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http://sports.sina.com.cn 2006年06月02日15:03 新浪体育



  有着56年传奇历史的美国《Golf Digest》带着他的经验,模式与梦想来到中国,与中国最强势的体育报业传媒体坛传播集团强强合作,精心打造出了全新的《Golf Digest》




  美国康德纳仕(CondéNast)媒体集团旗下的《高尔夫文摘》(Golf Digest)、《高尔夫世界》(Golf World)(周刊)和《女子高尔夫》(Golf For Women)杂志给予《高尔夫大师》强大的版权支持。

  Back Ground and Media Description

  Combining the professional spirit and 55 years’ experience of US. Golf Digest with the professional, all-round, particular and abundant style of Titan Sports, Golf Digest China pays great attention to the international and local golf development. The contents include How to play, Where to play and what to play. Golf Digest is considered as Bible of golf from all of the world. So does in China.

  The monthly magazine has a 100,000 circulation.


  Contributed technique editors of Golf Digest China:

  Tiger Woods (No.1 golf player of the world), Ernie Els (No.3 golf player of the world), Phil Mickelson (No.4 golf player of the world), Butch Harmon (No.1 golf teacher of the world, former teacher of Tiger Woods), David Leadbetter (No.2 golf teacher of the world) and Hank Haney (No.3 golf teacher of the world, present teacher of Tiger Woods).

  Zhang Lianwei ( No.1 player of China), Liang Wenchong ( No.2 player of China).

  Golf Digest China has strong supports from US. Golf Digest, Golf World and Golf For Women, which are all division magazines of CondéNast Media Group.

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