
European Challenge Tour Background

http://sports.sina.com.cn  2008年09月05日17:59  新浪体育

  The European Challenge Tour’s historic first visit to China for the inaugural Qingdao Golf Open marks another chapter in its commitment to producing golf’s stars of the future.

  What began as an amalgamation of Europe’s domestic tours in 1989, the Challenge Tour today boasts thriving international schedule, primarily offering Europe’s next generation of professional golfers a stage on which they can develop into The European Tour’s, and the European Ryder Cup Team’s, newest champions.

  In this respect, the Challenge Tour has been a hugely successful international operation, and has developed into an essential breeding ground for The European Tour. Staging a tournament in China is the next step in this ongoing process, and will provide young Chinese players with the opportunity to improve their skills against many of Europe’s most promising golfers.

  With the Challenge Tour celebrating its 20th season in 2008, its reputation for producing golfing talent has been further enhanced by Trevor Immelman’s win at the 2008 Masters Tournament at Augusta National.

  The South African became the second player to begin a journey to the game’s very highest plateau of Major Championship success on the Challenge Tour, following Michael Campbell of New Zealand, whose 2005 US Open Championship victory made him the first former Challenge Tour player to win a Major.

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