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http://sports.sina.com.cn 2006年10月21日14:59 新浪体育

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  世界高尔夫俱乐部协会 欧洲部负责人


  The Status Quo and Managing Characteristics of European Golf Club

  Paul Miller 成长在圣安德鲁斯老球场所在的苏格兰,从小就受到了高尔夫文化的熏陶。Paul 高中毕业后,就读于阿伯丁大学的草皮种植专业,随后获得英国的诺丁汉大学植物生理学博士学位。

  Paul grew up in the east of Scotland near the famous golf courses of Carnoustie and St Andrews. On leaving school Paul achieved BSc Crop Science at the University of Aberdeen, and followed this with PhD studies in plant physiology in Nottingham,

  Paul Miller大学毕业后就职于UK与西班牙草坪种植行业的两间著名的商业公司,其间主要研究关于草坪的管理、土壤与


  England. On leaving university Paul worked for two commercial companies within the turf industry in the UK and Spain, learning about turf management, soils and golf design and construction, and was instrumental in establishing the first USGA-accredited laboratory outside the United States.

  Paul Miller于1993年加盟爱姆伍德学院,担当学院专业讲师,并且在草坪管理与高尔夫管理的课程发展方面取得极大成功。同时致力于推动R&A认证的PDA、HNC/D管理证书在全球的推广,近期又推出CMAE球场经理证书。

  Paul joined Elmwood in 1993 and became involved in teaching and curriculum development in greenkeeping and golf management, and has been involved in development of PDAs, HNC/D, and more recently the CMAE Club Managers Diploma. In 2003 Paul returned to study part time at the University of Stirling, and gained a Masters Degree in Sports Studies.


  In 2003 Paul returned to study part time at the University of Stirling, and gained a Masters Degree in Sports Studies.

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