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  ·Background Knowledge

Why the Ausopen champion can be the most possible player to Masters Cup first?

  The ATP Champions Rae begins on January 1, with all players starting the year with zero points. Points are calculated from a player’s performance in the four Grand Slams, the nine Tennis Masters Series tournaments and their best five other ATP events. The Top 7 players in the ATP Champions Race on the Monday after the last ATP tournament will qualify. The eighth position will go to either a current Grand Slam winner who isn’t in the TOP 8 but within the top 20, or the eighth player in the ATP Champions Race.

  Australian Open is the first of the four Grand Slams, from which the Champion can get as high as 200 points, (Compared with which, Tennis Masters Series can only get 100 points, while utmost 35 points for ATP series). As the saying goes: a good beginning is half of the success, the Australian Open Champions qualify for the Tennis Masters Cup every year in the past five years.

YearAustralian Open WinnerPts. (Before Tennis Masters Cup)Seeds for masterscup
2000Andre Agassi488分8
2001Andre Agassi705分3
2002Thomas Johansson295分9(Alternate)
2003Andre Agassi685分4
2004Roger Federer1080分1

  ·About Game:

Sina.com Ausopen Champion SMS Interactive GameTaxi SMS Interactive Game(Only in Shanghai)
(participate in the game according to SMS direction)
The passengers can follow the steps
on the Captivated Advertising on taxi
to participate in the game by SMS.
Lucky draw: The organizer will draw out 11 winners from the participants to the above two games, who guess the right answer. The winners will gain exciting prizes!

  Note: If none of the players nominated in the game win Champion of Aussie Open, the organizer will do the lucky draw among all the participants of the game.

  ·Prize Introduction:

  ·Winners Revealing:

  The winners’ list and the detailed information of how to pick the awards will be revealed on this web page after January 31st

  ·Note: New Sports & Entertainment Ltd. keeps the final explanation of the game

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