报名-2007高博会开幕在即 SGA职业教练将到场指导http://sports.sina.com.cn 2007年03月16日17:42 新浪体育
新浪体育讯 2007 中国(北京)高尔夫球博览会开幕在即。为了普及和推动中国高尔夫事业的发展,SGA作为此届博览会的技术支持单位,与组委会一起,为广大的高尔夫爱好者奉送了一份特殊的礼物。届时,到场嘉宾将会得到一张由组委会为此次博览会特别准备的SGA教学光碟。SGA教学光碟长达60分钟,内容全面,包括了全挥杆,推杆,短杆的基础技术的分析和演示,以及球具和装备的知识。 此外,SGA职业教练组还将提供现场教学、解答指导等服务,助高尔夫爱好者一臂之力。报名工作正在紧锣密鼓的进行之中,如果您有兴趣现场与SGA职业教练探讨技术,请教疑难,切磋经验,请您迅速报名,名额有限,欢迎您拨打SGA服务热线。 现场指导教学时间: 第一天4月21日 上午 10:00-----12:00 下午 2:00-----4:00 第二天4月22日 上午 10:00-----12:00 下午 2:00-----4:00 第三天4月23日 上午 10:00-----12:00 SGA报名咨询热线:400-650-5169 010-65077389 网站:www. SGA-Golfers.com Register now! And get your Free SGA Swing Assessment at the 2007 China (Beijing) Golf Fair The opening of the 2007 China (Beijing) Golf Fair is just around the corner! As official technical supporter of this year’s fair, SGA has a special surprise in store for you. Every golfer who visits us throughout the duration of the 3-day show will be presented with a special, 60-min. golf coaching VCD. The VCD was made especially for you, and includes some of the best swinging, putting and chipping techniques, as well as a basic intro to items of interest, such as club usage etc. – presented to you exclusively by SGA’s professional golf coaches. As part of our promotional support, we will also be holding on-site coaching sessions at the fair. Interested in learning more about your swing, talking to our coaches about our favorite topic, or simply learning more about the game and what we do with it? Then sign up now (limited slots available) for your FREE coaching session at the hottest April golf spot in town – the 2007 China (Beijing) Golf Fair! SGA on-site coaching times at the Golf Fair: April 21st AM: 10am – 12pm PM: 2pm – 4pm April 22nd AM: 10am – 12pm PM: 2pm – 4pm April 23rd AM: 10am – 12pm SGA Registration Hotline: 400-650-5169 010-65077389 www. SGA-Golfers.com info@SGA-China.com
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