
The Apology Letter From Henin's Agent

http://sports.sina.com.cn 2007年09月12日14:15  China Open

  I am as disappointed as the promoter, the fans, and the public. She asked me to negotiate a flight back for her sparring partner and for an extra hotel room...she certainly gave me every indication that not only was she going to play, she was enthusiastic to participate, especially with the Olympics in 2008. She went to the doctor in Brussels about her reoccurring respiratory issues/asthma. The doctor told her to take 3 weeks off. She is entered into Stuttgart but according to her coach, this is also questionable. Mahesh, I am sorry to put you in this awkward and delicate situation, and for that I am apologetic, and on behalf of Justine, they are both apologetic and disappointed not to participate.


  Ken Meyerson

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