concerned parents ask if weight training is safe and appropriate for youth, personal trainers should reply that it carries some degree of inherent risk for musculoskeletal injury, but the threat is no higher than it is from other youth sports and recreational activities。 青少年抗阻训练:十个循证策略 Resistance Training for Youth: 10 Evidence-Based Strategies 两篇文献综述给教练员提供了训练指南,给出了十个关键原则: Two comprehensive literature reviews provide broad guidelines for personal trainers (Faigenbaum & Myer 2010a, 2010b)。 Here are 10 key principles: 评估你的客户是否做好准备:青少年开始抗阻训练前需要做好心理准备,能够始终如一地接受教练的指导。 Assess your clients’ readiness: Young people beginning resistance training must demonstrate the maturity to accept coaching directions consistently and responsibly。 确保青少年客户穿着合适的、不会限制其动作的训练服。穿合适的训练鞋,为足踝提供稳定支撑,保障安全的支撑和抓地。 Ensure that young clients always wear appropriate resistance training clothing that does not restrict movement。 Proper athletic footwear, with good foot and ankle support, will safeguard support and traction。 以动态热身作为抗阻训练的开始。要包含多个维度的动作,提高身体活动范围、平衡以及整体肌肉运动知觉(运动中身体位置的感觉)。例如跳绳、单腿平衡站立、跳跃、单脚/双脚跳。训练课应该练习身体的大肌群,包括核心肌群。 Begin resistance training sessions with a dynamic warmup。 Be sure to include multiplanar exercises that enhance range of motion, balance and overall kinesthetics (sense of body position in motion)。 Examples: skipping, single-leg balances, hopping and unilateral/bilateral jumping。 Sessions should offer exercises for the major muscle groups of the body, including the core musculature。 丰富你的训练计划。丰富有趣的训练计划在青少年肌肉适应方面要优于单一动作、组数和次数的组合方式。文献资料表明,多维度训练能够很好的提高功能性动作和肌肉力量。系统地调整训练计划,可以将过度训练和运动损伤的可能性降到最低。例如,将药球练习与传统的抗阻训练相结合能产生很好的效果。还可以包含高强度间歇性运动,比如短跑、跳跃和药球投掷,这样在提高多种能力的同时还能避免训练枯燥。 Get creative with your programming。 No single combination of exercises, sets and repetitions has emerged as superior for muscular adaptation in youth。 The literature suggests that multifaceted training combinations do the best job of enhancing movement mechanics, functional abilities and muscular strength。 Systematically varying the training program minimizes the potential for overtraining and sports-related injuries。 For instance, blending medicine ball exercises with traditional resistance training works well。 Also, including high-intensity intermittent activities—sprints, jumps and medicine ball throws—improves many components of fitness while preventing training boredom。 最好让你的青少年客户在参与竞技性运动之前就进行抗阻训练。如果他们已有运动经历,要了解他们参与了多少种运动以及运动量。然后仔细测算可以加多少负荷量,同时不会对发育中的肌肉骨骼造成长期重复性的压力。 If possible, start preparatory resistance training before your young clients play competitive sports。 If they are already playing sports, find out how many they play and how much they practice。 Then carefully measure how much resistance training you can add without contributing to chronic repetitive stress on the developing musculoskeletal body。 在课上强调正确的动作技术。在客户掌握正确的动作后再逐渐增加负荷。 Emphasize proper exercise technique in sessions。 You can initiate progressive overload after a client demonstrates proper lifting mechanics。 确保练习区域通风良好且没有潜在危险。 Make sure your workout area is properly ventilated and is free of potential hazards。 监控青少年客户应对训练压力的能力。在他们不能承受当前训练负荷时要适当修改计划。监控他们每次训练后的恢复情况,并密切关注他们神经肌肉能力的发展和对训练的适应情况。 Monitor your young clients’ ability to handle the stress of the workout。 Be ready to modify the program if they cannot tolerate the training stimulus。 Monitor how they recover after each exercise and set, and pay close attention to the progression of their neuromuscular capabilities and their adaptation to training。 花时间教导营养、补水、恢复和睡眠对于恢复的重要性。 Spend quality time discussing why proper nutrition, hydration, recovery and sleep are important for helping the body recover from resistance training。 研究表明快速伸缩复合训练安全且有效,提升这项能力有助于青少年未来的运动发展。 Note that plyometric training can be relatively safe and effective。 The research suggests progressing it sensibly over time。 青少年女子训练的注意事项 Training Considerations for Girls Faigenbaum & Myer (2010b)在他们的研究中得出结论,女性青少年运动员能更好的适应多维度训练,包含全身抗阻训练、姿势平衡、本体感觉(运动时的身体位置)以及着重于跳跃和落地的快速伸缩复合训练。这些技术都被证明可以用来优化青春期女性的和动作机制,改善下肢力量。抗阻训练应随着女性的发育不断进阶。 From their research review, Faigenbaum & Myer (2010b) conclude that young female athletes adapt best with multifaceted programs that include total-body resistance training, postural balance, proprioception (body position while moving), and plyometrics focused on jumping and landing mechanics。 All these techniques have been shown to improve movement biomechanics and lower-body strength in adolescent girls。 Resistance training should progress with girls’ growth and development。 整合式神经肌肉训练 Integrative Neuromuscular Training 整合式神经肌肉训练(INT= Integrative neuromuscular training)是一种针对青少年的训练方法(Faigenbaum et al。 2011),其中包含 Integrative neuromuscular training (INT) is a unique approach for young people (Faigenbaum et al。 2011)。 An INT program includes 以健康为目的,改善肌肉力量和心肺耐力的训练; health-specific exercises to improve muscular strength and cardiorespiratory endurance; 针对平衡、灵敏和协调的技能相关活动; skill-related activities for balance, agility and coordination; and 基本运动技能,例如移动、控制外物和稳定性技能。这些训练方法的主要目的是在大众体育氛围中发展青少年的运动技能和健康。 fundamental movement skills, such as locomotor, object-control and stability skills。 This movement-training approach targets the development of motor skills and muscular fitness in a socially supportive environment for boys and girls。 支持青少年抗阻训练 Embracing Resistance Training for Youth 青少年抗阻训练可以是安全、有趣且有效的。只要教练员制定好计划,考虑青少年的神经肌肉能力,在增加训练量和强度前掌握好动作模式。 Resistance training for boys and girls can be safe, fun and effective so long as we build programs that consider their neuromuscular competency and that focus on mastering movement patterns before progressing in volume and intensity。 青少年抗阻训练内容的选择本质上是无限的。健身行业应当去开发充满活力且有趣的课程,吸引青少年群体的参与,同时激发他们的想象力。 Resistance training options for young populations are essentially limitless。 That gives fitness pros boundless opportunities to create dynamic, enjoyable training programs that capture young clients’ attention and captivate their imagination。 青少年群体中的体力活动不足 Exercise Deficit Disorder in Young People 现在很多青少年都有体力活动不足,简称EDD(Exercise Deficit Disorder)。 Many of today’s youth have exercise deficit disorder, or EDD, which means they aren’t getting enough physical activity。 流行病学报告显示,如今的青少年活动量要低于前几代人(Faigenbaum & Meyer, 2012)。对于青少年和成年人来说,足够的体力活动是理想健康状况的主要标志。Faigenbaum & Meyer指出,当今青少年的跑跳能力缺少开发。 Epidemiological reports show that today’s youth are less active than previous generations (Faigenbaum & Meyer 2012)。 And for youth, as for adults, physical activity is a major marker for optimal health。 Faigenbaum & Meyer suggest that today’s young people specifically lack opportunities to develop their running, skipping, hopping and jumping skills。 目前的活动指南建议青少年每日应有60分钟的中等强度体育活动。随着青少年成长,缺乏体育活动会导致更多的风险因素。 Current activity guidelines recommend that youth get 60 minutes of moderately vigorous physical activity daily。 Getting less leads to a progression of risk factors that manifest as young people become adults。 Faigenbaum & Meyer指出学校干预和课后活动能够有效提高体力活动水平。研究建议活动项目应该具备挑战性,使青少年形成个性并建立自信。 Faigenbaum & Meyer note that school-based interventions and after-school programs effectively improve physical activity levels and combat EDD。 The researchers suggest that programs to combat EDD should provide movement challenges for youth while building character and self-confidence。 译者:毛俊[详情]
绿地运动,受益无穷 Green Exercise: How It Benefits Your Clients 大量科学证据表明,进行户外运动对人体大有裨益,不仅可以有效地活跃思维,强身健体,还能起到净化心灵的作用。 Mounting scientific evidence shows that being active in nature boosts mind, body and spirit。 林中慢跑、公园骑行、沿河散步都属于“绿地运动”,以自然环境作为活动场地。越来越多的研究证明,在这种环境下进行身体活动,对人体大有裨益(Calogiuri, Patil & Aamodt 2016)。专家鼓励大众将“绿地运动”加入到训练计划中,减轻生活压力,提升整体健康水平。近来的研究结果也阐述了绿地运动背后的科学依据,该研究还罗列了一些在自然环境下锻炼的具体练习方式。 Running through the forest。 Cycling through your neighborhood park。 Walking alongside a river。 To most people, “green exercise”—intentionally being physically active in natural environments—feels good, and growing research evidence confirms its benefits (Calogiuri, Patil & Aamodt 2016)。 Here’s a look at what the latest findings tell us about why you may want to incorporate green exercise into your training programs—and even suggest specific nature-based practices for stress reduction and general well-being。 如何定义绿地运动 Defining Green Exercise 绿地运动是指在城市绿地或自然绿地上进行的任何形式的体育活动,场地可以是城市公园、校园或人迹罕至的自然绿地。 Green exercise is any form of physical activity that takes place in urban green spaces like city parks and campuses maintained by people or in natural green spaces with minimal human upkeep。 在绿地环境下进行的任何体育活动,都可称为“绿地运动”。但迄今为止,大多数研究项目都还只局限于步行、跑步和自行车运动等(有些研究也针对园艺、钓鱼、骑马)。大多数研究对象通常都是非锻炼人群,但有些研究的研究对象也涉及了锻炼人群和专业运动员。(Lawton等人,2017年) While the definition encompasses any physical activity in these environments, most studies done so far have examined walking, running and cycling (though some have included gardening, fishing, horseback riding and more)。 Study subjects have typically been nonexercisers, but some research has included regular exercisers and competitive athletes (Lawton et al。 2017)。 绿地运动的相关研究 What the Research Says 研究表明,在自然环境中锻炼,远比在室内环境中锻炼的效果明显。绿地运动能带来身体的放松、精神的愉悦甚至心灵上的慰藉,同时也能提高人们的健康程度、幸福度和运动表现。相比在室内或城市街道上进行身体活动而言,在大自然中进行活动对大众有更多益处: Study findings on green exercise speak loudly: The advantages of exercising in healthy, natural environments go beyond the benefits of exercising in synthetic indoor locations。 Green exercise delivers physical, mental and even spiritual rewards and has positive effects on health, well-being and athletic performance。 Being active in nature has many advantages compared with doing the same activity inside or on city streets: 更大程度地缓解压力 more stress relief 使思维更清晰 clearer thinking 提高注意力水平 improved attention and concentration 提升情绪指数,增加幸福感 enhanced mood and more happiness 减少焦虑 less anxiety 增强自信 greater self-confidence 增加活力 more vitality 带来更多精神焕发的感觉 more feelings of being refreshed 减轻疼痛感 reduced pain sensations 在相同运动量下,疲劳度更低 less fatigue for the same amount of physical work 提高夜间睡眠质量,增加睡眠时长 improved quantity and quality of nighttime sleep 增强正念 enhanced mindfulness or present-moment awareness (Bowler et al。 2010; Lawton et al。 2017) 从运动表现的角度来看,研究表明当运动员在绿地上进行训练与比赛时,能发挥出更好的运动状态: For sports performance, studies have identified the following advantages when athletes train and compete in green spaces: 提高运动表现 enhanced performance 提升满足感 increased satisfaction 与使用跑步机相比,在户外跑步时更为轻松 less perceived effort when running outdoors compared with running on a treadmill 减轻紧张、困惑、愤怒和沮丧的不良情绪 less tension, confusion, anger and depression 更精神焕发,更有活力 more feelings of being refreshed, restored and revitalized 拥有更好的心情 better mood 提高“光流(Optic Flow)”指数——这是一种评估运动员生理疲劳的指标,它的提高能够降低运动员的自觉运动强度,降低运动员对疲劳的敏感程度,从而能够在运动时竭尽全力。 better “optic flow”—a cue for assessing fatigue and exertion—resulting in athletes working harder than they physiologically perceive themselves to be working (Donnelly et al。 2016; Rogerson 2017) 在一项研究中,研究人员对128名田径运动员进行了测试。在四个绿化程度不同的场地,分别测试相应运动者的运动表现。数据分析显示,场地的绿化程度有可能和运动员的运动表现有关:大多数运动员在绿化程度最高的场地取得了最好的成绩(DeWolfe, Waliczek & Zajicek 2011)。但这些运动员是自选场地参加研究的,所以研究结果不能一概而论。针对地貌与环境对田径运动员运动表现影响的问题,还需要进一步的研究。 In one study, researchers examined performances by 128 track-and-field athletes in four locations rated for greenness。 Data analysis showed that greenness predicted performance: A majority of athletes achieved their best performances at the greenest sites (DeWolfe, Waliczek & Zajicek 2011)。 These athletes self-selected for study inclusion, so results cannot be generalized。 More research is needed on the role of landscaping and environment on track-and-field performance。 Mike Rogerson博士是英国埃塞克斯大学运动科学中心的研究员,同时也是多项绿地运动研究的作者。他指出,“将训练的生理指标数据、运动表现数据与环境调控相结合,可以使教练更好地设计训练课和计划,获得最佳的生理和心理训练效果”(Rogerson 2017)。 Mike Rogerson, PhD, a researcher at the Centre for Sports and Exercise Science at the University of Essex in Colchester, England, and author of several green-exercise studies, suggests that “combining environmental manipulations with physiology and performance data may afford new possibilities for coaches to better design training sessions and programs for optimal physiological and psychological impact” (Rogerson 2017)。 绿地运动的基本机制 Underlying Mechanisms 绿地运动能够促进运动者健康。进行绿地运动,可以通过增强免疫系统,提高身体的自我修复能力;可以使大脑从高度技术性工作带来的压力和过度刺激中获得必要的放松;可以通过我们对绿色的天生的亲和性来影响我们的心理和生理状态,但具体的原因仍有待确定。科学研究表明,观看自然风景的视频、在室内养植物或鲜花,或是病人在医院透过窗户观赏自然风景,甚至把教室的墙壁刷成绿色,都对身心健康有好处。该研究也可以解释另一个理论:接触大自然本身就有利于人体健康(Hansen, Jones & Tocchini 2017; van den Berg et al。 2016)。 Researchers theorize about why green exercise offers so many health benefits—including boosting the body’s self-healing through the immune system, giving the brain essential rest from technostress and overstimulation, and affecting our psychology and physiology through our innate affinity for the color green—but exact reasons are still to be determined。 The theory that exposure to nature is in itself beneficial to people is bolstered by studies that show that viewing videos of nature scenes, having indoor foliage or flowers, seeing nature through a hospital room window, or simply having green classroom walls boosts mental and physical well-being and performance (Hansen, Jones & Tocchini 2017; van den Berg et al。 2016)。 在一项研究中,当14名室内自行车手观看一段分别为红色、绿色或灰色的户外自行车课程视频时,埃塞克斯大学的研究人员发现,在观看天然绿色视频时,参与者受到的的情绪干扰最小,RPE最低。研究作者指出,他们的研究结果指出了一种潜在的认知机制,这潜在的认知机制能够解释“为何绿地锻炼能够使人受益”的问题。(Akers et al。 2012) For example, when 14 indoor cyclists were exposed to a tinted red, green or achromatic gray video of a rural cycling course, University of Essex researchers found that participants had the least mood disturbance and lowest rating of perceived exertion while they were watching the natural green video。 Study authors noted that their findings pointed to potential cognitive mechanisms underlying the benefits of green exercise (Akers et al。 2012)。 绿地运动的其他好处包括:感官刺激,唤醒正念;从成就中获得自信;给人一种玩游戏的感觉;与大自然、家人、朋友和宠物的亲密感。 Other positive aspects of green exercise include sensory stimulation, which awakens present-moment awareness; physical challenge and the self-confidence gained from achievement; a sense of play; and feelings of connection with nature and with the family, friends and pets with whom we’re sharing the outdoor time。 研究局限 Research Limitations 进行对绿地运动的研究,必须要考虑其他潜在因素对研究结果所产生的影响。一些人认为绿地运动使人受益,仅仅是因为运动者进行了身体活动。研究人员进行了运动分析,在控制了运动强度水平和运动类型后,发现绿地训练还是更具有优势(Bowler et al.2010年)。其他研究人员认为,和音乐一样,自然环境能够积极性地分散运动者运动时的注意力。 Any effort to study effects of physical activity in green spaces must account for other potential influences on research outcomes。 Some argue that green-exercise benefits are simply due to physical activity, but researchers have conducted analyses that still find advantages after controlling for activity level and type (Bowler et al。 2010)。 Other researchers suggest that, like music, nature is a way to positively distract participants as they exercise。 一些研究表明,在进行科学研究的情况下,自然环境的概念需要进行更清晰的界定,因为在荒芜环境下运动比在森林环境中运动的好处要小得多(Lawton et al。 2017)。其他研究发现,一个人与自然环境的情感联系,以及他之前在自然环境中的经历,是他从绿地运动中获益的重要原因。而将人单纯地暴露在自然环境之中,不产生共鸣,并不会促进训练收益。(Lawton et al。 2017)关于这个问题,需要进行更多后续研究。 Some studies show that the notion of nature needs clear definition in research contexts, because activity in wild settings has less positive results than exercising in tended forest environments (Lawton et al。 2017)。 Other studies have found that a person’s sense of connectedness to nature or his or her past experiences with natural environments, rather than mere exposure to them, are keys to experiencing benefits from green exercise (Lawton et al。 2017)。 More research is required。 你准备好进行户外运动了吗? Ready to Take It Outdoors? 作为健身专业人士,我们发现现代生活方式剥夺了大众日常生活中的自然体力活动。因此,我们需要保持锻炼习惯,维持健康。现代生活方式同时也对人们的户外活动产生了影响。美国人和加拿大人平均每天有87%的时间待在建筑物里,6%的时间待在汽车里,只有7%的时间用于户外活动,走路去商店买东西的时间包括在内,因此我们在大自然中活动的时间就更少了。(Klepeis et al。 2001)现代生活方式不仅限制了绿地运动,也限制了人们获得新鲜空气和阳光,同时影响着我们睡眠调节、食欲、情绪和能量水平等功能的昼夜节律。 As fitness professionals, we know that modern living has stripped natural physical activity from daily life, requiring us to integrate doses of exercise to maintain health, but are we considering how modern living has also eliminated most outdoor activity? Americans and Canadians spend an average of 87% of their day in buildings and 6% in cars, leaving just 7% for outdoor time, and that includes walking to stores, so even less time is available for being active in nature (Klepeis et al。 2001)。 This limits not only green exercise but also access to clean air and sunlight—affecting circadian rhythms that regulate sleep, appetite, mood and energy levels。 世界卫生组织(WHO)意识到,城市绿地和社区体育活动之间存在着重要联系,能够提高人们的幸福程度和健康程度。(WHO 2016)欧洲联合国会员国承诺:“在2020年之前,会为每个孩子提供健康和安全的生活环境,让孩子们能够步行或骑车去幼儿园、去学校,并为孩子们的娱乐及身体训练提供绿地空间” Based on significant scientific evidence, the World Health Organization now recognizes the link between urban green spaces and more community-based physical activity, with resulting improvements in health and well-being (WHO 2016)。 European member states of the United Nations have made a commitment “to provide each child by 2020 with access to healthy and safe environments and settings of daily life in which they can walk and cycle to kindergartens and schools, and to green spaces in which to play and undertake physical activity。” 了解绿地运动的相关研究我们知道,在大自然中进行身体活动对大脑、身体以及精神都是有益的。环境学家John Muir曾说过:“每个人都需要美,不仅需要面包,还需要玩耍和祈祷的地方。大自然可以治愈身体,并赋予我们灵魂力量。” With an understanding of current green-exercise research, we’re reminded that being active in nature is restorative to brain, body and spirit。 “Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul,” said environmentalist John Muir。 是时候在绿地上赤脚漫步了。 Perhaps it’s time to take some barefoot walks in the grass。 大自然的力量 Forces of Nature 身处于大自然中能够使人获得健康,科学界对此已有许多正面的研究结果。已经有一些组织和医疗中心开始采用生态疗法、自然疗法或“森林浴”,作为对某些心理健康问题患者、癌症患者和一些慢性病患者的补充治疗。(Shin, Shin & Yeoun 2012;Nakau等人,2013) Positive research findings regarding the health benefits of being in nature have motivated organizations and medical centers to offer ecotherapy, nature therapy or “forest bathing” as complementary care for people with certain mental health issues, cancer and some chronic diseases (Shin, Shin & Yeoun 2012; Nakau et al。 2013)。 生态疗法(Ecotherapy)或自然疗法(Nature Therapy)。在英国,生态疗法的内容不仅仅局限于体力活动,它包括任何可以改善身心健康的户外活动。包括但不限于与动物建立联系的活动、荒野保护活动和与工艺品有关的活动等。慈善组织Mind将生态疗法定义为“由训练有素的治疗师引导的,通过进行不同的活动来建立与自然的平衡关系,从而使你获得健康”(Mind 2015)。自然疗法被定义为一种有着“预防功效”的疗法,这种疗法将身体置于自然环境的刺激下,使人处于生理放松状态,在增强人体免疫功能的同时,还能预防疾病。(Hansen, Jones &Tocchini 2017) Ecotherapy or nature therapy。 In the United Kingdom, the concept of ecotherapy goes beyond physical activity to include any outdoor activity that improves mental and physical well-being—including, but not limited to, intentional work with animals, wilderness protection, and arts and crafts。 The charitable organization Mind defines ecotherapy as a program “where a trained therapist leads you through different activities to develop a balanced relationship with nature that benefits your well-being” (Mind 2015)。 Nature therapy is defined as “a set of practices aimed at achieving ‘preventive medical effects’ through exposure to natural stimuli that render a state of physiological relaxation and boost the weakened immune functions to prevent diseases” (Hansen, Jones &Tocchini 2017)。 森林浴(Shinrin-Yoku 或Forest Bathing)。在日本,“森林浴”被认为是一种预防疗法,是一种让人们在森林中行走的传统锻炼方式。日本林业局已经指定多条国家小路作为森林疗法的专用通路,这一政策也被其他国家所效仿。森林浴不是为了锻炼,而是为了缓解压力,训练者可以动用全部五种感官系统,用心去体会大自然。(Hansen, Jones & Tocchini 2017) Shinrin-Yoku or forest bathing。 Forest bathing, considered preventive medicine in Japan, is a traditional Japanese practice that involves walking mindfully in a forest。 Japan’s Forestry Agency has designated multiple national trails as forest therapy trails, a policy that is influencing other countries to follow。 Forest bathing is not for exercise; it is primarily for stress reduction and focuses on mindfully encountering nature with all five senses (Hansen, Jones & Tocchini 2017)。 来自自然疗法导师的见解 华盛顿的Clare Kelley将她的瑜伽与普拉提导师经历与森林浴和自然疗法相结合。“我的两种背景能够帮助人们理解环境与身体的相互作用机制,并帮助他们改善生活质量。如果我让练习者做那些能使身体感觉良好的、强度轻缓的、方式简单的运动,他们就能更好的融入大自然,并变得玩性大发。有一次森林之旅,我们做了一些强度低缓的练习后,一位练习者站在树前,并给了大树一个大大的拥抱!还有一个人爬到了山顶,像她小时候那样沿着山坡滚了下来。森林浴和生态疗法的结合给我们带来了享受自然的乐趣。” ANature Therapy Guide Shares Her Insights Clare Kelley of Washington, D.C。, blends her experience as a yoga and Pilates instructor with her role as a certified forest and nature therapy guide。 “Both backgrounds go together well and help people understand how the environment and movement play a role in improved quality of life。 If I start participants with gentle, intuitive movements that feel good in their own body, they’re more likely to interact with the forest and become playful。 On one of my walks, after we did light movement, one participant bee-lined for a tree and gave it a giant hug! Another went to the top of the hill and rolled down, like she used to as a little girl。 There’s a natural playfulness that the combination of the two areas brings out in us。 “我把这种美妙的感受带回了健身课堂。我们开始与自己的身体和周围的世界建立更和谐的关系。这种感受能够减轻学员们的压力,使他们不去过分苛求完美;让他们有更多的空间去玩乐,并提醒他们让自己身体去享受当下最美妙的时光。 “I bring this [enjoyment of the sensory experience] back to the fitness classroom。 We start to develop a friendlier relationship to our body and to the world around us。 I find [this emphasis] guides students toward feeling less pressure to be perfect and having more room to play and remember what their bodies are here for—to enjoy the time we have, right here, right now。” 附录 世界范围内有很多自然训练相关的组织,可以访问他们的网站,学习更多知识: Organizations exist throughout the world to support nature activity for health and well-being。 Check out the following to learn more: 自然 & 森林相关组织 Association of Nature & Forest natureandforesttherapy.org/infom.org/index shinrinyokula.com/ wildernessguidescouncil.org/ l 参考文献References Akers, A。, et al。 2012。 Visual color perception in green exercise: Positive effects on mood and perceived exertion。 Environmental Science & Technology, 4 8661–66。 Bowler, D.E。, et al。 2010。 A systematic review of evidence for the added benefits to health of exposure to natural environments。 BMC Public Health, 10 456。 Calogiuri, G。, Patil, G.G。, & Aamodt, G。 2016。 Is green exercise for all? 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Stand Up to Aging 老年人如何通过健身预防跌倒 Functional Aging: Ground-to-standing exercises help older exercisers preserve strength, improve agility and prevent hazardous falls。 功能老化:从地上到站起来的练习能够帮助老龄人群增强力量、改善灵敏性并预防跌倒。 Getting up off the ground grows more difficult as we age。 Muscles and bones weaken, coordination becomes less fluid, and simply doing chores around the house gets more challenging。 随着年龄的增大,“从地上站起来”这个简单的动作变得越来越难。肌肉和骨骼变弱,协调性变差,在家里做家务变得十分具有挑战性。 Ground-to-standing (G2S) exercises address these changes。 While even performance athletes can benefit from G2S drills (see the sidebar “G2S Exercises Also Help Performance Athletes”), they’re supremely helpful for older exercisers who are at risk for broken hips and other threats to their mobility。 In addition to improving strength and mobility, G2S drills improve circulation and neuromuscular coordination。 Adding resistance and load to these drills further improves strength and endurance。 G2S练习(Ground-to-Standing)便是针对这些变化的。专业运动员也可以通过G2S练习增强运动表现(见附录中的动作)。老龄训练者可以通过G2S练习增强力量及灵活性,改善循环系统及神经肌肉协调。使用额外的负重,还可以改善力量和耐力。 Let’s look at the background on G2S exercises, why they’re beneficial to older clients, and how they help aging bodies perform better。 我们现在看一下G2S练习的背景知识,了解它的机理及实践方法。 Why G2S Ability Is So Important 为什么G2S能力很重要 Playing with children and grandchildren requires sinking to their level。 Then there’s the matter of getting back up—which becomes more challenging every year。 G2S drills make it easier to get down on the ground to play with kids, then hop back up and chase them around。 陪儿孙们玩耍时,老人需要弯下腰至小孩儿的高度。然后,站起来就变得有点难了。随着年龄的继续增长,站起来的能力每况愈下。G2S练习能够帮助老人们坐到地上陪儿孙们玩耍,然后站起来和他们追逐游戏。 These challenges multiply around the household。 Reading glasses fall under the coffee table; cat toys must be fetched from under the couch。 Everyday activities underscore a fundamental concern for older people: “Sitting [down on the floor and then rising from it are basic functional tasks] required for autonomy。 The inability to perform these and similar actions are closely related to the risk of falling, and if a fall has occurred, the capacity to return to an upright position is critical” (Brito et al。 2012)。 衰老带来的挑战在家中成倍增加,比如说捡起掉在地上的老花镜,够出来掉在沙发底下的玩具。“坐在地上然后站起来是一项基本的功能任务。如果做不到,那么跌倒的风险成倍增加。如果跌倒,能快速反应,然后站直的能力也很重要。”(Brito et al。 2012) Loss of strength, mobility and agility poses severe risks to aging clients。 A 2011 study found that women aged 70–79 who suffer a hip fracture double their risk of dying within a year。 For women 80 and older who are in excellent health, a hip fracture nearly triples their risk of dying within a year (LeBlanc et al。 2011)。 Brito and colleagues found that adults who scored low on the sitting-rising test (SRT) faced more than a six-fold increase in all-cause mortality。 力量、灵活性、灵敏性的下降会引起一系列风险。一项2011年的研究发现,年龄在70-79岁的髋部骨折的女性在一年内死亡的风险翻了一番。对于健康状况良好的80岁以上的女性来说,髋部骨折使她们在一年内死亡的风险翻了3倍(LeBlanc et al。 2011)。Brito及同事们发现,在SRT(Sitting-Rising Test,坐下来再站起来)测试中得分较低者,全因死亡率增加了6倍以上。 G2S exercises improve the strength and mobility people need to extend their life expectancy。 G2S练习可以提高力量和灵活性,延长预期寿命。 Why G2S Ability Declines With Age 为什么G2S能力会随年龄的增长而下降? Aging has three fundamental markers: 衰老有3个基本标志: dynapenia (loss of muscle strength) (Clark & Manini 2012) sarcopenia (loss of muscle mass) (Doherty 2003) decreased lean body mass (loss of muscle, bone and connective tissue) 肌力下降(Dynapenia)(Clark & Manini 2012) 肌肉量下降(Sarcopenia)(Doherty 2003) 瘦体重下降(肌肉、骨骼及结缔组织损失) These changes make it more challenging to move efficiently in three dimensions (direction, distance and depth)。 Furthermore, modern conveniences free older adults from having to perform a range of three-dimensional movements。 All these trends reduce mobility and increase the risk of falls。 这些改变会在3个维度(方向、距离及深度)上引起活动困难。此外,现代化的便利设施使老年人不必进行一系列三维运动,降低灵活性,增加跌倒风险。 Studies have noted that aging reduces the nervous system’s capacity for communicating with connective tissue and muscle (Tieland, Trouwborst & Clark 2018)。 This process degrades muscle recruitment, making it more difficult to perform activities of daily living。 研究表明,随着年龄的增长,神经系统对结缔组织及肌肉的控制能力降低(Tieland, Trouwborst & Clark 2018)。肌肉的募集程度降低,会增大日常活动的难度。 That’s why G2S exercises are so important: They address the twin assaults of dynapenia and sarcopenia。 G2S练习的重要性就体现在这里,它可以对抗年龄增长引起的肌力下降及肌肉流失。 Getting G2S Drills Right G2S drills (see the sidebar “5 Ground-to-Standing Exercises”) are designed to improve strength and mobility by rhythmically lengthening and shortening the body’s connective tissues。 The drills start from odd positions to enhance space and motion at the foot and ankle, pelvis and hips, thoracic spine, and scapulothoracic joints。 Properly performing the G2S drills can enhance posture。 Optimal postural alignment represents a proper balance in mobility and strength。 G2S练习(见附录“5种G2S练习”)旨在通过有节奏地伸长和缩短结缔组织,改善力量和灵活性。练习从一个比较古怪的姿势开始,为的是增强足、踝、髋、骨盆、胸椎以及肩胛胸壁关节的位置觉和运动觉。适度的G2S练习可以塑造更好的体态。而正确的体态(即身体对线)反映了力量与灵活性之间的平衡。 G2S exercises don’t require equipment, so it’s possible to do them anywhere, anytime。 Clients can start from ground positions such as sitting, kneeling, half-kneeling (one knee on the ground), supine, prone or side-lying。 Practice coaching your clients on how to get up off of the floor from a variety of these starting positions。 Clients who need assistance can use a bench or seat。 G2S练习不需要器械,你可以随时随地做。从地上的起始姿势可以是坐姿、跪姿、半跪姿、仰卧姿或侧卧姿,而我们教练要做的就是让客户从这些起始姿势下站起来。需要外力辅助的客户,可以在训练凳或座椅上进行练习。 G2S Exercises Also Help Performance Athletes G2S练习也可以用于高水平运动员身上 Ground-to-standing exercises add a variety of motions that can help performance athletes get stronger and avoid injuries。 Since strength requires an ability to accumulate and produce force, the neuromuscular system and the connective tissue system must be able to communicate efficiently to tolerate these forces。 G2S练习也可以帮助运动员变得强壮,并预防损伤。想要力量大,要有蓄积并发出力量的能力。神经系统内应当协调良好,并有能够承受住这些力的强大的结缔组织。 Improving tissue tolerance and neuromuscular communication requires athletes to perform and repeat motions from a variety of positions and directions with differences in load, speed, and time under tension。 想要增强组织的耐受性及神经协调能力,需要在多种姿势、多个方向上做练习,并辅以变化的负荷、速度以及肌肉处在张力下的时间(Time Under Tension)。 All sports require players to get into unusual positions that require bending and extending the ankles, knees and hips。 Motions go in all directions, across small and large distances, and include getting low to the ground and exploding high into the air。 在体育运动中,运动员经常处于髋、膝、踝的屈曲和伸展的姿势下。由于专项特征,活动方向多种多样,移动距离或小或大,有的需要放低姿势贴近地面,而有的需要竭尽全力往空中跳。 G2S drills can be terrific movement preparations for tennis, baseball, hockey, football, soccer, volleyball, basketball and many other ground sports。 All athletes need efficiency and speed when going to the ground and getting back up。 G2S练习可以让网球、棒球、排球、曲棍球、足球、橄榄球、排球、篮球以及许多其他运动项目的运动员受益。 Enhancing Circulation With G2S 促进循环 The G2S method naturally pumps fluid throughout the body。 Moving up and down through and against the field of gravity causes blood, lymph and water to flow more readily。 The muscle’s pumping action and changes in hydrostatic pressures circulate the fluids (Reed & Rubin 2010)。 G2S练习可以自然地将体液泵至全身,促进血液、淋巴以及水的循环。肌肉的抽运作用以及静水压的变化可以促进体液循环(Reed & Rubin 2010)。 The more repetitive the movement is and the closer you get to the ground before standing back up again, the more fluid gets pumped throughout the body (Schleip et al。 2012)。 This flow is crucial for maintaining homeostasis in the cells, delivering oxygen to the cells, removing metabolic waste through the lymphatic system and enhancing overall cardiovascular efficiency。 动作重复次数越多、离地时越靠近地面,泵至身体各处的体液越多(Schleip et al。 2012)。体液的流动对细胞稳态的维持尤为重要,可以将氧气输送至细胞,并通过淋巴系统运走代谢废物,提高心血管系统的整体工作效率。 Increasing the speed of these exercises makes the cardiovascular system work overtime, creating an excellent cardiovascular modality。 做练习时增加动作速度,可以引起更好的心血管适应。 Benefits of Doing G2S Drills G2S练习的好处 Mental 心灵 reduces anxiety and depression improves memory and cognition enhances self-esteem 减轻焦虑及沮丧 增强记忆力及认知能力 提升自尊 来源: Delbaere et al。 2004。 Physical 身体 improves performance in activities of daily living slows the impact of sarcopenia and dynapenia increases bone and tissue density improves balance helps prevent falls helps fight diabetes, heart disease and high blood pressure decreases risk factors for all-cause mortality lessens chronic pain from osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia improves symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome 提高日常生活能力 减缓肌肉流失、肌力下降的速度 增强骨密度及组织密度 改善平衡能力 防止跌倒 有助于对抗糖尿病、心脏病和高血压 降低全因死亡率的风险因素 减轻骨关节炎和纤维肌痛症引起的慢性疼痛 改善慢性疲劳综合症的症状 Age, Motion and G2S 年龄、活动及G2S Humans self-organize when they move。 That is the essence of motor learning。 Babies learn how to get up off the ground without much coaching。 The same is evident throughout the animal kingdom: Movement is self-taught。 人类在移动的时候会进行自我组织。这是运动学习的本质。婴儿在学习如何从地面上起来的时候,并没有外界的指导。在动物界,动作是自学的。 However, efficiency of movement doesn’t come so naturally; it has to be enhanced with practice。 Repetition and progression yield greater neuromuscular coordination as the nerves improve their ability to communicate with the body’s motor systems。 动作的习得是自然的,但是高效的动作并不能通过自然的习得获得,必须通过练习才能加强。需要不断地重复、进阶,促进更好的神经肌肉协调,形成更好的动作。 5 Ground-To-Standing Exercises 5个G2S练习 By improving muscle strength, cardiovascular efficiency and functional independence, these ground-to-standing exercises will enhance your clients’ ability to move better。 The drills should be performed daily, progressing from the simplest to the most difficult, as shown below。 G2S练习可以改善力量、心肺功能以及日常生活能力,并增强动作能力。每天都要进行G2S练习,并适时进阶。 For each exercise, have clients do 1–2 sets of 10 repetitions。 Exercise 5 is the most challenging, requiring the most strength and mobility。 While these exercises are ideal for older exercisers, you can use them as a warmup in any client’s program。 每个动作做1-2组,每组10次。第五个练习比较难,需要很强的力量及灵活性。这些动作的针对对象是老年人,但你也可以在普通客户的热身阶段做这些练习。 HalfKneeling Step To Stand 半跪姿起立(Half Kneeling Step To Stand) Start in a kneeling position, one foot forward。 Fix your eyes forward as if sighting a target。 Drive the ground down with your front foot, keeping the upper body still, and step up to a standing position。 Maintain good posture, then step the frontfoot back to the starting position。 以半跪姿开始,一只脚在前。 眼睛盯向前方。上肢挺直,前脚主导发力站起。 身体挺直,前脚回到起始姿势。 Crisscross Applesauce Spin 双腿交叉转身起立(Crisscross Applesauce Spin) Sit in the “crisscross applesauce” position。 Twist back and away from your top leg, and spin your feet and hips 180 degrees in the opposite direction。 Use your hand to push the ground away and shift into a standing position。 Reverse the pattern on the way down by placing the hand on the ground and twisting back into the seated starting position。 坐在地上,双腿交叉。 手辅助发力,向后转180°至站姿。 沿起立时相反的方向,下蹲,手撑地,转身,回到起始姿势。 Supine Roll To Inchworm 仰卧翻身+手走(Supine Roll To Inchworm) Lie in a supine position。 Roll over to a prone position。 Push your body off the ground into a plank。 Walk your hands toward your feet, and then stand up out of your deep bow。 Bend over and walk your hands back to a plank position。 Lower your chest until your body is flat on the ground。 Roll back over。 Repeat, rolling in the other direction。 仰卧于地面。 翻身,至俯卧姿。 推起身体,至平板支撑姿势。 双手向双脚行进,然后伸髋站起。 俯身,双手向前行进,至平板支撑姿势。 胸部慢慢放下,至俯卧姿。 重复,向相反的方向翻身。 Prone Stand to Statue 平板支撑至单腿站立(Prone Stand to Statue) Start in a prone plank position, hands shoulder-width apart, feet hip-width apart。 Step your right foot to the outside of your right hand。 Shift your weight onto the right leg and push the ground away。 Propel yourself vertically into a single-leg balanced stance。 Hold that position as though you were a statue。 Reverse the pattern to descend back to the starting position。 Alternate sides (left side is shown), or perform a desired number of reps on the same side before switching。 从俯卧平板支撑姿势开始,双手与肩等宽,双脚与髋同宽。 将右脚前跨至右手外侧。 重心放在右腿上,然后发力站起。 右腿支撑,左腿抬起,单腿支撑站立。 保持这个姿势,感觉自己像是一尊雕塑。 沿刚才相反的流程回到起始姿势。 换边继续进行。 Side-lying Crossover To Forward Lunge 侧卧交叉步至前弓步(Side-lying Crossover To Forward Lunge) Start in a side-lying position leaning on the hand or, for a greater challenge, on the forearm。 Cross the top leg toward the supporting arm that is in contact with the ground。 Drive the front leg into the ground to transfer off the ground。 Immediately continue your momentum forward by stepping into a forward lunge。 Reverse the pattern by stepping back into the starting position。 In that starting position, stay as straight as a steel beam。 以侧卧姿势开始,手撑地。想增大难度,肘撑地。 将上边那条腿向支撑侧的手臂收。 起身,然后迅速转换至前弓步。 沿刚才相反的流程回到起始姿势。 在起始姿势下,身体要保持一条直线,核心要收紧。 Aging degrades movement efficiency。 The G2S method is a safe, effective way to turn that around, enhancing communication and coordination in the body。 Put these exercises to work so your older clients can stay strong and agile and reduce the risks of dangerous falls。 衰老会是动作效率降低。G2S练习是一种安全、有效的延缓衰老的方式,可以增强身体的协调。把G2S练习放到你的老年客户的训练计划中,让他们保持强健、敏捷,并预防跌倒意外。 Demonstration Videos Tall Kneeling Step To Stand 双腿交叉转身起立 Crisscross Applesauce Spin 双腿交叉转身起立 Supine Roll To Inchworm 仰卧翻身+手走 Prone Stand to Statue 平板支撑至单腿站立 Side-lying Crossover To Forward Lunge 侧卧交叉步至前弓步 作者:John Sinclair 翻译:赵鹏旺[详情]
肩胛骨:正确的运动 Shoulder Blades: The Right Moves 本文中,我们将学习如何辨别肩胛骨动力障碍,并提供相应的纠正性练习。 Here’s how to spot scapular dyskinesis in clients and provide corrective exercises。 肩胛骨是指尖到颈部的动力链上的重要一环。肩胛骨位置及运动的异常,称为肩胛骨动力障碍(Scapular Dyskinesis)。久坐人群更易出现肩胛骨动力障碍,触发疼痛及不适。 The shoulder blades, or scapulae, are critical links in the kinetic chain from the waist through the shoulders, up to the neck and down to the fingertips。 Abnormalities in the position or movement of the shoulder blades—technically called scapular dyskinesis—can trigger pain and discomfort, especially among people who spend long hours sitting and using computers。 超过60%的人都有不同程度的颈痛及肩痛(Cools et al。 2013)。久坐习惯是罪魁祸首,它会影响肩胛骨的活动方向、活动范围以及周边肌肉的力量。 Indeed, more than 60% of us feel neck or shoulder pain at some point in our lives (Cools et al。 2013)。 A sedentary lifestyle is one of the key culprits because it can impair scapular orientation, range of motion and shoulder muscle strength。 健身专业人士应当了解造成肩胛骨动力障碍的原因,学会如何评估症状,并给出对应的练习,帮助客户恢复肩胛骨的正常功能。想要做到这些,我们先要了解肩胛骨的正常位置及肩肱节律的有关知识。 These are crucial issues for fitness pros whose clients complain of shoulder and neck problems。 Learning the causes of scapular dyskinesis, spotting the symptoms and finding good exercise options can help restore proper shoulder blade function。 This process starts with understanding normal scapular positioning and scapulohumeral rhythm。 肩胛骨的作用 Role of the Scapulae 肩胛骨平整又突出的表面,是肩、颈、上背部等灵活性及稳定性的结构基础,并为力量在髋——躯干——手臂上的传导提供了稳定基础。 The flat, protruding surfaces of the scapulae provide mobility and stability to the shoulders, neck and upper back, forming a stable base for force transfer from the hips and torso to the arms。 每边的肩胛骨都有肩锁关节及盂肱关节,分别与锁骨及肱骨连接。而肩胛骨及胸椎之间缺少骨连接,拥有极大的灵活性,活动包括后缩、前伸、上提、下降、前/后倾以及上/下回旋。(Kibler, Sciascia & Wilkes 2012; Paine & Voight 2013; Voight, Hoogenboom & Cook 2008) Each scapula has two bony attachments, the acromioclavicular joint and the glenohumeral joint。 The absence of bony articulations between the scapulae and the thorax affords great mobility, including retraction, protraction, elevation, depression, anterior/posterior tilting, and internal/external and upward/downward rotation (Kibler, Sciascia & Wilkes 2012; Paine & Voight 2013; Voight, Hoogenboom & Cook 2008)。 这么多活动度其实是一种挑战:肩胛骨的灵活性及稳定性在很大程度上取决于其周边肌肉的激活程度。离心控制极其重要,尤其是在摆臂或负重时,要通过离心控制增强肩胛骨的稳定性。(Kibler, Sciascia & Wilkes 2012) All this flexibility poses a challenge: Scapular stability and mobility are determined largely by activation of the surrounding muscle。 Eccentric control is especially important, because it ensures scapular stability when the arm is moving, is under load or both (Kibler, Sciascia & Wilkes 2012)。 肩胛周围的肌肉对肩关节功能来说极其重要,它们需要同步、高效地协同工作,使肩胛骨做出正确的运动。前锯肌及斜方肌中下束斜方肌是肩胛骨的重要的控制肌及稳定肌(Kibler et al。 2013)。此外,肩胛骨是动力链上的重要一环,传递由髋或躯干传来的力(Voight, Hoogenboom & Cook 2008),并连接至颈椎段及胸椎段。 Thus, the periscapular muscles are vital to normal shoulder function: They must work in sync to produce efficient movement。 The serratus anterior and upper and lower trapezius are the primary contributors and stabilizers of scapular motion (Kibler et al。 2013)。 Furthermore, the scapulae coordinate with the kinetic chain, transferring forces produced in the hips and torso (Voight, Hoogenboom & Cook 2008), as well as connecting the cervical and thoracic segments of the spine (Cools et al。 2013)。 什么是肩胛骨动力障碍? What Is Scapular Dyskinesis? 肩胛骨动力障碍是肩胛骨位置及运动的缺陷。下面我们聊聊如何评估它: Scapular dyskinesis is a flaw in scapular position and motion。 Here’s how to spot it: 位置:找到内侧缘及下角(看看有没有翼状肩胛/肩胛骨前倾) Position。 Look for prominence of the medial border and/or inferior angle (winging/anterior tilting of the scapula)。 运动:找到被打乱的肩周节律,体现为肩胛骨过早上提(耸肩)以及快速的下旋(Kibler et al。 2013)。 Motion。 Look for disrupted rhythm exemplified by early scapular elevation (shrugging of the shoulders) and rapid downward rotation (Kibler et al。 2013)。 肩胛骨动力障碍本质上不是疾病,但它与许多骨科疾病相关(Cools et al。 2013; Kibler, Sciascia & Wilkes 2012)。肩胛骨动力障碍是否引起损伤?还是仅仅反映了机体对疼痛及功能障碍的代偿?这个问题的答案尚不清楚(Kibler et al。 2013; Kibler, Sciascia & Wilkes 2012)。许多人似乎不受肩胛运动障碍的困扰,但实际上问题反应在了颈部、肩部,或造成了动力链其他环节的损伤。因此,健身专业人士应当让自己的训练损伤风险最小化,并促进肩胛骨运动的正常化。 Though scapular dyskinesis is not an injury, it is associated with many orthopedic pathologies (Cools et al。 2013; Kibler, Sciascia & Wilkes 2012)。 It’s unclear whether scapular dyskinesis causes injuries or merely reflects the body compensating for pain or dysfunction (Kibler et al。 2013; Kibler, Sciascia & Wilkes 2012)。 Though many people seem untroubled by scapular dyskinesis, the condition may predispose them to neck and shoulder pain or to injury in other parts of the kinetic chain。 Hence, exercise professionals should program suitable exercises that minimize injury risk and encourage healthy scapular motion (Cools et al。 2013)。 注意:诊断损伤及开治疗处方并不是教练的执业范围之内,一定要与医学专业人士协作。 Note: It is not within a fitness professional’s scope of practice to diagnose an injury or “prescribe” therapy。 Always work in concert with an allied medical professional。 识别肩胛骨动力障碍 Looking for Scapular Dyskinesis 观察肩胛骨的活动是识别肩胛骨动力障碍的较为可靠的方法之一(Kibler, Sciascia & Wilkes 2012)。下面给出的测试方法相当可靠(McClure et al。 2009): Observing the shoulder blades in motion is a reliable way to identify scapular dyskinesis (Kibler, Sciascia & Wilkes 2012)。 The following test is reasonably reliable (McClure et al。 2009): 让客户双手各拿3-5磅(约35-2.25公斤)的重物,双手同时前平举举到最高位置,然后慢慢放下,做5次。 Have the client hold a 3- to 5-pound weight in each hand and raise and lower both arms slowly in forward flexion to maximum elevation 5 times。 让客户双手各拿3-5磅(约35-2.25公斤)的重物,双手同时外展到最高位置,然后慢慢放下,做5次。 Repeat the process for shoulder abduction (frontal plane)。 观察每边肩胛骨的运动,注意内侧缘及下角是否翘出。以及是否有节律障碍,具体表现包括肩胛骨过早抬高、出现多余活动、快速下旋或耸肩等(Cools et al。 2007)。 Observe each scapula’s motion, watching for medial-border/inferior-angle prominence and dysrhythmia, including premature elevation, excessive motion, and/or rapid downward rotation or shrugging of the shoulders (Cools et al。 2007)。 选择练习动作 Looking Choosing Exercises 在引入复杂的多关节、有负重的手臂练习前,应当先增强肩胛骨稳定肌肌力,改善肩关节近端稳定性(Kibler & McMullen 2003; Kibler & Sciascia 2010)。下列是肩胛骨动力障碍时最常见的动作模式代偿: Exercises should emphasize proximal stability by strengthening the scapular stabilizers before incorporating complex loaded-arm exercises into a strengthening program (Kibler & McMullen 2003; Kibler & Sciascia 2010)。 These are the most common motor-pattern alterations in scapular dyskinesis: 斜方肌上束过度激活 increased activation of the upper trapezius 斜方肌下束激活延缓 delayed activation of the lower trapezius 前锯肌及斜方肌下束较弱 weakness in the serratus anterior and lower trapezius 因此,选取的动作应当能够增强斜方肌下束及前锯肌的激活,同时降低斜方肌上束的激活程度,促进正常肩胛骨运动的形成。(Kibler et al。 2008) Therefore, select exercises that emphasize lower-trapezius and serratus-anterior activation while diminishing upper-trapezius activation and promoting normal scapular motion (Kibler et al。 2008)。 我们建议通过做俯卧撑来加强前锯肌及斜方肌下束。如果在俯卧撑的向心阶段末端增加一个肩胛骨前伸的动作,可以取得更好的效果。这个动作称为“俯卧撑+(Pushup Plus)”,文章结尾附有视频。 Pushups are suggested for strengthening the serratus anterior and lower trapezius, especially when exaggerated scapular protraction is added at the end of the concentric phase (the “pushup plus”)。 一项2014年的研究指出,有肩胛骨动力障碍的受试者在不稳定平面上做俯卧撑,比在稳定平面上做时,斜方肌上束的激活程度更高。而对于没有肩胛骨动力障碍的受试者,结果正好相反。这意味着在不稳定平面上训练会增加神经肌肉需求,有肩胛骨动力障碍的个体会出现代偿模式。 A 2014 study found an unfavorable increase in upper-trapezius activity in those with scapular dyskinesis when the pushup was performed on an unstable surface versus a stable surface。 The opposite is true for subjects displaying no dyskinesis, suggesting that increased neuromuscular demands from an unstable surface enable the compensatory patterns seen in clients with scapular dyskinesis (Priauá et al。 2014)。 肩胛骨控制不是孤立的,它与其他部分联动。伸髋、躯干伸展以及躯干旋转会促使肩胛骨后缩,来到一个更稳定的位置。因此,我们应当引入一些增强核心和腰椎骨盆稳定性,以及适当的脊柱灵活性的练习。练习应当在无代偿动作的前提下,模拟日常及专项活动,形成较好的肌肉募集模式(Cools et al。 2007)。文章结尾处的“一些加强肩胛周围肌群、促进正常肩胛运动形成的练习”一栏中,我们给出了一些针对性练习动作。 It is important to remember that scapular control is part of a larger system。 Hip and trunk extension and trunk rotation promote a more retracted and stable scapular position。 Therefore, incorporate exercises that promote core and lumbopelvic stability and appropriate spinal mobility。 Exercises should promote normal muscle-recruitment patterns that mimic daily or sport-specific activities without compensatory strategies (Cools et al。 2007)。 The sidebar “Exercises to Strengthen Periscapular Muscles and Facilitate Normal Scapular Motion” identifies suitable exercises to strengthen periscapular muscles and promote healthy scapular motion within the kinetic chain。 专业建议 Professional Recommendations 教会客户如何正常地活动肩胛骨。例如在划船动作教学中,示范正确的肩胛骨前伸和后缩。叮嘱客户在做动作时放松肩膀,不要耸肩,将斜方肌的代偿模式最小化。尤其是带久坐客户训练时,可以尝试在高跪或半跪姿势下做动作,增加核心肌群的参与。(Voight et al。 2008) Teach clients how to move the scapulae naturally。 You can demonstrate proper protraction and retraction during a rowing exercise, for example。 Encourage clients to relax their shoulders—rather than shrugging—to minimize upper-trapezius compensatory patterns。 It’s also a good idea to perform exercises in a tall/half-kneeling or standing position to increase core muscular activity (Voight et al。 2008), especially for clients who spend most of their days seated。 在热身时加入一些康复性的练习,可以激活肩胛骨稳定肌,促进肩胛骨的正常运动,为之后的练习做好准备。如果客户出现疼痛,将客户移交给医疗人员(如物理治疗师)进行诊断和治疗。 Incorporating rehabilitation exercises into a warmup routine can prepare the scapular stabilizers for exercise and reinforce healthy motion。 If your clients are in pain, refer them to an appropriately trained healthcare provider, such as a physical therapist, for evaluation and treatment。 总结 Better Shoulder Blades 肩胛骨动力障碍不一定意味着损伤。肩胛骨是动力链上的重要一环,想要保证肩胛骨功能正常,就要选择正确的练习。首先对肩胛骨的功能进行评估,发现问题。然后针对评估结果,选取适当的练习,增加肩胛骨及核心控制能力。然后进阶到多关节、功能化的动作练习,模仿日常或专项中的肌肉募集模式。 It’s true that scapular dyskinesis does not guarantee injury。 Nevertheless, normal scapular function is a vital link in the kinetic chain, so it’s important to select exercises that encourage healthy scapular motion。 Start with assessments to determine the presence of dyskinesis。 Once you have identified any issues, choose exercises that enhance proximal control of the scapulae and core muscles。 Then progress to incorporate functional, multijoint movements with normal muscle-recruitment patterns。 一些加强肩胛周围肌群、促进正常肩胛运动形成的练习 Exercises to Strengthen Pariscapular Muscles and Facilitate Normal Scapular Motion 附录 (4个视频) l 参考文献Reference Brumitt, J。, & Dale, R.B。 2009。 Integrating shoulder and core exercises when rehabilitating athletes performing overhead activities。 North American Journal of Sports Physical Therapy, 4 (3), 132–38。 Cools, A.M。, et al。 2007。 Rehabilitation of scapular muscle balance: Which exercises to prescribe? American Journal of Sports Medicine, 35 (10), 1744–51。 Cools, A.M。, et al。 2013。 Rehabilitation of scapular dyskinesis: From the office worker to the elite overhead athlete。 British Journal of Sports Medicine, 48 (8), 692–97。 Kibler, W.B。, & McMullen J。 2003。 Scapular dyskinesis and its relation to shoulder pain。 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, 11 (2), 142–51。 Kibler, W.B。, & Sciascia, A。 2010。 Current concepts: Scapular dyskinesis。 British Journal of Sports Medicine, 44 (5), 300–05。 Kibler, W.B。, et al。 2008。 Electromyographic analysis of specific exercises for scapular control in early phases of shoulder rehabilitation。 American Journal of Sports Medicine, 36 (9), 1789–98。 Kibler, W.B。, et al。 2013。 Clinical implications of scapular dyskinesis in shoulder injury: The 2013 consensus statement from the ‘scapular summit。’ British Journal of Sports Medicine, 47(14), 877–85。 Kibler, W.B。, Sciascia A。, & Wilkes, T。 2012。 Scapular dyskinesis and its relation to shoulder injury。 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, 20 (6), 364–72。 McClure, P。, et al。 2009。 A clinical method for identifying scapular dyskinesis, part 1: Reliability。 Journal of Athletic Training, 44 (2), 160–64。 Paine, R。, & Voight, M.L。 2013。 The role of the scapula。 International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy, 8 (5), 617–29。 Priauá, A.L。, et al。 2014。 Electromyographical analysis of the serratus anterior and trapezius muscles during push-ups on stable and unstable bases in subjects with scapulae dyskinesis。 Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 24 (5), 675–81。 Voight, M.L。, Hoogenboom, B.J。, & Cook, G。 2008。 The chop and lift reconsidered: Integrating neuromuscular principles into orthopedic and sports rehabilitation。 North American Journal of Sports Physical Therapy, 3 (3), 151–59。 作者: Erin Lyons, Jason Lunden 以及 Eddie Davila, MS 译者:赵鹏旺[详情]
体重的调定点 Understanding Set-Point Weight 我们很难准确地解释减重和保持体重背后的原理。为什么减掉的体重总是会反弹?读了本文,你就明白。 Finding the right words to clearly explain the complicated science of weight loss and maintenance can be tricky。 Use these ideas to educate clients—and yourself—on why lost pounds keep coming back。 人类有自己固有的一套模式来对抗节食。科学家发现:如果没有长期的体重维持规划,已经减掉的10%甚至更多的体重会在5年以内反弹回来。(Montesi et al。 2016) Humans are hardwired to resist dietary restrictions。 Science bears this out: In the absence of an ongoing weight maintenance program, half of the people who lose 10% or more of body weight gain it all back within 5 years or so (Montesi et al。 2016)。 人们过去常常将这一现象归因于懒惰或者缺乏饮食原则,然而这一解释并不适用于所有人。越来越多的证据显示我们的身体会毫不留情地“调整”体重的过度减少,并回到我们的“初始”体重。体重调定点的科学机制告诉我们,要将焦点从减轻体重值转移到更健康的生活方式以及体重的维持上面去。 It used to be easy to blame this phenomenon on laziness or lack of dietary discipline。 But that explanation isn’t persuasive anymore because of growing evidence that our bodies have a relentless drive to “correct” excessive weight loss and return to a “set-point” weight。 Indeed, the science of set-point weight suggests we may need to shift our focus away from weight loss and toward healthier living and weight maintenance over time。 什么是体重调定点?它对我们的健康及减重来说有什么影响?作为健身行业人员,我们要能够向客户解释清楚这些问题。关于体重调定点,你需要明白: Fitness professionals can play a pivotal role in educating clients about set-point weight and its effect on wellness and weight loss。 To make this happen, you must understand 人体对节食是如何应答的; how the human body responds to dietary restrictions; 为什么身体会自然地回到调定点体重; why the body naturally reverts to a set-point weight; and 如何说服客户改变他们关于减重的观念。 how to convince clients to shift their perceptions on weight loss。 了解体重调定点这一概念,是帮助客户摆脱体重总是反复反弹这一怪圈的第一步。 Educating yourself on set-point weight is the first step toward helping your clients escape the seemingly never-ending cycle of losing and regaining weight。 当我们节食时,发生了什么? What Happens When We Diet 那句广为流传的减肥口号——“管住嘴,迈开腿”——其实是对减重的一个误导,它并没有考虑体重调定点这个因素。看看它把减重这件事儿说得有多简单吧: The persistence of the simplistic “eat less, move more” weight loss mantra is a nagging reminder of widespread misconceptions about the realities of set-point weight。 Consider how much this advice exaggerates the ease of weight loss: 燃烧额外的3500卡路里的能量会减轻1磅(约0.9斤)的体重,1年就可能减轻52磅(约47.2斤)的体重,这是一个很惊人的重量。而要实现它只需要每天形成500卡路里的能量缺口就行,比如在运动上多消耗250卡路里,在饮食上少摄入250卡路里。 Supposedly, burning an extra 3,500 calories will trim 1 pound of body weight—potentially yielding a whopping 52-pound weight loss in a year。 All it takes is a 500-calorie deficit every day—250 more calories of exercise and 250 fewer calories of food, for instance。 然而这只是理想状态,现实生活中很难实现。这方法在一开始时当然会很有效果,特别在减重最初的6个月内,制造能量缺口会使体重以肉眼可见的速度下降。之后,不管人们如何坚持他们的“健康的”生活习惯,总会发生一些变数。 Yet somehow this math never seems to translate to real life。 Sure, it may work at first。 Consistent attention to creating a calorie deficit can make weight seem to peel away—especially over the first 6 months。 But then something changes, no matter how well people stick to their new habits。 体重开始慢慢地反弹,这就形成了我们在相关研究和客户体重记录中常常能看到的 “体重对号曲线”(见图1)。 The weight starts to slowly (then not so slowly) creep back on。 This creates the classic “weight loss check mark” (see Figure 1) we so often see in research studies and in our clients’ weight loss journeys。 我们并没有了解体重调定点的全部,但我们知道在饮食不足或者饮食过量的状态下,我们的身体会触发一系列代谢及内分泌改变机制,进而影响体重的维持。知道了这一机制,有助于我们向客户传递体重调定点这一概念,从而让他们更好地知道怎么实现减轻体重、维持体重。 We don’t know everything about set-point weight, but we do know that habitual under- or overfeeding triggers metabolic and hormonal changes that have a profound influence on dieters’ ability to keep weight off。 When you understand how these mechanisms work, it will be easier to convey the concept to your clients, thus giving them a better chance to comprehend the realities of their lifelong weight loss and weight maintenance journey。 为什么身体要定一个体重调定点 Why the Body Targets a Set-Point Weight 人类的身体会自然地维持98.6华氏摄氏度(37摄氏度)的稳定体温。科学家们认为体重调定点与体温的设定有异曲同工之妙。当一个人的体重达到了调定点(也叫习惯性或者防御性体重),不管饮食如何波动,他的身体都会调整他的代谢率来维持体重。 The human body naturally strives for a stable temperature of 98.6 degrees。 Scientists now believe it does much the same with body weight。 Once a person reaches a set-point weight—also called “customary” or “defended” weight—the body tweaks its metabolic rate to maintain that weight despite dietary fluctuations。 当我们控制能量摄入(即节食)时,为了到达调定的体重,我们的身体会产生饥饿感,同时减少能量消耗。对于远古人类来说,为了应对食物不足,这一机制是有用的。但是在我们现在这个食物充足,充满美食诱惑的时代,这一机制就显得有点鸡肋了。 When we restrict calorie intake, the quest for set-point weight makes hunger rise and resting energy expenditure fall。 That worked fine for early humans who faced long stretches of food scarcity。 It’s less useful in our current era of food abundance and continual temptations to eat highly palatable salty, sugary and calorie-dense foods。 体重调定点到底有多强大?一项以超级减肥王(The Biggest Loser)的参赛者为对象的研究,通过对他们减肥前、减肥后即刻以及减肥后6年后的状态进行研究,发现他们的代谢率大大地降低。即使一些人保持较活跃的日常体力活动,代谢率依然处于较低的水平(Fothergill et al。 2016)。其他的研究发现,减肥一年后内分泌改变依旧存在,增加饥饿感,降低代谢率(Sumithran et al。 2011)。 How strong is the drive for set-point weight? A research project targeted competitors in The Biggest Loser, studying them before weight loss, immediately afterward and then 6 years later。 Their metabolic rates dramatically decreased and stayed that way even though the participants remained physically active (Fothergill et al。 2016)。 Other studies learned that hormonal changes that increase hunger and decrease metabolic rate persist even a year after weight loss (Sumithran et al。 2011)。 研究表明,相比对照组中的受试者,实验组中体重降低的受试者的静息代谢率低了3%~5%(Astrup et al。 1999)。科学家们称这种现象为适应性产热(Adaptive Thermogenesis)、代谢适应或者新陈代谢效率增强(见图2)。 Ultimately, research shows that people who lose weight have a 3%–5% lower resting metabolic rate than their counterparts in control groups (Astrup et al。 1999)。 Scientists call this process adaptive thermogenesis, metabolic adaptation or enhanced metabolic efficiency (see Figure 2)。 向客户传递体重调定点的概念 Educating Clients on Set-Point Weight 体重调定点的存在可能会使客户觉得气馁、沮丧。他们中大部分人可能会面对快速减重后带来的体重的忽高忽低,这其实是很危险的。最好的方法是养成健康的生活方式,并让他们的身体找到自己的体重调定点。 The facts on set-point weight can seem daunting or even depressing to clients who want to lose a lot of weight and keep it off。 However, many of them may face graver long-term risks from rapidly losing and regaining weight repeatedly over their lifetimes。 They’re probably better off focusing exclusively on a healthy lifestyle and letting the body find its set-point weight。 我们该如何让我们的客户重新思考“管住嘴,迈开腿”这句话呢?毕竟这句话时时刻刻都出现在他们的生活中。记住,成年人是目标导向、自我引导并遵循实际经验的。他们倾向于学习那些最能帮助他们达成目标的生活经验及指南。他们愿意学习,并且渴望将学到的新知识运用到日常生活之中(Knowles, Holton & Swanson 2011)。 But how do we get clients to rethink the “eat less, move more” model they’ve been sold all their lives? Remember, adult learners are practical, goal-oriented and self-directed。 They base learning on their life experience and the guidance most relevant to achieving their goals。 They want to learn and are eager to integrate new knowledge into their daily lives (Knowles, Holton & Swanson 2011)。 下面的一些技巧能帮助客户更好地理解体重调定点的重要性: Use these tips to help clients understand the importance of set-point weight: 探寻他们减重的动机 Explore Their Motivation for Weight Loss 是什么在支持着你的客户减重?是希望变得更健康?还是为了提升运动能力?要改变的是生活方式,而不是仅仅是体重指标。如果可能的话,帮助客户重新设定动机,让他们的动机更多的体现在健康和体重维持上,而不是减重。 What is fueling your clients’ weight loss efforts? A desire to be healthier? A need to improve function? Help people connect lifestyle change to indicators beyond weight。 When possible, reframe a client’s motivation to focus on health and weight maintenance instead of weight loss。 你可以说:“我理解您迫切地想改善健康状况。很多研究表明随着生活方式的改变,比如饮食更健康、更多的体力活动,尽管此时体重可能只减轻了一点或者一点没有变,但是您的健康却得到了极大的改善。” You could say: “I know you are motivated to improve your health。 A lot of studies show that with lifestyle changes, including better nutrition and more physical activity, health improves a lot, even with just small amounts of weight loss or just weight maintenance。” 用可完成的目标进行激励 Motivate With Achievable Goals 当一位客户希望减掉大量的体重时,多花点时间研究一下方案,并且通过SMART原则——Specific(具体的), Measurable(可量化的), Attainable(可实现的), Relevant(相关的)以及Time-bound(有时限的)来设定目标。想要减重成功,一定要抵制诱惑。如果一定要设立一个要减多少重量的目标,每周目标减1~2磅(即0.45-0.9公斤)。但一定要向客户强调,最难的部分不是减轻体重,而是维持体重。要让客户知道他将要面对什么。 When a client wants to lose large amounts of weight, take the time to explore further and establish SMART goals—specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound。 Avoid the temptation to fully endorse large weight loss goals。 If you must establish weight loss goals, aim for 1–2 pounds per week, emphasizing that the hardest part of the change is not losing weight; it’s keeping it off。 Make sure clients understand what they’re up against。 提供成功的案例 Provide Examples of Success 特别对于那些知道调定点机制的客户,成功的案例能极大地激励他们的训练热情。分享一些其他客户的成功案例。当然,来源可以更广一点,比如从美国国家体重控制注册中心中获得成功案例。 Success stories can motivate clients, especially those who understand how the body resists losing lots of weight。 Share success stories from other clients or more broadly from places like the National Weight Control Registry。 你可以说:“这可能会有一些难度,但是很多人都成功了,并且把体重保持下来了。在美国国家体重控制注册中心登记的大约3000名参与者,有大约87%的人都能在把体重降低10%后,把体重保持5年,更有甚者达到了10年。我们也在学习他的成功经历。” You could say: “It’s challenging, but many people have successfully lost weight and kept it off。 Among nearly 3,000 participants in the National Weight Control Registry, about 87% were able to maintain a 10% weight loss for 5 and even 10 years。 And we are learning more and more about how some people maintain weight loss。” 了解客户减重的经历 Explore Clients’ Weight Loss Experience 向客户询问他们为了减肥所做过的尝试。他们是否回到了体重调定点?与他们最开始的体重相比,他们现在体重处于什么水平? Ask clients about their attempts to lose weight。 Did they return to a set-point weight? Where do they stand now relative to their starting weight? 你可以说:“可以讲讲您为了减重或者改善健康所做过的尝试吗?有哪些是有效的?哪些您觉得比较有难度?” You could say: “Please tell me a little bit about the ways you have tried to lose weight or improve your health in the past。 What worked? What was challenging?” 找到障碍所在 Recognize Barriers 帮助客户做好心理准备,应对长期减肥所会面对的障碍与干扰。 Help clients get mentally ready for common obstacles to long-term weight loss。 你可以说:“当人们开始减重时,尽管完全遵守着减重计划,但是胃和大脑还是会发生一些变化,使得体重难以改变。”或者说:“当您的体重低于调定点,大脑就会让您吃得更多,同时释放激素来降低代谢率。如何应对这些变化呢?”比如说,客户可以选择吃有饱腹感、低能量和高营养的食物,如水果和蔬菜,并远离精加工、高热量且高糖的食物。 You could say: “When people lose weight, changes happen in the stomach and the brain that make it challenging to keep the weight off, despite full adherence to a weight loss plan。” Or, “When your weight goes below your body’s ‘preferred weight,’ your brain tells you to eat more while releasing hormones that tell your metabolism to slow down。 How might you plan for these changes?” For example, clients might focus on having filling, low—calorie, nutrient-dense foods like fruits and vegetables on hand and reducing access to highly processed, high-calorie, sugary foods。 注重健康的生活方式并且防止体重反弹 Focus on Healthy Lifestyle and Prevention of Weight Gain 即使体重没有减轻,客户也能变得更健康。让客户不要死盯着体重数字的变化,我们应当帮他们提升的是整体健康水平。 Clients can get healthier without weight loss。 Help them identify steps that will improve health regardless of the effect on weight。 你可以说:“为了达成我们制定的目标,今天愿意试一下哪个新动作呢?” You could say: “What one or two actions could you do differently, starting today, to achieve your health goals?” 客户总是希望体重能减轻,如果只是仅仅保持体重,他们会觉得计划没什么效果。但是事实上,体重的维持才是最切实可行的目标,也是最有效的结果。 Admittedly, weight maintenance goals seem less exciting to clients than weight loss goals。 But unlike weight loss objectives, maintenance goals are achievable and effective。 对积极的改变予以鼓励 Praise Positive Changes 鼓励客户做出积极的改变,比如改善营养结构和提升运动量,弱化他们对体重改变的关注度。帮他们养成习惯,巩固这些积极的改变。 Acknowledge and affirm positive changes designed to boost health, especially those that improve nutrition and raise activity, regardless of whether weight loss happens。 Help clients establish routines and habits to reinforce these improvements。 你可以说:“我们约定好了,这周您每天都会吃早餐,要遵守约定哦!” You could say: “This week, you planned to have breakfast every day, and you followed through with it。 That shows a lot of commitment。” 避免指责 Avoid Blame 当客户面临挫折或者没有完成他们的目标时,告诉他们这是正常的,刚开始做出改变时,我们都要先对抗自己身体的惰性。 When clients suffer setbacks or miss their goals, remind them that lapses and relapses are part of the journey, particularly when their metabolism is working against them。 如果一个客户体重开始反弹,一定要告诉他不要沮丧,要继续坚持生活习惯的改变。因为即使成功减了大量体重,由于体重调定点的存在,他的体重仍然有可能反弹。 If clients gain weight, you’ll have to troubleshoot for opportunities to reinforce the importance of lifestyle changes。 Just remember that clients who stick to a weight loss maintenance plan after losing many pounds can still get heavier as the body tries to restore its set-point weight。 以人为本 Use “People-First” Language “以人为本”的意思就是让人们不要贴标签。用“超重”这个中性词来代替“胖子”这种带贬义色彩的词。相比于胖子这个充满歧视感的称号,用体重超重或者身体质量分数(BMI)过高会更好一点。 “People-first” language allows people to acknowledge a disease or condition without being defined by it。 That means saying people have obesity or excess weight rather than saying they are obese or overweight people。 Obesity carries so much stigma that it’s often advisable to avoid the word altogether and instead talk about excess weight or increased body mass index (or BMI)。 创造积极的运动体验 Create Positive Exercise Experiences 一有机会就要向客户强调体育运动对减轻和维持体重的重要作用。一旦创造出积极的运动体验,那减重的目标也就近在咫尺了。 Never waste an opportunity to prove to your clients that physical activity is fundamental to successful weight loss maintenance。 When you’re creating positive activity experiences, you’re driving home the importance of combining diet and exercise to maintain weight loss。 确保客户明白了你的意思 Check for Understanding 当你给客户介绍什么是体重调定点时,确保他们明白你在说什么。 When you’re educating clients about set-point weight, make sure you double back to ensure they understand what’s at stake。 你可以说:“体重降低时您的身体是怎么应答的?这对您的减肥计划有影响吗?” You could say: “How do you think the body responds to weight loss? How will knowing this change your approach to losing weight?” 辟谣 Dispel Myths 对客户和同事进行减重伪科学的辟谣。让他们明白:想减轻体重,并不是坚持一个计划,或者“管住嘴,迈开腿”这么简单。 This goes for colleagues and clients: Dispel myths or misconceptions about weight loss and weight loss maintenance。 In particular, help people understand that weight loss maintenance is not as simple as “sticking with the plan” or embracing an “eat less, move more” approach。 庆祝成功 Celebrate Success 对于新手来说,要重视他们的进步,并庆祝他们的成功。 Make a concerted effort to celebrate accomplishments and successes, especially if they are not tied to a specific number on a scale。 观念必须转变 Minds Must be Changed 健身专业人员经常能发现:节食加上锻炼能使客户在6个月内快速的降低体重。但是如果不重视维持,50%的人减掉的体重会在5年内反弹,有的人反弹时间甚至会更短。(Montesi et al。 2016) Health and fitness professionals see it all the time: Dietary restrictions and exercise help clients melt away pounds fairly quickly, with peak results occurring about 6 months out。 But without ongoing weight management, 50% of people regain their lost weight within 5 years, and many do it much sooner (Montesi et al。 2016)。 显然,光靠毅力和服从还不够,我们的体重最终还是会回归到调定点。那应该怎么办呢?最好还是将注意力转移到生活方式的改变上,设定一级一级的目标,改善营养结构并增加运动量。 We now know that willpower and compliance may not be enough to overcome the body’s natural tendency to revisit its set-point weight。 Given these obstacles, fitness pros and clients might be better off focusing on lifestyle changes centering on achievable goals for nutrition and exercise。 当然在完成这个转变之前,我们需要明白饮食、体力活动和代谢3者之间的相互作用,之后才能通俗易懂地告诉我们的客户——什么是身体调定点。我们得知道,较低的BMI值或者一个完美的体型并不能完全代表健康的生活方式。 Making that transition requires us to understand the interplay of diet, activity and metabolism。 Furthermore, we have to translate the complexities of set-point weight into simple, direct language that clients can easily understand。 And finally, we must agree that a healthy lifestyle does not require a low BMI or a picture-perfect body shape。 减重:我们怎么坚持 Weight Loss: How Do We Make It Stick? 大部分的研究表明,当体重在“调定点”体重的基础上减少了10%或者更多时,代谢适应便开始起作用,身体会尝试着回到“调定点”体重(Muller, Endele & Bosy-Westphal 2016)。这时候,身体会希望你吃得更多而动得更少,对于减重的人来说,这将是场长期的战斗。 Most studies suggest that after weight loss of 10% or more of baseline body weight, metabolic adaptation kicks in and the body tries to return to its baseline weight (Muller, Endele & Bosy-Westphal 2016)。 Thus, people who lose substantial amounts of weight face a constant battle to counteract metabolic forces prodding them to eat more and exercise less。 而那些减轻了体重的10%以上并维持了1年以上的人,通常都有以下的共同点: People who have succeeded in this battle—losing more than 10% of body weight for more than 1 year—tend to share similar habits: 膳食:他们采取少食多餐、低卡、低油的饮食控制策略(包含早餐)。 Their daily lifestyle includes a portion-controlled, low-calorie, low-fat diet (including breakfast)。 运动:每天至少运动1小时,每周至少称重一次,每周看电视的时间少于10小时。 They exercise for at least 1 hour per day, weigh themselves at least weekly and spend less than 10 hours per week watching television。 资源:美国国家体重控制登记处,nwcr.ws/research Source: The National Weight Control Registry, nwcr.ws/research 体重调定点会改变吗? Can Set-Point Weight Be Changed? 既然体重调定点这么重要,那么它能被重新设定吗?遗憾的是现在并没有这方面的研究证据。体重调定点受基因、成长环境及其他不可知变量影响。而且计算体重调定点也不简单。相关研究还没有弄明白它到底确定于在我们青春期、妊娠期还是中年时期,或者它可能在我们很小的时候就被“编程”了。(Schwartz et al。 2017) It’s only natural for fitness pros and clients to wonder if it’s possible to recalibrate set-point weight。 Unfortunately, the evidence is not encouraging。 Set-point weight is determined by genetics, environmental exposures and many other variables we don’t fully understand。 It’s not easy to calculate set-point weight—studies have not established whether it’s determined in adolescence, pregnancy or middle age—or if it’s perhaps “programmed” even earlier in life (Schwartz et al。 2017)。 想要调整体重调定点的可能性并不大。大部分研究也表明用饮食或行为干预来调整体重调定点也是困难的。 All these unknowns make it unclear how we might alter set-point weight, though most studies suggest that changing it through dietary or behavioral interventions is difficult。 一个有趣的现象是,在通过手术使体重减轻后,代谢适应并没有发生。(Schwartz et al。 2017)这就意味着减脂手术后,身体的体重调定点被重新设定了。这样看来,做手术减肥比正常运动减肥效果好。话虽如此,但还是不推荐选择手术的方式来减重,毕竟手术主要还是针对严重肥胖患者所采取的特殊手段。 Interestingly, metabolic adaptation does not seem to occur after bariatric surgery (Schwartz et al。 2017), which could represent a permanent resetting of body weight。 This is likely part of the reason why bariatric surgery has significantly better weight loss outcomes than those achieved through diet and exercise。 While appropriate for some people with severe obesity, bariatric surgery is not a practical option for most people。 l 参考文献Reference Astrup, A。, et al。 1999。 Meta-analysis of resting metabolic rate in formerly obese subjects。 American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 69 (6), 1117–22。 Fothergill, E。, et al。 2016。 Persistent metabolic adaptation 6 years after “The Biggest Loser” competition。 Obesity, 24 (8), 1612–19。 Knowles, M.S。, Holton, E.F。, & Swanson, R.A。 2011。 The Adult Learner: The Definitive Classic in Adult Education and Human Resource Development (7th ed。)。 New York: Taylor & Francis。 Montesi, L。, et al。 2016。 Long-term weight loss maintenance for obesity: A multidisciplinary approach。 Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity: Targets and Therapy, 9, 37–46。 Muller, M.J。, Enderle, J。, & Bosy-Westphal, A。 2016。 Changes in energy expenditure with weight gain and weight loss in humans。 Current Obesity Reports, 5 (4), 413–23。 Schwartz, M.W。, et al。 2017。 Obesity pathogenesis: An Endocrine Society scientific statement。 Endocrine Reviews, 38 (4), 267–96。 Sumithran, P。, et al。 2011。 Long-term persistence of hormonal adaptations to weight loss。 New England Journal of Medicine, 365 (17), 1597–1604。 作者:Natalie Digate Muth, MD, MPH, RDN, FAAP 翻译:戴佳希[详情]
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