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今天,竞技风暴收到一位在美国留学的中国学生写给足协副主席阎世铎的电子邮件。这位网友表达了自己对中国足协组织的球员素质考试的看法。来信主要内容节选编译译如下: 我对这样的考试(球员道德纪律考试)感到震惊,因为对我来说,这是不可想象的。当整个世界进入新世纪之时,在中国,所谓的“职业”体育机构还在拿这样无效的旧框框来约束球员。对此,我表示反对,不仅仅是因为它已经被证明是毫无用处的,更因为它在腐蚀球员的道德准则。考试采取的方式反而诱导球员去作弊,在考试中球员们互相“帮助”,而监考官甚至不采取任何行动去制止这些行为。这样的道德纪律考试实际上令球员更不诚实。 附电子邮件原文: January 4, 2001 Mr. Yan Shiduo First Vice President Football Association of China Dear Mr. Yan: I am a Chinese student currently studying in the United States. I am also afootball fan, and closely follow the Chinese football news. I am writing to express my opinion toward the Moral and Discipline Test,which your football players were required to take at Haigeng, Kunming a fewdays ago. I was shocked by this test because it is un-imaginable to me,when the world has come into the new century, a so-called "professional"sport institution in China is still using such an ineffective orthodoxy inmanaging its players. I am opposed to using this kind of test to "teach" ormanage your players, not only because it is useless as proven, but alsobecause it damages your players' moral standard. The way the test wasconducted induged your players to cheat on the test, as they "helped" eachother during the test, while the test supervisors did not even take anyaction to prevent those cheating. This Moral and Discipline Test actuallydeteriorated the integrity of your players. I hope that CFA will learn something from this episode, and come up with anew management methodology suitable for the new age. Sincerely, Xu Lei University of Pennsylvania USA
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