北京奥运会志愿者安全风险防范知识培训 电力

http://sports.sina.com.cn 2006年08月23日22:10 第29届奥林匹克运动会官方网站

  * Electric shock 电击

  * Burns 燃烧

  * Death 死亡

  * Fire 着火


  * Turning power on/off 打开/关闭电源

  * Sockets and plugs 检查插座和插头

  * Cables and flex 检查电缆和电线

  * Repair, maintenance and testing 维修,保养和测试电力系统

  * Electricity and water 电远离水

  * Use of qualified electricians 使用合格电工

  Faults associated with electrical equipment 电力设备使用中的不当行为

  * Damaged plugs and cables 使用损坏的插头和电缆

  * Overloaded sockets or circuits 电路


  * Unserviced,poorly maintained and defective equipment


  * Lack of earthing 没有接地线

  * Use of inappropriate equipment in certain environments


  * Use of inappropriate electrical supply 使用不当电源

  * Use of incorrect fuse 使用错误的保险丝

  Electricity precautions 电险的防范

  * Turn off power before:在下列情况下关闭电源

  -inserting plugs 插入插头时

  -working on equipment if switches, plugs or sockets get hot 感觉设备的开关,插头,插座发热时

  * Do not overload sockets 电源插座不超载

  * Proper wiring of plugs 合格的电线和插头

  * Regularly check equipment, cables, flex 定期检查设备,电缆、电线

  * Do not touch switches and appliances with wet hands 不要用湿手触摸开关和电器设备

  * Use specialised equipment for damp environments 在潮湿的环境中使用特殊设备

  * Use of qualified electricians 使用合格的电工

  * Portable electrical equipment testing 对手提电动工具进行检测

  * Use of fuses, RCDs, circuit breakers 使用保险丝和漏电保护开关

  Action in case of electric shock 发生电击后所采取的行动

  * Do not touch casualty with bare hands unless power is disconnected


  * Only give first aid treatment if properly trained


  Work Equipment 工作设备

  * Definition 定义

  * Any machinery appliance apparatus tool or installation for user at work


  Machine hazards 机械隐患

  * contact/entanglement with machinery 与其它机器放在一起

  * trapping (moving/fixed parts) 配件的松动或锈死

  * contact/entanglement with materials 与其它材料放在一起

  * struck by ejected parts/material 被飞出的部件或材料击中

  * non-mechanical? 机械不运作?

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