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首届国际篮球产业论坛 美国场馆运营专家赫斯简介 2002年11月13日20:08 BSGB


  卡尔-赫斯是Stafford公司经营管理副总裁.他是美国关于体育场馆和娱乐场所计划、建造、营销、管理的领军人物。他所涉及的项目从体育场馆到会议中心和剧院。他已有20多年的相关领域商业经验,与政府及私人企业就体育场馆设施的管理、经营方面有着广泛的合作。现任圣安东尼奥马刺队体育馆管理主要执行顾问。马刺队体育馆造价1.75亿美元,有18500个座位。另外,他还主要谈判了德克萨斯的CITY OF LAREDO体育场,投资3500万美元,有8000个座位。

  另外,Carl还负责辛辛那提的有18500个座位的FIRSTRA CENTER的经营管理和佛罗里达的美国职业冰球体育馆。92-94年,Carl在费城管理有21000个作为的FIRST UNION CENTER,94年后他任美国最大的体育场馆经营公司SMG的首席执行官。Carl在SMG期间使SMG的体育场馆数量增长了三倍,成为SMG最快的增长期。Carl曾获得纽约大学政治科学学士学位和马萨诸赛大学体育管理硕士。

  Carl S. Hirsh

  Managing Partner

  Carl S. Hirsh is one of the nation's leading experts in the planning, development, construction, management, operations and marketing of sports and entertainment facilities, including arenas, stadiums, convention centers and theaters.

  As Managing Partner of Stafford Sports, LLC, Hirsh directs the efforts of his associates and staff to counsel both public and private sector clients in the areas of facility operations, strategic and financial planning, and negotiating with developers and other entrepreneurial venture groups. During his more than 20 years of experience with sports and entertainment facilities, he has also provided services for developers to secure financing, long-term leases and operational guidelines with governmental agencies. His efforts on behalf of governments and public agencies have, because of his scope of experience, resulted in extremely satisfactory, efficient and productive development agreements.

  Hirsh currently serves as the Master Consultant to the San Antonio Spurs, of the National Basketball Association, on all matters relating to the future self-operation of a new -million, 18,500-seat arena in San Antonio. He is the lead representative for negotiations and strategic planning for the City of Laredo, Texas, in its dealings with a project developer for a -million, 8,000-seat arena.

  He serves as the owner's representative for the Firstar Center in Cincinnati. Stafford's responsibilities include overseeing day-to-day management, helping ownership evaluate and strategize the future of the asset, and ensuring the efficient and effective operation of the 18,500-seat arena. Hirsh was the lead negotiator and owner's representative for Broward County in their successful negotiations with the Florida Panthers, of the National Hockey League, for the team's new National Car Rental Center in Sunrise, FL.

  The Turner Organization tapped him in 1998 to serve as Senior Venue Manager for the Goodwill Games in the New York City metropolitan area. He was responsible for coordinating and overseeing several facilities and sports, including basketball, wrestling and boxing at Madison Square Garden; beach volleyball and the triathlon at Central Park; and cycling events at Wagner College, Staten Island, NY.

  From 1992 to 1994, Hirsh was President of Spectacor Development, Philadelphia. In that capacity, he served as the owner's representative for all aspects of the development of the First Union Center, a privately financed, 21,000-seat arena in South Philadelphia. He gained considerable acclaim as the key negotiator for Spectacor, a privately held, Philadelphia-based sports and entertainment conglomerate, with the City of Philadelphia and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in securing an agreement that allowed Spectacor to build and finance the modern new arena.

  In addition to his intimate involvement in the financing of the million project, he was responsible for the development and implementation of premium seating, all contract negotiations, construction plans, design development and identification of FF&E needed for the project.

  Hirsh was President and Chief Executive Officer of The Spectrum in Philadelphia. He was responsible for guiding the operational and administrative day-to-day activities of the 19,500-seat facility.

  He served for several years as Chief Operating Officer of Spectacor Managementsgroups(SMG), the largest arena and sports facility management company in the world. He led SMG's growth phase, leading a transition that tripled the number of arenas, stadiums, convention centers and theaters under management contract with the firm.

  The Brooklyn native also served as Vice President of Marketing and Production for the Spectrum as well as for the Philadelphia Flyers, and Director of Administrative Services for the Nassau County Veterans Memorial Coliseum. He received a B.A. degree in Political Science from the State University of New York at Stoney Brook and earned a Master's Degree in Sport Management from the University of Massachusetts.



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