台联公布各站比赛奖金 世锦赛冠军可得50万英镑

台联公布各站比赛奖金 世锦赛冠军可得50万英镑
2018年07月23日 09:47 体育综合
丁俊晖出席世界公开赛发布会 丁俊晖出席世界公开赛发布会


  Riga Masters(里加大师赛) 64强:£1,50032强:£3,00016强:£4,000¼决赛:£6,000半决赛:£15,000亚军:£25,000冠军:£50,000

  World Open(世界公开赛) 64强:£4,00032强:£8,00016强:£13,000¼决赛:£20,000半决赛:£32,500亚军:£75,000冠军:£150,000

  Paul Hunter Classic(保罗·亨特经典赛) 64强:£60032强:£1,00016强:£1,725¼决赛:£3,000半决赛:£4,500亚军:£10,000冠军:£20,000

  Indian Open(印度公开赛) 64强:£2,00032强:£4,00016强:£6,000¼决赛:£10,000半决赛:£15,000亚军:£25,000冠军:£50,000

  China Championship(中国锦标赛) 64强:£4,00032强:£7,50016强:£13,000¼决赛:£20,000半决赛:£32,000亚军:£75,000冠军:£150,000 

  European Masters(欧洲大师赛) 64强:£3,00032强:£4,00016强:£6,000¼决赛:£11,000半决赛:£17,500亚军:£35,000冠军:£75,000

  English Open(英格兰公开赛) 64强:£2,50032强:£3,50016强:£6,000¼决赛:£10,000半决赛:£20,000亚军:£30,000冠军:£70,000

  International Championship(国际锦标赛) 64强:£4,00032强:£8,50016强:£13,500¼决赛:£21,500半决赛:£32,000亚军:£75,000冠军:£175,000

  Northern Ireland Open(北爱尔兰公开赛) 64强:£2,50032强:£3,50016强:£6,000¼决赛:£10,000半决赛:£20,000亚军:£30,000冠军:£70,000

  UK Championship(英锦赛) 64强:£5,00032强:£10,00016强:£15,000¼决赛:£22,500半决赛:£35,000亚军:£75,000冠军:£170,000

  Scottish Open(苏格兰公开赛) 64强:£2,50032强:£3,50016强:£6,000¼决赛:£10,000半决赛:£20,000亚军:£30,000冠军:£70,000 

  German Masters(德国大师赛) 64强:£3,00032强:£4,00016强:£5,000¼决赛:£10,000半决赛:£20,000亚军:£35,000冠军:£80,000

  World Grand Prix(世界大奖赛) 32强:£5,00016强:£7,500¼决赛:£12,500半决赛:£20,000亚军:£40,000冠军:£100,000

  Welsh Open(威尔士公开赛) 64强:£2,50032强:£3,50016强:£6,000¼决赛:£10,000半决赛:£20,000亚军:£30,000冠军:£70,000

  Shoot Out(单局限时赛)* 64强:£50032强:£1,00016强:£2,000¼决赛:£4,000半决赛:£8,000亚军:£16,000冠军:£32,000

  Players Championship(球员锦标赛) 16强:£10,000¼决赛:£15,000半决赛:£30,000亚军:£50,000冠军:£125,000

  Gibraltar Open(直布罗陀公开赛) 64强:£1,50032强:£2,50016强:£3,000¼决赛:£4,000半决赛:£8,000亚军:£12,000冠军:£25,000

  Tour Championship(巡回锦标赛)¼决赛:£20,000半决赛:£40,000亚军:£60,000冠军:£150,000 

  China Open(中国公开赛) 64强:£5,00032强:£11,00016强:£18,000¼决赛:£27,000半决赛:£45,000亚军:£90,000冠军:£225,000 

  World Snooker Championship(世界锦标赛) 80强:£10,00048强:£15,00032强:£20,000,种子选手失利£016强:£30,000¼决赛:£50,000半决赛:£100,000亚军:£200,000冠军:£500,000 •

  *First round losers in the Shoot Out will receive £250 in prize money which will not count towards the prize money rankings。 单局限时赛的首轮失利者将获得250英镑奖金,但不计入排名

  • The prize money ranking list will be calculated using a 2 year rolling points system。  Please refer to the calendar for seeding cut off dates。 奖金实行两年累计滚动制。请在世界斯诺克官网查阅种子顺位更新节点(复制右侧链接到浏览器)。http://www.worldsnooker.com /wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Click-here.pdf

  • Players losing their first match will receive prize money in full however this money will not count towards the prize money rankings other than in the World Grand Prix and Players Championship。 Players who qualify for the final stages of an event but do not subsequently attend that event, for whatever reason, will not receive any prize money, nor will they receive any contribution towards the prize money rankings for the event until the situation has been considered by the appeals committee who may, at their absolute discretion, allocate ranking points where it can be demonstrated that there are extreme mitigating circumstances。 These points will be allocated from the date of the committee meeting and will not affect previously issued draws。 首轮比赛失利的球员将全额收取奖金但不计入排名,世界大奖赛和球员锦标赛除外。球员通过资格赛跻身正赛,但最终没有参加,不论因何原因将无法获得奖金,也 没有奖金计入排名,直至申诉减免。计入排名后的奖金将不影响既定签表。

  • Winners of a pre-qualifying round will receive half of the Last 64 round prize money and this WILL count towards the prize money rankings, but this only applies to those players who then lose in Round 1。 Players winning a pre-qualifying round and then winning further matches will be paid the prize money as outlined for that round in the prize money breakdown。 在资格赛之前的预选轮次获胜的选手将受到64强奖金的半数,并计入排名。此条仅适用于在首轮中失利的选手,首轮获胜并继续积极的球员将受到既定轮次的奖 金。

  • Players who finished outside of the top 64 in the 2018/2019 season but regain a tour place by any means will start on zero prize money。 2018/19赛季结束后世界排名在64以外,但重新获得职业资格的选手,排名奖金从0计起。

  • At the end of the season players on equal prize money will be ranked according to the most prize money earned in the last season。  Should this not determine positions, prize money in events working backwards from the World Championship 2019 will be considered。 Finally, if still equal, frames won in losing final match would be used from events working backwards from the World Championship 2019。 赛季结束时奖金数量相同的两名选手,最近一个赛季奖金更多者名次靠前。如果仍然无法确定,从2019年世锦赛起向前推算。如果最终仍然相同,从2019年 世锦赛起向前推算,比较最后失利的一场比赛的胜局数。







