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沟通无障碍:The Barefoot Runner赤足冠军

http://sports.sina.com.cn 2004年02月19日09:47 中体在线-中国体育报

  Abebe Bikila was born in Ethiopia on 7 August 1932, the day oftheLos Angeles Olympic marathon. Twenty-eight years later, heenteredthe marathon at the 1960 Olympics in Rome. He and hiscoach, OnniNiskanen, decided that Bikila, who ran barefooted,should make hisfinal move a little more than one kilometre fromthe finish line. Itwas at this point that the course passed theobelisk of Axum, amonument that had been plundered from Ethiopiaby Italian troops andhauled away to Rome.
When Bikila reached theobelisk, he was runningeven with Rhadi Ben Abdesselem of Morocco.Bikila successfullypulled away and won by 200m. Although no onehad ever won themarathon twice, Bikila returned to the Olympics in1964, even thoughhe had undergone an appendectomy 40 days beforethe race. This timehe ran with shoes and socks. Bikila took aclear lead by the halfwaymark and steadily pulled away to win bymore than four minutes. Histime, 2 hours 12 minutes 11.2 seconds,was a world best for themarathon.


  2小时12分11秒2,他创下了当时的马拉松比赛最好成绩。小 文(来源:中国体育报)


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