
施拉格成为巴黎2012申奥大使 在上海支持成功申办

http://sports.sina.com.cn 2005年05月05日02:26 新浪体育

  新浪体育讯 Werner Schlager backs Paris 2012 in Shanghai



  Crowned World Champion in Paris 2003, the Austrian table tennis player Werner Schlager has become another member of the Club des ambassadeurs de Paris 2012


  Shanghai, May 3rd 2005 – At the 48th Table Tennis World Championship, held in Shanghai (China) between April 30th and May 6th, Werner Schlager, the 2003 Table Tennis World Champion, joined the list of international athletes and celebrities who back Paris’s Bid for the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games.


  When asked why he supports Paris 2012, Werner Schlager declared: “I have naturally given my support to Paris 2012 because table tennis has a lot of fans in France and during the 2003 World Championships I felt a real sense of love there for the sport. If the Games take place in Paris, table tennis will witness a large and enthusiastic audience and this is therefore a strong argument for my involvement”.


  He added: “I want the Games to take place in Paris because the city has numerous assets. It is one of the most beautiful European capitals and has a very good reputation in terms of hosting major events. I have often competed in Paris and it is naturally a city that I would like to discover further”.

  1993年世界锦标赛冠军,参加过巴塞罗那和悉尼两届奥运会并获得奖牌的法国老将盖亭对施拉格的加入感到幸喜无比。他说:”施拉格的支持对巴黎2012 非常重要。我对他的支持感到非常高兴,因为,我们都非常希望能够通过我们的努力能够使巴黎申办到2012年的奥运会和残奥会。“

  Jean-Philippe Gatien, World Champion in 1993 and winner of two Olympic medals in Barcelona and Sydney, is thrilled by Werner Schlager’s involvement: “This support is very important as it enables us to contribute to Paris 2012’s Bid. Werner Schlager has decided to back Paris and, because it is rare for such fantastic champions to be so deeply involved, it is great to promote that support. I am very grateful for his help because we are all very eager to bring the Olympic and Paralympic Games to Paris in 2012”.


  Pictures of Werner Schlager in Shanghai are available on request.

  Please contact Paris 2012 Global Media Office.

  About the Club des ambassadeurs de Paris 2012

  Officially created in January 2005, the Club des ambassadeurs de Paris 2012 has gathered together celebrities from the entire world who, because they have significant relations with France or Paris, wish to contribute personally to the project that mobilizes a huge majority of the French people to welcome the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Paris in 2012.

  The Club des ambassadeurs de Paris 2012 has gathered sportsmen, artists and opinion leaders from across five continents. These individuals have joined forces with their French counterparts, who represent some of the most recognized athletes, in support of the Paris Bid. This includes Laure Manaudou (swimming), Alain Mimoun, Marie-JosÈPÈrec and Michel Jazy (athletics), Jackson Richardson (handball), David Douillet (judo), four-time Paralympic Champion Assia El Hannouni, and football players Zinedine Zidane and David Ginola, in support of the Paris Bid.



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