
http://sports.sina.com.cn 2006年08月23日22:27 第29届奥林匹克运动会官方网站

  Summer Olympics - Example Loss History 实例: 以往夏季奥运会安全事故造成的损失

  * General Liability - approximately 1500 incidents reported, resulting in 155 claims - amount paid $908,000 普通事件责任- 将近1500例事件被报告,其中155起进行了投诉-索赔总额达$908,000

  * Motor - 323 claims - amount paid $955,429

  车辆-323 起投诉事件-赔偿总额 $955,429

  * Workers Compensation - 193 claims - amount paid $510,000员工赔偿-193起,赔偿总额$510,000

  * Olympic Family - amount paid $973,841 奥林匹克大家庭-赔偿总额973,841

  * Self-Insured (primarily property due to mysterious disappearance and below deductible claims on automobiles and buses) - 2900 claims - amount paid $4,541,157


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