
http://sports.sina.com.cn 2006年08月23日22:25 第29届奥林匹克运动会官方网站

  What is a Hazard? 什么是危险?

  The potential of the Games activities to cause harm在比赛中潜在的可造成伤害的行为

  Watch out for; 关注以下实例:

  Loose cables and frayed wires


  Spills and leaks or wet floors 湿滑地面

  Poor lighting 照明不足

  Blocked fire exits 消防通路受阻

  Poorly stacked equipment e.g. chairs/tables


  Trip hazards 绊倒的危险

  Sharp objects, broken glass 锋利的物体,碎玻璃

  Report any hazards to your Supervisor IMMEDIATELY


  What is Risk? 什么是风险?

  The likelihood that a person may be harmed as a result of the hazard 由于危险情况而对人身造成伤害的可能性

  Employer's responsibilities 雇主的责任

  So far as is reasonably practicable


  provide and maintain safe plant and systems of work


  make arrangements for the safe use, handling, storage and transport of articles or substances


  provide information, instruction, training and supervision 提供信息,指令,培训和监督

  provide a safe place of work and safe entrance and exit.应提供安全的工作场地和安全的出入口

  provide a safe working environment with adequate welfare facilities


  Health and Safety Policies and Procedures 安全与健康政策和程序

  Key Regulations - What are these in China? 中国相关的法律条例

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