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http://sports.sina.com.cn 2004年09月09日09:10 中国体育报

  High Jump Gold At 16 16岁的跳高冠军

  When Ulrike Meyfarth was sixteen years old, she finished thirdinthe high jump at the 1972 West German Olympic trials andqualifiedfor the Olympics. In Munich, she beat her personal best bysevencentimeters to tie the world record and earn the gold medal.Tothis day, she is the youngest person of either sex to winana
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thletics gold medal in an individual event. At the 1976Olympics,Meyfarth failed to qualify for the final, and in 1980 hernationboycotted. However, she returned to the Olympics in 1984 andjumped2.02m to earn a second gold medal. This time she became theoldestperson to win an Olympic high jump competition.








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