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The TCL Classic returns to YalongBayClub

http://sports.sina.com.cn 2006年02月22日14:25 新浪体育

  新浪体育讯 On January 5, Yalong Bay Golf Club signed the Host Venue Agreement for the 2006 TCL Classic which is to be joint-sanctioned by the European and Asian PGA Tours with Parallel Media Group Asia. The event, with a total purse of $1 million, will be held from March 16-19.

  After signing the agreement, representatives from the Parallel Media Gro
up Asia extended a sincere thanks to the generous devotion and the close cooperation provided by Yalong Bay Golf Club. The YBGC General Manager, on behalf of the club, also expressed that the his staff will provide all of the preparation, organization, perfect course conditions, smooth operations and professional services to ensure a successful tournament.

  The TCL Classic is the only golf tournament sponsored by the TCL Corporation, an outstanding national electronics company. The tournament is the most prestigious international golf tournament sponsored by a Chinese company. Originating in 2002, the TCL Classic was an Asian PGA event until Colin Montgomerie, the famous European professional won. Since then, the TCL Classic was promoted to the European Tour where it has garnished lots of attention and attracted many foreign golf stars who have clashed with Asia's best over the years. At Yalong Bay Golf Club in March of 2005, some of golf's greatest players gathered for the event. The list included Colin Mongomerie, Ian Woosnam, Thomas Bjorn, Paul Casey and Paul McGinley. It captured the attention of some of China's top professionals as well, including Zhang Lian Wei and Lian Wen Chong. After four days of intense play, England's Paul Casey got the God's favor and won with a great performance.




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