Gymnastics Record Holder 体操奇迹创造者 |
---| 2004年10月28日09:19 中国体育报 |
Boris Shakhlin of the Soviet Union won six gold medalsinindividual gymnastic events, which remains an Olympic best formen.Between 1956 and 1964, he won a total of 13 medals (sevengold,four silver, two bronze) with his strongest individual eventbeingthe pommelled horse in which he won gold in 1960 and 1964. His13Olympic medals was a record for men until it was bettered byfellowSoviet gymnast Nikolay Andrianov. He also won a total of 14medalsat the World Championships. Shak hlin won four individualtitles atthe 1958 World Championships: all-around, horizontal bar,llelbars, and pommelled horse.前苏联体操运动员鲍里斯·沙赫林曾在体操单项比赛中夺得6枚金牌,创造了男子选手在一项体操比赛中的最好成绩。 从1956年到1964年,鲍里斯·沙赫林共夺得了13枚奥运奖牌(7枚金牌、4枚银牌和2枚铜牌),而在他实力最强的鞍马比赛中,他在1960年和1964年两届奥运会比赛中实现两连冠。 鲍里斯·沙赫林夺得13枚奥运奖牌的纪录,直到后来才被另一位前苏联选手尼古拉·安德里亚诺夫打破,这名选手在体操世锦赛中夺得14枚奖牌。 在1958年体操世锦赛中,鲍里斯·沙赫林还夺得了4枚单项比赛的冠军,分别是:个人全能、单杠、双杠和鞍马。(王世让) |