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东方名人赛温州公开赛 中英文比赛条件及当地规则

http://sports.sina.com.cn 2006年07月12日08:55 新浪体育

  新浪体育讯 2006东方名人国际女子职业赛——温州公开赛的比赛条件及当地规则中如出现有关高尔夫球规则、本次比赛条件及当地规则内容的争议,其解释将以英文版的高尔夫球规则为准。以下关于比赛条件及当地规则的内容可能在R&A公布的最新的高尔夫球规则中译本的注释页码中找到。


  1. 一号木杆



  2. 球的规格(规则5-1注释)


高尔夫球一览表 — p113


  (b)一球条件 — p113-114(例外:本条件不适用于职业——业余配对赛)

  3. 出发时间(规则6-3a注释)— p114

  4. 打球速度(规则6-7注释) — p115





  一次延时 — 比赛官员对其进行口头警告

  两次延时 — 加罚一杆

  三次延时 — 加罚两杆

  四次延时 — 取消比赛资格



  5. 出于危险情况而中断比赛(规则6-8注释) — p115

  6. 两洞之间的练习(规则7注释2) —p116 (本条件不适用于职业——业余配对赛)

  7. 运输 — p116-117(裁判员同意的情况例外)

  8. 并列决定


  9. 比赛结果——比赛结束



  1. 界外(规则27)

  (a) 界外由白色立桩标示。

  (b) 第5洞球洞区后方延伸至第7洞左侧的公路为界外线。当球位于或越过该公路时,该球即视为出界。

  2. 水障碍区(包括侧面水障碍区)(规则26)



  3. 陷入地面的球 - 可以接受补救的地点范围延伸至“球洞区通道” — p106-107

  4. 整修地(规则25)


  5. 不可移动妨碍物(规则24)

  (a) 与不可移动妨碍物相连的白线圈定区域为该不可移动妨碍物的一部分。它们不是整修地。

  (b) 由支架支撑的树木为不可移动妨碍物。采取补救时,整个树木将被视为一个妨碍物。

  (c) 球场内所有与球车道相连的排水沟均为该球车道的一部分,按照不可移动妨碍物处理。

  (d) 四周被妨碍物包围的景观花坛或喷泉为该妨碍物的一部分。

  6. 临时不可移动妨碍物 — p109-112


  7. 沙坑中的石块 — p108


  8. 异常球场状况 — 规则25-1注释




  In the event of a dispute arising as to the meaning of any Rules of Golf, 2006 Oriental Masters – Wen Zhou Open Conditions of Competition or Local Rules, the Rule shall be interpreted according to the English Edition of the Rules of Golf. The full text of the following Conditions of Competition and Local Rules may be found in the current edition of the Rules of Golf as published by R&A Rules Limited at the page numbers noted.


  1. Driving Club

  The driver the player carries must have a clubhead, identified by model and loft, that is named on the current List of Conforming Driver Heads issued by R&A Rules Limited.

  Penalty fro Breach of Condition-Disqualification

  2. Specification of the Ball (Note to Rule 5-1)

  (a) List of Conforming Golf Balls – page 134

  (b) One-Ball Condition – page 134-135 (Exception: This condition does not apply to professional or amateur players in any pre-tournament Pro-Am.)

  3. Time of Starting (Note to Rule 6-3a) – Page 135-136

  4. Pace of Play (Note 2 to Rule 6-7) - Page 137

  In the absence of mitigating circumstances, a group is liable to be timed if it is in excess of the time allowed and in the case of second or subsequent groups, out of position. From the commencement of timing, if any player exceeds 50 seconds on a ‘first to play shot’, or 40 seconds if it is a ‘second or third to play shot’, he is deemed to have had a ‘bad time’.

  The time allowed will be determined by the committee and will be published on the official notice board. Out of position is defined as being more than the starting interval behind the group in front.

  A player whose group is timed will have a bad time carried forward in the round even if the group subsequently arrives back in position or within time.

  Penalty for Breach of Condition:

  One bad time – Verbal warning from official

  Two bad times – One stroke penalty

  Three bad times – Two stroke penalty

  Four bad times – Disqualification

  Note: 1) Players will NOT be advised that they are being timed.

  2) Timing will be taken from the moment it is deemed by the Official that it is the player’s turn to play.

  5. Suspension of Play Due to Dangerous Situation (Note to Rule 6-8b) – Page 137

  6. Practice Between Holes (Note 2 to Rule 7) – Page 138 (This condition does not apply to pre-tournament Pro-Ams.)

  7. Transportation – Page 138

  (Exception: When permitted to ride by The Rules Committee)

  8. How to Decide Ties

  In the event of a tie for first place, there will be a hole by hole “sudden-death” play-off to determine the winner.

  9. Result of the Competition – Competition Closed

  When the final results sheet is placed on the official notice board, the result of the Competition is deemed to have been officially announced.


  1. Out of Bounds (Rule 27)

  (a) White stakes define the boundary of the course.

  (b) The road from behind the green of Hole 5 to Hole 7 is out of bound. A ball is out of bounds when all of it lies on or over the road.

  2. Water Hazards (Including Lateral Water Hazards) (Rule 26)

  Dropping Zone for Water Hazard

  There is a dropping zone for water hazard of Hole 12, a ball may be played under Rule 26, or a ball may be dropped in the dropping zone under penalty of one stroke. When dropping a ball in the dropping zone, the dropped ball must not be re-dropped if it comes to rest within two club-lengths of the spot where it first struck a part of the course even though it may finish outside the boundaries of the dropping zone or nearer the hole.

  3. Embedded Ball – Relief extended to “through the green” – page 126

  4. Ground Under Repair (Rule 25)

  All areas bounded by white lines are GUR.

  5. Immovable Obstructions (Rule 24)

  (a) White lined areas adjoining any areas defined as immovable obstructions are to be regarded as part of the obstruction and not GUR.

  (b) Staked trees are to be treated as immovable obstructions. When taking relief, the whole tree is to be treated as one obstruction.

  (c) All ditches adjacent to the cart path are part of the cart path, and therefore are part of the immovable obstruction.

  (d) Landscaped garden areas surrounded by an obstruction are part of that obstruction.

  6. Temporary Immovable Obstructions – Pages 130-134

  Temporary immovable obstructions – Definitions: Examples include but are not limited to, tents, scoring boards, advertising boards, the umbrella embedded in grounds, hole number distance indicators situated around teeing grounds, and advertising boards fixed to other temporary immovable obstructions.

  7. Stones in Bunkers – Page 128

  Stones in bunkers are movable obstructions. (Rule 24-1 applies)

  8. Abnormal Ground Conditions – Rule 25-1 Note

  Relief is available for lie of ball or area of intended swing from any hole, cast or runway made by a burrowing animal, a reptile or a bird, or any painted yardage spot. However, Relief will be denied for interference to stance from above situations only.


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