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沟通无障碍:Morocco's Breakthrough Winner摩洛哥的突破性胜利

http://sports.sina.com.cn 2004年05月27日09:59 中国体育报

  The 400m hurdles for women was introduced to the Olympicprogrammein 1984. In the final, Nawal El Moutawakel ran the raceof her life,leading from start to finish and improving herpersonal best by 0.76seconds. She was the first woman from anIslamic nation to win anOlympic medal and the first Moroccanathlete of either sex to win agold medal. Back in her hometown ofCasablanca, her final wastelevised live at 2 a.m. When she crossedthe finish line in firstplace and took her vic
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tory lap carrying ahuge Moroccan flag, peoplein Casablanca poured into the streets tocelebrate. In 1998, ElMoutawakel was chosen to be a mr of theInternational OlympicCommittee.





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